
Postgres or MySQL For Web Applications?

Duplicate: MySQL vs PostgreSQL for Web Applications Do you recommend PostgreSQL over MySQL? How different is PostgreSQL to MySQL? I've been toying with PostgreSQL for about a week, and, while I like it, I can't figure out what the specific advantages of PostrgreSQL over MySQL (using InnoDB) are. There seem to be a lot of features,...

Simple inter-proccess communication in Qt4

I need to make so that my application can have only one instance running at a time. Also when it's launched with a command line parameter ( like when registered to open certain file types ) it should pass the parameter to an existing instance and quit immediately without displaying graphical interface. You all probably know what I mean. ...

windows form application

hello, i have a code in c++ of binary search trees & i want to include it to windows form application to do it by windows can any one help me how can i include the code and how to do it and any other code THANX........................ ...

iPhone Application Name Availability

Is there a way to check whether an iphone application name is available to use? Would a search on iTunes and checking to see if there is an existing application already out there be indicative that an iphone application name is available to use or not? ...

Number of threads in a middleware application.

I am writing an application server (again, non-related with a question I already posted here) and I am wondering what are the strategies to use when creating worker threads that work on the database. Some preliminary dates: the server receives xml and sends back xml, all the requests query a database - each request could take a few milli...

Simulate Mouse move/click/keyPress in an application that is not active

Hello guys, I know how to simulate mouse and keyboard events, but they act as if the user did them, so they will affect the window that is active. What I need is to simulate one of those inputs, but in a Window that is not active. I'm not saying that it is minimized, imagine for example, you have msPaint, and notepad. Notepad is in fr...

Flex: container scrollbars in HBox

I have an HBox in my flex application. The problem is, when there are too many things inside the HBox a scroll bar appears at the bottom of the app. How can I make it appear in the HBox, so the scrollbar only scrolls thestuff inside the HBox and not the entire app? ...

Testing the Appearance of Web Applications

Duplicate: Testing a website for cross-browser/multiple-version support How do you test visual components I recently talked to a colleague about a tool we use at work for system testing web applications. The colleague then raised the question as to whether we tested the appearance of the application. Does anyone else ...

IIS5 or IIS6 Web Application running under IIS7?

I have a web application that runs fine under IIS5 or IIS6. I just installed Vista, which has IIS7. I just copied the entire web app over as-is, no changes to any files. I went into the IIS7 manager and created a web appliction under the Default Web Site and pointed it to the app I copied over. When I try to browse to the app in IE, ...

launch safari from iphone app

This might be a rather obvious question, but can you launch the Safari browser from an iphone app? all the best. ...

Java application object... where is it stored?

I'm thinking about using the java application object to implement a simple cache, to save a few configuration variables, and a couple of xml with often used info... I'd like to know where is the application data phisically stored (a system file, in memory, db), how can it be configured, and if there's any kind of limitation, like space,...

grabbing windows forms, pop-ups and menus

Hello guys, I'm developing an application the screen grab a thrid party app. Right now I've no problem in finding all the belonging forms, menus and popups in the 3rd party app I plan to grab, but i don't know how can I findout if the window I'm grabbing is a popup or a menu or whatever. Is there any function that given the window handl...

ASP.NET App behind Oracle SSO - Anonymous access?

We've got an ASP.NET Application that the client would like to protect Via Oracle SSO and also allow anonymous access to the application. None of the standard Oracle SSO plugins have an anonymous access option, so we wrote a custom java SSO plugin to check for Portal/SSO session cookies and do the base Oracle SSOServerAuth, and otherwis...

Setting Coldfusion dynamic application variables from a query

I was horsing around and figured it would be nice to move my application variables into a table that can be loaded onApplicationStart. My intent is to allow ANT to roll out the app, and change a few settings in the database and the proverbial presto.. In my test code, the application.cfc has a simple query to call all the variable na...

How to programatically limit bandwidth usage of my c# windows forms application

Hi, I've got a backup application here which connects to various webservices and downloads/uploads files from ftp or http servers. What is the easiest way to limit the bandwidth usage of my application? I need to do that because the application once installed and running will be slowing down internet access for all office people, which...

Using 2 host names for the same .NET application

I need to have 2 domain names that will basically be the same application but with a different theme or skin. I know I can check for the domain name using Server Variables, but how do I point both domains to the same application? And do I develop this like a regular site (with the exception of theming?) Do I just make a regular "Web S...

Making a windows program thumbdrive portable

I am currently trying to make an application portable. Where are the common places that an application puts its settings in a windows machine? do you know know of any other places besides -registry -Currentuser/Application Data -app folder ? ...

How can an Excel Add-In respond to events in any worksheet?

Our workbooks are server-generated SpreadsheetML, which cannot include any VBA code. Creating native Excel files or Excel 2007 XML files is also not an option, unfortunately. So, I have an Excel Add-In (VBA, not XLL) that each of our users installs to add some extra UDFs, etc. that our workbooks need. This works great, but now I need t...

How best to develop a Tools -> Options style grid for my application

Hi, For my c# .net 3.5 application I need to display a whole load of various application settings to the user. I've started with a generic class called Setting that can hold either string, bools, datetimes, ints etc, for the various settings. I then have a list of these settings. Actually, the setting class implements an ISetting interf...

populating a text box on a form - oracle

Hi, I am using application builder in oracle - and I have a create new record form for the opening times of a cinema. Basically at the moment I have it so you can put ina cinema id from a cinema table, but the problem is whith that you need to know the id - so its not very user friendly. I would like this id to be dynamically be put in ...