
Download the html text collected in a string builder to word document in VB.NET Console Application

I have a requirement to move the html text available in a string builder to a word document and open the word document after the data is appended in a VB.NET console application. I am new to console applications and am not sure how this could be done, but I am aware that if I am using a Web Application then I can use the following code. ...

How can my application use CPAN modules without the user installing them himself?

I need to use some CPAN modules in my application. If the person who will use my application doesn't like to install the required CPAN modules by himself, or it is not allowed to install modules, how should I handle that? ...

Rails: the better app infrastructure

I'm trying to make a comment system, identical to the stackoverslow's one. There's a 1-st level comment, and a bunch of a second level comments, attached to it. The first straightforward idea that came up in order to do that, was to create a separate model, sub_comment. But I still got this feeling, that I should inherit the initial comm...

Adding an icon to my finished application.

What's the proper way to add an icon to my application? I mean to the actual physical .exe file. ...

Start an app and set its size and position in windows

In Windows I would like to be able to run a script or application that starts an another application and sets its size and location. An example of this would be to run an application/script that starts notepad and tells it to be 800x600 and to be in the top right corner. Does anyone have any ideas regardless of language? ...

How to get rid of 'System.Web.DynamicData.DynamicValidator' is not defined error during web application conversion

I am trying to convert a web project to Web Application. After conversion I am getting 'System.Web.DynamicData.DynamicValidator' is not defined error. Any idea how to solve this. Three references needed for dynamic data are in the bin but still giving this error on designer files. ...

Using the iPhone SDK, can I programmatically get a list of the applications/games on a users iPhone/iPod touch?

I would like to be able to pull the list of apps and games the user has and present it to them, or launch one of them. I'm guessing that Apple doesn't provide this capability in the iphone sdk. Still, I'd like to know how to do it and still be eligible for the app store. ...

web development application - mac

Hello Does anyone know of an application (for mac) which will format a page of html code nicely? ie Open the html file and indent all of the code/blocks, put character returns in and format it into sections so that it is readable rather than being just a big block of code. Then also give the ability to minimize/collapse sections of the...

App crashes when updating an highlighted NSMenuItem

Heyho! I've a little app running as LSUIElement with a NSStatusItem. Sometimes the popupmenu's menuitems are updated by the code. But when the updated NSMenuItem (or its supermenu) is "highlighted" the app crashes without logging something. Do you have any idea? Thank you very much for your answers. ...

Visual Studio: Create a web application from existing code

I have an existing directory structure that is all nicely checked into SVN, so I don't really want to mess with it. The website code lives in a folder called C:\Projects\TheProject\Website. I want to bring the website files into a new Web Application Project without changing the directory structure. Ideally the resulting file structure...

Advertising free software for free

I've finished an application that I've written as a hobby. I think it could be of great help to many individuals and businesses. I want to make it available for download -> free. I can make a nice website for it (and I'm willing to accept those costs). But I'm not willing to spend money advertising it. Can anyone recommend methods to cre...

Does anyone know a tutorial that teaches you to make a bobblehead?

I'm trying to make a bobble head app, but I don't know how to use the movement technology.. Any thoughts? Thanks ...

Is there a simple framework allowing for Dependency Injection in a stand alone program?

We basically need to be able to adjust behaviour at start-up time, by providing desired classes to be produced by various factories inside our application (to avoid the hard binding of the "new" operator). I am aware that this is provided by several large frameworks, but I was looking for something easily used by a stand-alone Java appl...

Online checksum checker for client side application

My client side application works only when online. Could i check the integrity of a winforms client application on server side? I would like to make my application useless when it will be pached. I mean these guys have something similar. Of course in my case i don't want to upload the file, but...

Which platform is used in companies now-a-days to implement mobile applications?

Basically i would like to know which platform is currently used to develop mobile applications i.e. J2ME etc etc... Also any new ideas on mobile applications would be quite helpful. ...

How to completely reset a c# app in code?

I have an app with login/logout functionality. When the user logs out, I want to completely reset all classes and variables (I use static classes so this makes the problem even harder). I have decided that its best to just leave the resetting and do a total reload of the app - the user wouldn't know the difference and it would clear any...

Can I use ObjectChangeListener to listen for changes on any object?

I've got an Integer called x; if it changes then i would like to update my table in a GUI. To listen to "x" I have tried ChangeEvent y = new javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent(x); and I implement javax.naming.event.ObjectChangeListener: class HDIManagementView extends FrameView implements ObjectChangeListener, ActionListener, T...

How to know if XBAP application is idle

Hi, How can I get to know if a XBAP application is idle ie. its not been used by an user for some specific time duration, so that I can logoff the session? Thanks Arvind ...

How can I load an NSImage representation of the icon for my application?

I have a custom icon file (MyApp.icns) set up for my Cocoa App. How can I access an NSImage representation of the icon from within my application? Something like the following would be perfect: NSImage * iconImage = [MyApplication defaultIconAsImage]; But I'm sure it isn't that easy :) I can, of course, get a path to the icon file a...

How to force a .NET application to cold-run

Hi, i am trying to run performance counters on a .NET application and i would like to ensure the environment is the same between rebuilds. So far i can only think that the best way is to reboot the pc before each test to make all test COLD. is there another way to achive the same environment without rebooting each time? ...