
Java - passing input into external C/C++ application

I'm trying to enter some value in external application using Java. Java application looks like this: Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); // ... str build ... proc = runtime.exec(str); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(proc.getOutputStream())); bw.write(value); bw.flush(); bw.close(); if (proc.waitFor() ...

Ads inside a Windows application. Suggest an ad network, please.

Hey! I'm going to place an unobtrusive ad blocks inside our Windows application. I want the ads to look like Google AdSense text blocks. But, unfortunately, Google AdSense policy does not allow to use ads in Windows application. Do you know a similar ad networks that allow to place ads in computer programs? The app is primary targeted f...

Multithreaded message pumping without second form

I have a C# application which uses a COM component. This COM component require a message pump (Application.Run()) to do its processing. This means it's been stuck on the main thread. But I recently discovered that it's possible to start another Application.Run on another thread which gets its own ApplicationContext. So I want to host...

Installing a windows application through web page

How can I install a windows application through web paged "Like installing yahoo messenger"? ...

How to write articles about software applications. Where to find free examples?

A lot of you have starting to write programs since college or even earlier. When you were on university the level of professionalism increased. If you have to write an article about your software application how do you do it? I'm not talking about a documentation or help manual. I'm talking about an article/paper for academia world. ...

Example of a manually written Tab Bar iPhone application?

I have an application I'm working on that needs to feel somewhat like a Tab Bar application, but without the tab bar. Anyway I'm wondering if someone has manually written such an application that I can use to bootstrap my knowledge in this area? Essentially I want to make a tab bar application using a UIToolbar and with some animations...

What is the model VB.NET sample app?

I'm looking for an open-source VB.NET app that demonstrates a lot of .NET's power, ideally something that works fully offline. Maybe some of you have encountered an amazing utility app on CodeProject? ...

Tcl Starkit that Reads of off a Sqlite Database

Hello: I am trying to build a Tcl Application that reads off of a Sqlite database. When I build a starkit for the application and place the Sqlite database file next to the .tcl file within the .vfs folder and try to run the application (.exe), I receive the error, "can't find package sqlite3 while executing package require sqlite3". ...

how application object is shared to users

Hi all, Can you please give a brief details on how application object is shared to users. Thanks. ...

Java Habits for main method

I write code primarily for personal use, but I'm considering releasing an application (scientific simulation/visualization) that I originally developed for personal use. One of my habits is to use a main method in classes for testing the operation of the class in isolation. I figure that's probably bad in someway (as are no doubt vario...

Porting a flash game to the iPhone

I have a Flash game that I'd like to port over to the iPhone but I don't have the time nor the patience to do it myself, I also have a limited budget. Can anyone recommend a place to put out a tender for an iPhone developer to port my game? ...

how to extend the "Application Templates" of MOSS

For example, MOSS provides "Inventory Tracking Template" To add workflow capability should we create another custom webpart using the classes? Hope we can add columns to the List Provided. in order to add additional logic (like validation, kicking notification,etc) Visit this link to understand more about the 2nd point: http://www.ex...

commonly used c libraries for applications?

What are the most commonly used c libraries that are used in applications. Not specific to anything but just in general? ...

What not to forget?

I'm currently working on an ajax-based application using PHP on the server-side and javascript(jQuery) on the client-side. I want to make sure my application is as secure as possible and need to know what things are absolutely necessary to do before launch of such application. What to check and what are the most vulnerable areas? I'm not...

Find and Replace in Files - UTF8

Searching for a free application for commercial usage that allows find/replace in multiple files (regular expressions are nice but not a must), that supports opening and saving in UTF-8. Tried a few like BKReplaceEm but the application ends up saving all the files as ASCII which causes some problems with web-rendering. Please advise. ...

Application bundle Mac OS X Leopard

I had a working application bundle on Mac OS X Tiger. I was easily able to just replace the jar file and everything worked as i made changes. I take that app bundle now, and when it is on Leopard, I get the error message along the lines of "Cannot open this application because it is not supported on this architecture". I assume this is...

Step/Debug Android built-in applications

I have downloaded the Android source code and can see the java source files for the built-in applications (e.g. I am trying to discover how these applications re-use one another via Intents etc. I would also like to see how the UI layouts are assembled for these applications as a design for m...

Business and application logic?

Hi all, I often see the phrases 'business logic' and 'application logic' in terms of web development (I assume it also applies to programming in general rather than just web development). This is quite new to me so I don't really know what it means, could anyone please explain me what is exactly meant by this? Is it just a 'buzz word'...

EntLib 4.1 Logging Application Block Category filter

How can I define Categories and Category filter in SQLDB and make my Logging Application Block refer to these instead of the ones in application configuration file ? Any sample would be more helpful. ...

Android Framework?

Are there any frameworks out there which make it even more easy than it is to build Android applications and would you be interested in one? ...