
Calender Syncronization in Android Application

Hello, I am a student in Northwestern Polytechnic University in computer science program. I am working on project a in which i have to sync my program with google calender using android application. for that i am using eclipse and i got some code online but i dont know wht .jar file i need to add for support below importss.. import com....

Java: "Control" External Application

Is it possible to programmatically start an application from Java and then send commands to it and receive the program's output? I'm trying to realize this scenario: I want to access a website that uses lots of javascript and special html + css features -> the website isn't properly displayed in swt.browser or any of the other of the ...

Starting exe as a current user domain in Vista

I am starting an application (EXE) through Installer( MSI). While installing the MSI in Vista, it automatically run with Administrator rights (after thorough UAC). Hence the application started also runs under system user. I want this application to run Under Current User instead. In order to run application in current user I need to ex...

Trying to understand details of the Application Resource assignment...

I have a ComboBox with ItemsSource="{DynamicResource testResource}". The testResource is the Application resource that I set in C# code. What I have noticed is that if I load Window befor Application created, the resource is not loaded by ComboBox: Window window = (Window)LoadXaml("Window1.xaml"); Application app = new Application(); ...

Finding duplicate iPhone apps

How do I most efficiently determine whether my idea for an iPhone app has been done already? iTunes's search isn't great for this purpose, and the websites I've seen covering iPhone apps are not comprehensive in their coverage. (Perhaps I just haven't found THE website that does it.) I'm not yet signed up in the iPhone developer program;...

determine if another application is busy

How do I check if another application is busy? I have a program that sends text to a console. The text that I will send contains #13 char (i.e. ls#13cd documents#13dir). In other words I want to send many commands at one time and the console will process it one by one. I am sending it character by character. But sometimes it only execut...

How to make a midlet from source?

Hey I got some sources files for midlet application. How can I compile these to a midlet that I can run on my mobile. ...

C# crash when loading C++ dll

Hello, My program is written in C# NET 2.0,it's using external functions from a dll written in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1. If I remove the dll from the directory the program is placed,the program crashes at the moment it should use the dll.That's normal. But the users that are using my program get the same error at the ...

I am not able to get dump file for crash.

Hi All, I am getting crash when I stop my server. But I could not see any dump file for this crash. Why dump file is not getting created. If possible could any one let me know where dump file will be created. Thanks Haranadh ...

Propagating application settings

Probably a very common question, but couldn't find suitable answer yet.. I have a (Python w/ C++ modules) application that makes heavy use of an SQLite database and its path gets supplied by user on application start-up. Every time some part of application needs access to database, I plan to acquire a new session and discard it when ...

Trying to find an open source mailing list system to integrate into my Zend Framework application

I'm looking for a simple, open source mailing list application (or library) that I can add to my Zend Framework application. I can't seem to find any that are decent, and once I have, not quite sure how I will integrate it (due to MVC). Has anyone done this? ...

How to design a less power consuming mobile application ?

I will soon work on a project about a mobile application. This application will work on a PDT with Windows Mobile and we will use Visual Studio and .NET to developp it. This application will intensively use Wifi and need to consume as little power as possible. I found on the internet a lot of stuff concerning embedded software and real ...

The external modification/updation in app.config, web.config would be applicable at run-time?

Hey, Here is a doubt. The external modification/updation in application configuration files for .net - app.config, web.config - would be applicable at run-time? Or the application need to be restarted.? Is this applicable for the sections in these config files? thanks 123Developer ...

fbConnect for iphone - Posting photos to news feed and automating a link to itunes app store.

is there a way to make a fbConnection for iphone within an app environment on the iphone and post a Photo to your FB newsfeed after a secure login without leaving the iphone app environment? ...

iphone app buyer information

do you get iphone app buyer information once your app is on the app store? like emails and such? ...

How Can I intercept high level GDI draw commands ?

Hello guys, I'm trying to make a application that allows remote access to other applications (running on different machines). The idea is to make give users transparent accesso to certain applications, I've basically two options: Application Streaming Intercepting draw command and reproduce them in the client (of course, the input i...

How to get the screenshot of a minimized application programmatically ?

Howdy guys, I'm trying to get the screenshot of a minimized application, any ideas of how to it under windows ? I'm using C# tks in advance, Jose ...

Detect when users take screenshots of my program

I'm writing a Windows application. How can I tell when a screenshot is being taken of it? I read about how to detect the hotkey being pressed, but I'm more worried about the case where every 100 ms or so another program is taking screenshots of it. Namely, I'm trying to notice when someone creates another program (say a python one using ...

Connecting console application to access database problems

Hey Everyone, I am trying to connect a console application to a access database. This is the query that i have am using: "SELECT [Type], [Name], [Phone Number], [Start Time], [End Time], [IM Session File], [Notes] FROM [Call History] WHERE [Start Time] >= ?" The problem is that for some reason when i take that data from the access da...

Installing application on iphone it override on the last application

Hi to all When I am installing new application on iphone, this current application get override on the last application,so we can not maintain the previous application. Please help to solve this installation problem. ...