
message queuing patterns

We have two pieces of architecture. In essence they form a producer and a consumer. Piece 1 (p1) publishes messages to Piece 2 (p2) which processes the message, this process involves sending the message to a remote node, which must ack the message once it has processed it, this process can take a few seconds at best. p2 has a finite len...

Securing ASP.Net application using multi-hardware tiers

I have an ASP.Net application which renders sensitive information. The application needs users to log on before viewing the main page of the application. The authentication is done via a web service. This is simple enough however the hardware design is multi-tiered. 1) Web Server for logon 2) Application server for main application ...

Version changes for Stored Procedures

I have an application that relies very heavily on stored procedures (SQL 2005/2008). We are doing a minor update that will modify 25-35 of these stored procedures. The application is such that both versions of the stored procedure must be available. This is major version 4 of the application and usually we've been able to completely m...

What's the effective technology to use for a slick UI in an ASP.NET application?

We are planning to extend an existing ASP.NET application (a real huge one) to have a slicker UI. One of the requiremnents is to have a way to execute server side code without a postback (As an example, say a user clicks on a link or hovers on a link, a popup comes up which executes server side code or makes calls to the database) We pl...

Physical middle-tier separation for Windows Forms apps

I've been designing quite a few Windows Forms applications lately (data-entry apps, office integration, etc), and although I've always designed with logical tiers in mind, the "middle tier" business logic layer has always been hosted on the desktop PC (i.e. physical client-server). As I approach more complex applications, I find myself ...

Object oriented analysis and design: can a process be a class?

I understand that there are several questions on OOD; this one is not a duplicate (I hope) because of its specific nature - can a functionality that process data be a class? First, some background. This came up from a discussion my supervisor had with me. I was supposed to write a video loading class. His idea was to have a single Vide...

Can someone explain the ASP.Net Technicalities for Physical Tier applications

I am getting my head around n-tier applications. I understand seperation of code layers eg/UI, BL (Business Logic), DL(Data Layer). In a ASP.Net application you would just reference the C# project that is doing the BL and the DL and all is well. What I don't understand is how you would implement this on seperate servers? Do you have th...

How to send HTML form RESTfully?

I have a URI for a collection of resources called 'facts', and URIs for each 'fact' resource in that collection. The form for creating a new 'fact' should be requested with a GET, I believe, but I'm having trouble deciding what URI it should be made to. A GET to the collection URI should return a list of the 'fact' resource URIs. Each ...

Since IPv6 Is Going To Replace IPv4,Should I Develop My New Application To Support It?

I develop applications using many languages, and a few platforms. From what I am reading IPv6 is going to be mainstream within then next 5-10 years, and that some ISP's even offer direct connection to the IPv6 internet. On my private network - all the machines have dual stacks and communicate with each other using ipv6 when possible. My...

Running multiple sites from one ASP.NET code base and moving to ASP.NET MVC

I have a reasonably large project at work that I've inherited. It's an ASP.NET 2005 website project and two C# library projects for data access and some business logic. The code actually runs 6 different database driven websites. It displays different images and text for each site based on logic that examines the URL and uses a series...

How do you structure your reusable libraries?

How do you organize your code so that it can easily be ported across business projects without carrying unnecessary bloat? For example (in .Net), let's say you have the following namespaces: namespace Computers - Hardware - Motherboard - GPU namespace Monitors - Display - Mirrors namespace Peripherals...

What's an extensible way of implementing server-side command processing in an MMORPG?

Hey everyone, Update: I'm sorry if maybe my question isn't clear enough. I've read about the command pattern, but unfortunately have not used it myself. I'm trying to figure out how I could use it (or some other pattern) to make game events abstract enough that the server can process them using a single Process() method. My main hang up...

as3 loading architecture

Hello I have a large application that needs to ensure that various items are loaded (at different times, not just at startup) before calling other routines that depend on said loaded items. What i find problematic is how my architecture ends up looking to support this: it is either littered with callbacks (and nested callbacks!), or pre...

What's the relationship between assembly language and machine language?

Are assembly language and machine language (for the same underlying system) really the same? Are there any differences between these two concepts? ...

How important is modularization of software projects

Modularization is obviously important in software projects, but I want to know people's opinions on how important and for what reasons it is important. I've obviously got my own ideas since I'm asking this, but think of it like a "common brainstorm" of the reasons one should modularize one's software projects... ...

How to achieve Modularization of Software Projects

What are the best ways to achieve extremely loosely coupling? If you want to modularize your Software to such an extreme extent that no parts are relying upon any other parts in your system, but they would still be able to communicate, which means would we have to use (technology agnostic) to achieve this goals then Suggestions please,...

[PHP, C#, Java] - classes with just public static methods vs instantiated classes

I understand that a class that consists of nothing but public static member functions is called a Monotype. And certain classes, such as the Integer class in Java/C#, have various static functions implemented. I am also guide of writing kitchen sink utility classes, like InputCleaner.StripHTMLTags() and etc. Is there a guideline for Mon...

Language integration

I may be the minority here, but it seems through my entire academic/professional career I've been taught varying languages. During this time, syntax and programming paradigms were the focus, but at no point were we taught about integrating systems written using varying languages and the proper way to make this decision. Now for the rec...

to implement online converting engine from browser to web server

Hello im looking for common way to build the right client server architecture when my goal is : the browser submit data to the web server -> the web server response with converted pdf file based on that data now my question is this : where to implement this convention engine ( that is static lib ) as web server plug in (apache, ligh...

Making decisions about the architecture of your project; what is your decision process like?

Many of us, who have designed and developed systems from scratch, have been in situations where you had to make tough decisions about the architecture of a project. Where did you, or would you, draw the line on taking the "next step" in building an architecturally sound, and scalable system? I've built a large scale web site that was r...