
What's the best scalable modern architecture for a high volume website (Java)

We have a website that is getting over 1m hits a day. The site is running off an old architecture (Struts Tomcat Hibenate MySQl) with no real scope for scalability. Now that we are expanding further I am looking for a modern (not too bleeding edge please) web architecture. My first thoughts were to use Google App Engine - but I'm not ...

What are best practices and/or patterns for making moderately large applications run in the same IIS Web site?

Say you have a large Web site, containing several discrete applications that run in the same site to do various things. You don't want to manage everything as a single project, so you break them apart, work on them in total isolation from one another, and just deploy them separately into the same runtime environment. These applications...

C# abstract method with base class only implementation?

Consider the following problem: You have a class 'A' that serves as a base class for a lot of other similar classes, eg. a class called B. The class A is useful in it self (and already used all over the place) and is hence not abstract. The crux is that you now wish to enforce a new protocol requiring all classes inheriting from A (in...

How to deal with circular references?

If I have those two projects: MyCompany.ERP.Billing MyCompany.ERP.Financial Billing asks/sends information to Financial and vice-versa. Both are too big so I don't want to put them in a single project. Visual Studio doesn't allow circular references. How would you deal with that? ...

Is a Java JAR file similar to an .Net Assembly?

I'm familiar with .Net and what assemblies are - but sadly my Java knowledge isn't as strong. I know Java and .Net are different "worlds" (possibly like comparing apples with pears) but are JARs and .Net Assemblies roughly eqivalent concepts? Edit: Update base on initial responses The way I interpret this is that yes they have similar...

Accessing REST Web Services through JavaScript

Hello Everybody. First of all. I want to say that i've acctualy read the other posts (like this) but, i don't think it's a good answer. I mean, what about all the status codes, and HyperMedia, etc. What about caching? What do you think? ...

where to store state on server

Hi, I am developing a feature in my app where I need to store the state of a particular series of actions between 2 users, just like an ajax based chat service. The scenario is as follows: A user can is able to see which other users are online and then challenge one of them. The other user receives the challenge and accepts it. Now bo...

Good Java project architecture with database.

Hi, I facing problem of database connection in my project in which i used struts. I cant understand that how i manage my database connections. I want my site good in based on accessing becoz it will get million after launch. And also face heap size problem in that . I cant understand that how i will manage my architechture. Plz guide...

Joomla CMS and Spring Framework

I want to create a Web application by combining Joomla CMS with Spring Framework. What would be the best way to build/use a single sign-on for both?. All the pages on the website will be serviced by Joomla CMS, but those that require authentication/authorization will be done with Spring Framework. The later will retrieve widgets from Joo...

ASP.Net webforms application with pluginable architecture problem

Hello, It was told me to make a pluginable web app. with webforms. The idea is to have one base web application with a plugin host that will load any plugins and related to them web pages. As an example, I have my MyHostApplication with master page and a default.aspx file. When it is compiled, basically the project will have the files ...

Windows CE: roadmap for full screen .net application with video chat capabilities

I have to develop application that should launch as soon as windows CE is started up. User should see the "OS-starting" screen and then the application form without observing desktop & other apps icons. Application should provide some functions + function to start video chat via the local network (no Internet is required). Please, give ...

3-Layer Architecture Pattern

Is it OK to implement BLL and DAL using partial class this way: namespace BLL { partial class Employee { public string EmpID { get; set; } public string EmpName { get; set; } public List<Employee> GetListOfEmployees() { return DAL.Employee.GetListOfEmplyee(); } } } namespace DAL { partial...

WPF/Layered Architecture Question -

I'm thinking through the high level architecture of a WPF application. Usually I would think in terms of this A database server A data access layer on its own server A business logic layer on its own server WCF wrapper round the business layer UI Layer for use on the client. E.g. a thin client with all the magic happening on remote...

Design of a Decentralized Twitter

Twitter is a popular social networking service where users can write short messages in a one-to-many fashion (you can read more about it at Wikipedia). I've been reading an interesting article by Alex Payne (former API Lead at Twitter), The Very Last Thing I’ll Write About Twitter, where he argues for a decentralized one-to-many communic...

Creating A Loosely-Coupled / Scalable software architecture.

Hi Guys, I been researching for weeks about this.. I'm currently designing a loosely-coupled architecture design using n-tier(3 layered) method and factory design approach. My goal is to put each Client's business logic (ClientA.DLL, ClientB.DLL) in separate namespaces so that the project scales out meaning I can modify/remove/add a spec...

How can i build my class architecture for my web application

I'm building a web application using .net 2010, c#. I want to create several projects in one solution. A web application A class library to hold normal business logic. A class library to hold business logic to call a third party API. When i call third party API, I need to login first, and third party API will return a session...

design for continuation based python web appliction framework

There are many continuation based framework for java, ruby etc but none in python. Nagare framework somewhat solves the problem but it do not use standard python and uses stackless python to solve continuation problem. I was wondering, what part of standard python constraint to create such continuation web framework in standard python...

Compiling a fat executable with gcc

This is not essential for my programs, but merely out of curiosity. Is it possible to, preferably using gcc, compile a 'fat' binary for Linux including multiple architectures such as combinations of amd64, i386, lpia and powerpc? ...

What are the things necessary to become good technical architect

Hi, I was just curious to know about how to become a good technical architect Or what are the things makes a Developer good architect. Please share your insights and articles. ...

Abstracting the DataLayer (DAL) of a three-tier application.

Hi guys, As continuation to my previous question, (see Someone suggests to also Abstract the DAL like I abstracted the BLL from the Presentation Layer on my three tier project. Any suggestion on how to do this? Do I also need a factory b...