
Building an application with "drawer" in Linux/Mac/Windows

I'd like to build an application with a "drawer" GUI element, like it is all over the place in Mac OS X. Is it possible to do so in Linux/Windows? Is it possible to build it crossplatform? ...

What all do I need to do in a support environment before Daylight Savings starts?

Hi all, My company is supporting the following applications for an US client: IBM Mainframe , DB2 , Unix , Teradata , Oracle , SQL Server 2005 , Lawson Since Daylight Savings will start by next month, I would like to know your general thoughts about what all we should be careful about so that we can avoid any bad incidents? Thanks, V...

Run application continuously

Whats the smartest way to run an application continuously so that it doesn't exit after it hits the bottom? Instead it starts again from the top of main and only exits when commanded. (This is in C) ...

Webbased or Thick-client through VPN?

In an electric company where I was hired temporarily, we have to implement an upgrade of the billing and payments system ( the current system is a dbaseIII system). The company's programmer and I have decided to use VB.Net and MySQL. The company served several towns and have billing and payments centers in selected towns. Every billing...

Web Application Technical Document

I need some guidance and preferably some examples of a web application technical documentation. What specifically do I need to include in the Technical Document? I have created a web application. Do I document all the pages, classes, dlls, etc? I hope someone can give some good examples of technical documents they have done for their...

Windows chooses wrong icon from multi-icon file and self renders to correct size

I have an .ico file with 5 icon sizes embedded in it being used as the main application icon and the System Tray icon. When it shows up in the task bar the icon is using the 16x16 format which is desired. When the icon shows up in the Notification Area/System tray, it is using the 32x32 format and Windows is rendering it down to a 16x16...

Should web based applications follow web standards?

By day, I am a front-end web developer but in my off time I dabble with other languages such as C, Objective-C, Python, etc. When I first got into web development the idea of web applications was just getting started. Since then two amazing frameworks have appeared, SproutIt's SproutCore and 280 North's Cappuccino (+Objective-J). Sprout...

Are there any events that tell an application when garbage collection has occurred?

I am trying to find a way to know about garbage collection. Either, when it has started, finished or is in process. I really just need some event connected to the collection itself (I think). My issue is that I have a WeakEventManager (written from scratch) and I have cleanup methods that delete and WeakReferences that are no longer ali...

.NET .application installer files?

I've seen popping up around the web recently .application files, for .NET installations. (Application manifests, per the extension details). How exactly does one create these .application files in Visual Studio, and how do they differ from a standard windows setup? Please enlighten me. I'm a C# developer, but never used a .application ...

What is the opposite of Wine?

What if I want to run native Unix-like applications on Windows? What's the best application out there? ...

How can I correctly close the application opened with using of Process?

Hello, I open the application using the Process class: System.Diagnostics.Process vsProc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); vsProc.StartInfo.FileName = "program.exe"; vsProc.Start(); If I just kill it vsProc.Kill() the application ends uncorrectly. How can I close it correctly? Thanks ...

Can OAuth work with mobile phone applications?

Can we make OAuth work from applications on mobile phones where there is no browser available? Without a browser, is it still possible for a user to approve the token requests (so that the consumer can proceed to fetch the protected resources from the service provider)? ...

ASP.NET C# Application_Error in Global.asax cannot access Session variables.

I have my error handling setup to track all exceptions and write the information we need to a database and email out the developers who need to know about the error in order to fix it. The problem I run into is when the error occurs before the page has fully loaded. In this case the session variables I want to track are not available in ...

Build a program from A->Z

I have read a lot of books about Microsoft Dot Net and I have learned a lot of things Object Oriented programming Windows User Interface designing Using SQL Server and XML Debugging an application Using Serialization and application Domains Deploying a Windows application Security and licencing I know how to do all that, no perfect a...

flex 3 making application height dynamic based on datagrid size

Hi, I need to make my application height dynamic based on the size of a data grid which changes after a user does a search for specific items. Can someone help me with this. Also when im embedding in my html is there a javascript function i can call which can access applicatin height so i can set page accordingly? the javascript needs...

DatagridView Checkbox Checked ?

Hi, i have a check box in a datagridview windows form and have a event handler cell_Click on cell click i check the datagridview column for a check box it shows true if the cell is selected too(that is the check box is unchecked and only the the datagrid view cell is selected) and the check box is not selected .i tried for the column get...

Mac os help browser fails requiring internet connection

I am developing an application for Mac OS X (I am new to that kind of things) and I want to include online help. The help is generated using doxygen and the help index generated using Help Indexer. I changed the Info.plist to point to the documentation, but when I try to access it, I get the following error: Internet connection requi...

Open source tools for Windows Application

Do you know any open source tools for testing windows application?? ...

Microsoft Logging application block and multi-threading

Hi, I am new to the Logging application block (4.1). Has anyone written an application that uses the Logging application block from multiple threads? I am asking because the Logger is a static class and because of potential writing to the same log file from multiple threads for example. Thanks ...

checkbox validation in windows mobile

Hi, In the windows mobile application how i am validate the checkbox. for example: I have two checkboxs A,B If i checked the A checkbox, B checkbox is Unchecked and If i checked the B checkbox A checkbox is unchecked I struggling couple of days plz help me how i am solve it. Thanks brite ...