
Strategy for interleaving jobs on AppEngine?

Let's say I have 1000's of jobs to perform repeatedly, how would you propose I architect my system on Google AppEngine? I need to be able to add more jobs whilst effectively scaling the system. Scheduled Tasks are part of the solution of course as well as Task Queues but I am looking for more insights has to best utilize these resources...

XACML as an evolution step in an existing application

I've begun doing some research on XACML and external authorization. Right now I have an existing application which utilizies an RBAC model. However the implementation has a lot of shortcomings (roles can't be easily defined, roles are too coarsly grained). Is XACML a good alternative to look at? Are there any exisitng applications which...

How would you design an AppEngine datastore for a social site like Twitter?

I'm wondering what would be the best way to design a social application where members make activities and follow other member's activities using Google AppEngine. To be more specific lets assume we have these entities: Users who have friends Activities which represent actions made by users (lets say each has a string message and a Ref...

Book Recommendations: Enterprise Web Software

I'm looking for some book recommendations. Just read The Pragmatic Programmer. Very good book and very useful But now I'm looking to get a book on system architecture and development with a more web app slant. The above focused on generic stuff more related to java/c/c++ etc but I'm looking for someone like they guys who designed and ...

Architecture Concerns

My domain classes and persistance logic (Hibernate) are in one project called model. This jar is included within all of my apps. Packaged & Another Utils.jar - contains DateTime, String, Thread, etc general helper classes. This again is included within all of my apps. Packaged ...

How to solve state-stateless in a client-server application?

I've read some books on creating stateless websites, I've read some about stateful client applications, but a lot of complexity comes along when you have to combine both. We have a Flex application that needs to persist data to a database via .NET services. Things to keep in mind are: - Concurrency (optimistic/pessimistic) - Performance:...

Detect system architecture (x86/x64) while running

Is it possible to detect the system/processor architecture while the program is running (under windows and under linux) in c++? ...

Multiple Inheritance, Polymorphism and newer ways of programming

Once and for all I want to clearify this somewhat subjective and argumentative area of programming. Multiple inheritnace In my current working enviornment I have C++ developers and C# developers which come from totaly different worlds and thus have different opinions on programming layout. Now being a C# and Java developer myself I've...

OOP design: string, enum, interface, or other?

I'm starting on a project that pulls data from and writes back to a legacy system database. I've started on the domain model and am trying to improve this design over past systems, so I'd like some feedback on this one. This example is arbitrary, so no need for specific advice there, but let's say there's a table in the database called ...

Are modern CPU caches optimized to deal with constant strides? Across threads?

Say I have a big array, and multiple threads reading from the array. Each thread iterates through the array by jumping a constant amount, but starts at a different offset. So thread 1 may start at element 0, then read elements 32, 64, 96, etc. But thread 2 starts at element 1, and read element 33, 65, 97, etc. (keeping in mind that an 'e...

Caching to a local SQL instance on a web server

I run a very high traffic(10m impressions a day)/high revenue generating web site built with .net. The core meta data is stored on a SQL server. My team and I have a unique caching strategy that involves querying the database for new meta data at regular intervals from a middle tier server, serializing the data to files and sending those...

ASP.Net Architecture regarding seperation of layers in large projects

Currently in the early stages of developing a very large project using ASP.Net MVC. At present we are using the standard format (Ie Folders for each of the Models/Views/Controllers) Allready I am starting to see a large codebase that has the potential to multiply 100x over and for the sake of future maintainability i'm considering movin...

Hosting managed applications on Azure

We have an web application and would like to host on Azure to scale to thousands on concurrent users. Also have a bunch of application and services written in .NET that the web app accesses using TCP/IP or .net remoting which handle long running processes. For example a media transcoder server, a system monitor, image server, sch...

iPhone Utility App Design

I'm creating a "utility" type application with a main and flipside view, and an underlying "model" which the flipside view edits, and the main view "consumes". Following on from this question: My question is: where should the model...

C state-machine design

I am crafting a small project in mixed C and C++. I am building one small-ish state-machine at the heart of one of my worker thread. I was wondering if you gurus on SO would share your state-machine design techniques. NOTE: I am primarily after tried & tested implementation techniques. UPDATED: Based on all the great input gathered o...

iPhone Compile Architecture: Standard vs Optimized

This is something stupid I probably should know, but Googling fails me: When compiling the binary I'm going to submit to the App Store, in the Project Info -> Build tab, there's an "Architectures" option. The default is "Standard" but I noticed there is also "Optimized" Which should I use when submitting to the app store? I have been u...

Efficient way to display Inbox(1) count in a webapp w/o calling DB for each page request

In my web application we have built a message center / inbox functionality, in the navigation of each page we link to the "Message Center" and include next to it a count of the unread messages, for example "Message Center (2)". To populate the (2), with each request we run a *SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MessageTable WHERE unread = true blah bl...

How-To Deal with Multi-Criteria Queries in 3-Tier Architecture

Assuming a basic 3-Tier application (UI-Service-Data Access) with a total abstraction of Data Access layer (SQL, Xml ...) The UI applications are composed with Datagrids with multi criteria filters, find etc.. So how-to deal with mutli-criteria queries in this architecture without having to create multiple service methods with all poss...

Design/Development of Portals

What things one should keep in mind while designing and developing Portals ? What design considerations would change with different types of portals like information portal, content management portal, application centric portal, content centric portal, vertical enterprise portals and horizontal enterprise portals ? ...

iPhone GLPaint sample has architecture design flaw?

Hi, I'm brand new to iphone dev, but am familiar with the MVC pattern. Can anyone please explain why the GLPaint sample class PaintingView.m (the View) actually gets the data required from disk to write the "Shake Me!" text? The Data is the Model and should be read from the disk by the controller and passed to the View to render IMO. ...