
adding an application to a profile tab in facebook

I have created an application which needs to have a profile box tab which has a link in it pointing to the main application. However I've tried to add the application to the tab as you can see in the screenshot but it doesn't seem to be appearing as a tab (there is not mention of the application within the tabs). Can anyone shed some l...

What is the Python equivalent of application & session scope variables?

Recently started on python, wondered what the equivalent object was for storing session & application scope data? I'm using Google App Engine too so if it has any extra features (can't seem to find any immediate references myself) that would be useful ...

Plugin Style architecture vs Mavenised Component Style

Which is a better approach to build Java Spring Web Application 1) Plugin Style architecture Ex : Blojsom 2) Component based architecture something like developing features as maven dependents Also can anyone suggest a good plugin style application for reference ...

Sample Login Application

Hi , I am newbie and i wanted to create a sample login application which accepts username name and password and validates the same after licking on a submit button. i have created userInterface screen and i wanted to do the validation and i am struck with that. i wanted to check if the username and password are same and if so display a...

Restrict application usage

Hello, I would like to restrict people using my application to one Computer, so I was thinking about IP's.. but people in some countries get new IP's after they reboot their Internet.. so I need something better to identify the users, like some value that doesn't change until the user performs a format. Thanks ...

iPhone Private distribution.

I am new to iPhone world. I have developed an application, which I would like to send to all the iphones come under the vicinity of a particular wi-fi access point. (It is meant for a shopping mall) With my limited knowledge in this, I understand, I cannot distribute the application through my webserver. I even cant use the 'Ad hoc mod...

HOw To Keep Sounds To BUttons

HI Guys, This is jagadeesh, iam beginner of This i Phone Application development Platform please do help me to b a good iphone Developer let me know some useful Blogs & forums for iPhone application Development i need small clarification Regarding 2 things 1--->> How to Keep a sounds to Buttons( i mean if i want to press a butto...

how to get Iphone UDID of device while installing the application from app store?

Hi, In my Iphone application , i am able to get the UDID of the device and have display it on alertview. my query is that while any user go to the apple appstore and try to istall the application, at that same time how to get the UDID of the device and store it to the Database and also want the UDID of application at the time of uninst...

website intermittently available - application pool 1.1 and 2.0 issue

I was having a problem with my .NET 1.1 website which was hard to track down. The default page would show up but when the user entered credentials, it would just be as if nothing happened and the default page would be re-loaded again, without any error messages (although the code behind is trapping errors and also my Global.asax is catch...

iPhone :Change Application Name and icon

hi all, i am new to iPhone programming. i create a application in Xcode. I want to change the application name and icon.However i can change the application name (which is appeared below the icon of application in iPhone) and icon from plist. i want to ask that whether there are any other method or trick from which i can change the icon...

communicating between applications (.NET + java)

Hi, I have a pretty general question here. What is the best + reliable way for two applications running on the same machine to communicate with each other WITHOUT using web services or a web server of any kind. as example: application A: runs at .NET app that with active X controls can access another third party application and receiv...

Architecture Questions : Centralized Server v/s Localized Server Approach

Hi, My question is related to Architecture of the Application on which am working right now. Currently, we are installing server locally on each box and that server get's data from the client and does some kind of processing on it and than it generates output and receipt is printed depending upon the output data, and that output data i...

Necessary and sufficient validations upon application init

Hello again. I have a new puzzle for you :-). I was thinking on how should an application handle his own start up. Like : checking for required libraries, correct versions, database connectivity, database compatibility, etc. To be specific, here is the test case. I use SWT and Log4J, for obvious reasons. Now, the questions : Should ...

iPhone dev - why is it using 8MB ?

Even when I just use the Window-based application template, which does literally nothing, instruments (activity monitor) says my application's process is using 8.14MB of Real Memory! Even with this method: void report_memory(void) { struct task_basic_info info; mach_msg_type_number_t size = sizeof(info); kern_return_t kerr =...

Guideline for code examples in job applications

Very often in job offers one is asked to provide some 'example code' together with the CV. I found it kind of difficult do decide which code is a good choice. Of cause it has to be meaningful code but on the other hand short enough to get a quick overview. It has to be well-documentated but not filled up with messy comments. Okay, sure...

windows forms splash screen to main form - infinite loop

I have seen some good recommendations here before about using the VisualBasic assemblies (WindowsFormsApplicationBase) to nicely create a splash screen followed by the main form. I have an app that I want to put into some sort of loop whereby I want to repeat this cycle. For example during the splash screen I login to an available serve...

is it possible in iphone-Reopen Native app after opening and closing map application or any other apple's app?

i want to create something like this. open map application(means maps) then when maps closed reopen my application.also tell me if it is possible will it be possible in iphone OS 2.0. i know about weak linking of frameworks as apple did in mail composer sample. ...

Multiple UITabbarComtroller in one iPhone App

Is it possible to have more than one UITabbarController in a single iPhone application? My application has more than one sections, each section needs to have its own UITabbarController to navigate with in that section. New section is to be loaded if a certain type of item is selected from previous section. Secondly the Back button in na...

Indirectly extend Activity

For ease of use I want to extend an Android Activity with a certain class to give it extra functionality and then extend my main activity with that class e.g. class SuperActivity extends Activity { //Very nice extra functions } //Class defined in the manifest.xml class ApplicationActivity extends SuperActivity { //Start the app...

code or tutorial for how to make call from iphone application without quitting the application

Hi All, Is it possible to make call from application without quitting the application on iphone. ...