
How do I set a value in Objective C for an iPhone app?

I'm very new at Objective C and developing for the iPhone so I apologize if this is an easy answer I've tried searching Google for going on 3 days now and bought iPhone Development for Dummies and no luck on something like this. Essentially what I would like to do is play a sound when a button is pressed and then I would like to add 1 t...

When can an application be a game?

Sometimes, game-like features in an application can make work fun. For example, Stack Overflow uses badges and points to coerce its users into doing work. What game-like features are transferable to applications? What kinds of applications are appropriate for game-like features? Why are game-like features uncommon in applications? ...

Getting the handle of a hidden form

Hi, I have a console application (SRMan.exe) which derives from System.Windows.Forms.Form. I could be able to hide the form while exe is running. code i used is here this.Opacity = 0; this.Size = new Size(0, 0); this.Location = new Point(-100, -100); this.Visible = false; Aslo, configured the form properties ShowIcon...

Erlang: How to access CLI flags (arguments) as application environment variables?

How does one access command line flag (arguments) as environment variables in Erlang. (As flags, not ARGV) For example: RabbitMQ cli looks something like: erl \ ... -sasl errlog_type error \ -sasl sasl_error_logger '{file,"'${RABBITMQ_SASL_LOGS}'"}' \ ... # more stuff here If one looks at sasl.erl you see the line: get_sasl_error_lo...

Unable to run ruby on rails app?

I am unable to run ruby on rails application. I setup the database and loaded database schema. When I run: ruby script/server -e production It says: => Booting Mongrel => Rails 2.3.2 application starting on => Call with -d to detach => Crtl-C to shutdown server and it just stays there. If I go to the directory w...

Would Ruby on Rails be appropriate for this Foreign Language project?

I'm a Spanish professor & computer groupie. About 15 years ago, I authored in HyperCard a series of verb conjugation programs that are now completely out of date with respect to System OS X. I would like to redo these programs myself because I had a lot of fun doing them last time (mostly I coded while my son played in Leaps and Bounds...

Kill Running Application

Hi, The application should kill itself How to do in Please Help me in this case... ...

Google Web Toolkit -- only for Gmail type applications?

I am trying to build a web application, similar in feel to something like GMail, with one persistent AJAXy page. I am told that GWT is the way to do this most effectively. However, I also want a framework that I can use for other things besides single AJAXy pages. Is GWT more scalable than this, or should I spend the time and build this...

Selling an App from someone elses research

Hello I read alot of research related to computer vision and recently came across a paper which had some technology in it which I thought could make a killer iphone application. So my question is, assuming they haven't patented their method, is there any thing illegal (or wrong) with building an application based on someone else's rese...

how to add mp3 player to facebook members from my facebook application

hi i making an application that read an mp3 file , and i want the user to be able to share the mp3 player on his profil and be shown like this see this image plz : and not like the normal share button thanks in advance ...

Architecture/Pattern for configurable application (web in my case)

i have already asked this question on forum, could not find any satisfactory answer. you can visit it to get more details. We have a product which can be configured for each client. The configuration options are UI and Business Logic. In the UI they can choose to re-arrange all the controls...

Why does iPhone execute both of these if statements in a view controller .m file?

When the IBAction login is invoked it supposed to use a response from SOAP Web Services of either true or false, false meaning the user is not authorized to use the app. I have it using these if statements after it gets the response, but for some reason it runs both true and false ifs. { [soapResults appendString: string]; NSLog(soa...

Iphone SDK Utility Application template has leak

Hi, i'm only create an project with a Utility Application template. This template has a native memory leak when i push "info button" to flip the view. Anyone know how can i fix this leak ??? I just make an new project from this template, i don't add new objects. ...

InstallShield 2009 Premier: How to show the application name in japanese(non-english) text in control panel's add/remove features

Basic MSI Project: In "Project Assistant" tab in "Application name" i provided japanese text When i try to install it any english OS(xp) it show the error message like "1152: Error extracting ....msi from the temporary location" and exits installation just after clicking setup.exe(all compressed, nothing there though). But setup is ok i...

Django web application -- how to access local harddrive?

I know how to access the local harddrive using a signed applet, but I am developing a new web application in Django that also needs this functionality. ...

Google Web Toolkit like application in Django

I'm trying to develop an application that would be perfect for GWT, however I am using this app as a learning example for Django. Is there some precedence for this type of application in Django? ...

how "most visited" works in applications

In the home page of my app, I try to implement something like "most visited websites" that Chrome & Safari have in their home pages. The major diff being that instead of websites the app will show Objects from the DB (Persons,Organizations,Orders, Invoices etc). It should work like automatic bookmarking. There is already a "Recently Vi...

In CAB is a service it's own module?

I'm learning Composite Application Block and I've hit a rock about services. I have my shell application in its own solution, and of course a test module in its own solution (developed and testing completely independent and external of the shell solution). If I created a service named "Sql Service", would I need to put this in it's own l...

How do you change "Item 1" to something else on a property list?

For my App I have a property list and I can't figure out how to make it change from "Item 1" or "Item 2" to anything else.. Any thoughts? ...

Where to put Application scope components in Winforms?

Where do you store application scoped components in your winforms apps? I see that I can create a descendant of Component in my application. I could then drag and drop the components that I want to share among the forms in my project. Is this the best practice for shared access to components (non-visual controls)? In Delphi, we had a Dat...