
Running a java "background application" in application server

My experience with application servers is limited to some basic servlet coding, so I am not even sure how to frame this question appropriately. I need to write a java program that runs on the (java) application server and continuously executes a certain method (it will check for files in a certain directory). I have found a way to sc...

NSIS - Silent Autoupdate Application

Hello, I have an NSIS install kit for my .net c# application. Is there a way to silently autoupdate my application, considering that I already downloaded the new update (new NSIS app version) to local computer ? Thanks! :) ...

The Simplest Steps to Converting TCL TK to a Stand Alone Application

Hello: After running into major compatitiblity problems with C#, ASP.NET, MS Access, Linux, and Mono, I've decided to program in a language that is cross-platform, open source, and compatible with embedded databases that are also compatible with many platforms. I narrowed my choice down to TCL. Before I began a sample application with...

Developing Portable Mobile Applications

What is the most universal (in terms of cross-platform) software IDE for application development on mobile devices these days? Which APIs are most common? ...

Location Aware Proxy Application

Anyone know application like network location(mac) for linux,windows.If not i am thinking of developing one for windows or linux.Application knows the location of user home,office etc.. then configure proxy according to the location its a handy tool actually.Any idea how to start that? ...

How to detect when application terminates?

This is a follow up to my initial question and I would like to present my findings and ask for corrections, ideas and insights. My findings (or rather interpretations) come from people's answers to my previous question, reading MSDN .NET 3.5 documentation and debugging .NET 3.5 code. I hope this will be of value to someone who was wonder...

IIS 7 Applications and - newbie question

Just getting started on a project to migrate from win 2003 iis6 to win 2008 / IIS7, and after reading the MS documentation and also various articles I am a little confused, as it states a site needs to have one or more applications. However I have setup a new site pointed at my .Net 3.5 directory and it works. This means that .... A...

iPhone - Anyway to get iPhone's Email App Inside Your Own App?

Has anyone every embeded the iPhone's Email program inside your own App? Let me try and simplify that. Tap Tap Revenge allows you to "Challenge A Friend". When you choose to do so they open the standard iPhone email program (if they mimicked it, it looks damn good), within the application with pre-populated data. All you have to do i...

UIGlassButton in iPhone

Has anyone submitted an applicaton using UIGlassButton? Was it approved? I am trying to use a colored rounded button and do not want to use these hacks. Why are we not allowed to use UIGlassButton? ...

How to execute web test on a remote machine in c# or TFS API?

Hi Can anyone help me with a sample code of how to run remote web tests in a c# application?. I had done this previously in my msbuild script, using a batch file to run the tests that used psexec.exe. But now I have been asked not to use Psexec, instead use TFS API/SDK to do so. I am a newbie and help is very much appreciated. Thanks...

Application Structure for GUI & Functions

I'm starting a basic application using Python and PyQt and could use some experienced insight. Here's the structure I was thinking. This is understandably subjective, but is there a better way? myApp/GUI/ myApp/Logic/ setOfMethods1...

VS 2008 Web Application Issue when site is published

Hi I have a VS 2008 web app, that runs on my local machine fine, and as system admin runs fine on the server, but none of the users can run it, the error indicates that the dll is looking for files with the explicit path from my PC not the unc path on the Server. Any advice greatly appreciated, I know I must be over looking something si...

Appropriate use of a ServletContextListener in Java / Apache Tomcat web application

Hello Can anyone tell me if it is appropriate to use a ServletContextListener for a particular requirement? What I have is a web application which runs a particular job every hour to poll a number of RSS feeds and at any time a user can define a new RSS feed for polling. What I want to avoid is a user adding a feed(s) during a curre...

How to create a document assembly application?

Hi, I need to create a document assembly application and I do not know where to start from. We have a couple of Word templates that are changed based on diferent scenarios and a faster way will be to build an application that will generate a Word document, based on these templates on variouse scenarios. Any ideas? ...

test my app before submitting to app store?

is there a way i can test my app before submitting to app store for being not rejected by apple? ...

application developed for iphone os 2.0 submit to app store?

i have developed application for iphoe os 2.0.Will i be able to submit it to app store? will apple approve my appliocation...or do i need to create the app for 3.0 also.? ...

Best practices in building ASP.NET application

We are building an ASP.NET application (with as language) and will be hosting on Windows Server 2003 Operating System with SQL Server 2008 as database. We are planning to implement the best practices in writing code, dividing the application into logical blocks, services etc. Would you please guide me on this, if you have an ide...

ASP.NET web application - UI, business and database layers clarification

. Hi, We are building an ASP.NET application (with as language) and will be hosting on Windows Server 2003 Operating System with MS SQL Server 2008 as database. Here I need a clarification. The main project contains Web Application Project and few other projects such as PeriodicEmailing Service Project (A service which sen...

Turning windows application to web application via activeX

Hi, I have an existing windows desktop application and I wish to turn it to a web application as fast as possible, without rewriting the application. Is it possible to somehow compile the application as an Active-X application and then I will have all the functionality 'out of the box'? If not, what are the obstacles (apart from securi...

Launching & controlling application using PHP

I'm trying to launch & control UI automation tool through PHP. I'm able to launch the tool using proc-open but it launches the process in background hence the application doesn't appear on the screen. I'm using proc-open so that I could capture exit status of the application. Please let me know if there is a way to launch and control app...