
Does JVM that services your web-app re-start on redeploy to an Application Server?

Is this something you can configure and/or dependent on your Application Server? I am wondering if a singleton object will be reconstructed when you re-deploy the application. I would rather ask here and try and get a concise answer than googling randomly or resorting to reading J2EE Servlet Specs - I hope people can understand :) ...

Embed external application under Windows

hello, I have a Windows desktop application that I want to add some functionality to. Unfortunately the source code is not available, but it has a COM API. So, my desire is to embed this application in my own window (with menus, toolbar, etc) and link events through the COM API. How do you suggest I embed one application within anoth...

Final Year MS Project / Enhancement of existing project by collaborative working

I am a final year MS Student and want to do a major project in computer science (preferred langauge is C++) Can you please share project ideas and related pointer for same...? If some one has already done some project and would like to enhance that by collaborative let me know.... ...

Online paperless application management system recommendations?

Hi, I'm looking for a good online application processing and review system preferably on a .Net platform. We're looking to do some work for a client who wishes to overhall their paper based sponsorship application process using an online system. Has anyone came across any good systems which allow for a fully customisable application d...

How do you keep a persistent reference between two apps on the windows platform even if one crashes and re-opens?

What are some options for keeping a persistent reference to two applications even if one crashes so that when re-opening the first one, it can get a reference to the second one and call methods on it. The situation is as follows: App1 (a web browser plugin) instantiates App2 via a object reference in an HTML page and gets a reference ...

What is the best way to structure a CRM system?

I've built a customer relationship management system in PHP which generates Quotes, Orders and Invoices and I am at a loss on the best way to structure the system. I currently have one table for each type (quote, order, invoice) and about 20 different pages for displaying the input forms and saving the data back to the database. This is...

Technology Stack for Basic Web Application

I'm going to build a basic web application, a pretty normal application with a db. Tell me if this stack seems ok, some of the items I am not familiar with yet, i'm trying to establish a list of technologies/products that I will eventually need: Spring (note, NO EJBs) Hibernate Either Oracle or MySQL (not sure yet which) ActiveMQ Flash/...

Is there any API to add ads to my desktop app

I am looking for a way to embed ads to my desktop APIs. There are planty solutions out there for web sites which stream ads from Ad Networks. However, I didn't find one which will allow to get a similar ad content to the app. Does any one have any experience with this? Thanks!! ...

Application Server

What are some factors that would drive me away from using Tomcat in production for an enterprise application. My company is not big, but a few departments, and it will be a dynamic site (db, web services). I am not planning to use EJBs, but Spring and POJOs. Beside EJBs, is there a technical reason about an application that would necessa...

Computer science undergraduate project ideas

Hopefully, I'm going to finish my undergraduate studies next semester and I'm thinking about the topic of my final project. And yes, I've read the questions with duplicate title. I'm asking this from a bit different viewpoint, so it's not an exact dupe. I've spent at least half of my life coding stuff in different languages and framewor...

Matlab vs. Visual C++??

I'm doing a Windows Application the uses lots of charts.. Its practically a dataviewer.. I started doing Matlab, because its easier, but I realized it's too slow.. I wanted to change to another language.. Somebody recommended me Visual C++ or Java.. But Im not sure.. What language should I use?? ...

How to create an application that listens to windows events?

How do i write a windows application that listens to particular keys strokes to launch it! just the way google desktop app works,press ctrl twice and it pop up! I would prefer examples in delphi, but i dont mind other languages to! For starters i assume it should be a service running in windows (i can be able to create a service applic...

Using a dictionary object in application scope in Classic ASP

Following up from my last question does anyone know how I can use a dictionary object in application scope in Classic ASP? You cannot use Scripting.Dictionary - if you try you will see something similar to the following: Application object error 'ASP 0197 : 80004005' Disallowed object use /xxx.asp, line 2. Cannot add object with apartme...

Netbeans problem: Can't add application descriptor, getting null pointer exceptions

When I try to add to the application descriptor in a Netbeans mobile project by clicking on 'Add' in the 'Application Descriptor' panel in the projecct config window nothing happens, netbeans gives a red button on the bottom right indicating an error, clicking on that reveals this: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modu...

What type of applications should I build using Ruby?

I just move my experience on C# into Ruby. Ruby is very interesting programming language, I really like it. I do know Rails is a web application framework that are used by lots of web developers and uses Ruby language. What else of applications should we build on ruby? ...

Silverlight Navigation and Authentication service

I am creating a silver light application using Navigation app template. It is for internal use and hence uses windows authenticatoin. There is a dashboard page which shows couple of records filtered by logged in users id. To get the user id (which is an int) I call a web service by overriding the GetAuthenticatedUser and pass the usernam...

Install Shield 2009 Premier, Uninstall doesn't close the process/gui

My application (developed using is open now i uninstall, InstallShield gives message stating the application is already open and whether really want to close the application. Selection 'Ignore' continues uninstall. Some files and the exe of the application are not closed. How to close them by installshield on uninstall. Or there ...

Oracle Apps Order Management How to pick release using the standard API.

I have used WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PUB.CREATE_BATCH to create a new batch for the orders to be pick released.After taht I want to run WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PUB.RELEASE_BATCH to release the batch id which I got from the initial program. declare l_return_status Varchar2(1); l_msg_count Number; l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000); l_batch_id NUMBER(10); l...

Database System Architecture discussion

Hi, I'd like to start a discussion about the implementation of a database system. I'm working for a company having a database system grown over ca. the last 10 years. Let me try to describe what it's doing and how it's implemented: The system is divided into 3 main parts handled by 3 different teams. Entry: The Entry Team is respons...

What is the difference between application server and web server ?

I do not understand the basic difference between a web server and application server.. ...