
Minimum number of training examples for Find-S/Candidate Elimination algorithms?

Consider the instance space consisting of integer points in the x, y plane, where 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 10, and the set of hypotheses consisting of rectangles (i.e. being of the form (a ≤ x ≤ b, c ≤ y ≤ d), where 0 ≤ a, b, c, d ≤ 10). What is the smallest number of training examples one needs to provide so that the Find-S algorithm perfectly learn...

Perceptron Classification and Model Training

I'm having an issue with understanding how the Perceptron algorithm works and implementing it. cLabel = 0 #class label: corresponds directly with featureVectors and tweets for m in range(miters): for point in featureVectors: margin = answers[cLabel] * self.dot_product(point, w) if ma...

Parameter Tuning for Perceptron Learning Algorithm

Hi, I'm having sort of an issue trying to figure out how to tune the parameters for my perceptron algorithm so that it performs relatively well on unseen data. I've implemented a verified working perceptron algorithm and I'd like to figure out a method by which I can tune the numbers of iterations and the learning rate of the percept...

API for neural networks with Java

I´ve been searching for it and I found Encog and Neuroph but I don´t know if any about them... I've to do a final project and I need a litle feedback from humans, sometimes google is not enough XD ...

Online AI resources?

What are the best freely available AI resources that I can find online? I'm looking for blogs, books or tutorials. ...

Find optimal/good-enough strategy and AI for the game 'Proximity'?

'Proximity' is a strategy game of territorial domination similar to Othello, Go and Risk. Two players, uses a 10x12 hex grid. Game invented by Brian Cable in 2007. Seems to be a worthy game for discussing a) optimal algorithm then b) how to build an AI. Strategies are going to be probabilistic or heuristic-based, due to the randomness f...

Generalizing Fibonacci sequence with SICStus Prolog

I'm trying to find a solution for a query on a generalized Fibonacci sequence (GFS). The query is: are there any GFS that have 885 as their 12th number? The initial 2 numbers may be restricted between 1 and 10. I already found the solution to find the Nth number in a sequence that starts at (1, 1) in which I explicitly define the initia...

How can I extract similarities/patterns from a collection of binary strings?

I have a collection of binary strings of given size encoding effective solutions to a given problem. By looking at them, I can spot obvious similarities and intuitively see patterns of symmetry and periodicity. Are there mathematical/algorithmic tools I can "feed" this set of strings to and get results that might give me an idea of wh...

prolog list manipulating

I have the following code which basically needs to add a list as an item to a greater list. So NewBoardsList should contain all the boards generated in the moves_generate_board function. The problem is that i get a False in Prolog. Any help ? moves((Colour,_),Board,NewBoardsList):- other_colour(Colour,OtherColour), fin...

Determining what action an NPC will take, when it is partially random but influenced by preferences?

I want to make characters in a game perform actions that are partially random but also influenced by preferences. For instance, if a character feels angry they have a higher chance of yelling than telling a joke. So I'm thinking about how to determine which action the character will take. Here are the ideas that have come to me. Solu...

Is it theoretically possible to emulate a human brain on a computer?

Our brain consists of billions of neurons which basically work with all the incoming data from our senses, handle our consciousness, emotions and creativity as well as our hormone system, etc. So I'm completely new to this topic but doesn't each neuron have a fixed function? E.g.: If a signal of strength x enters, if the last signal was...

Is there an algorithm for finding an item that matches certain properties, like a 20 questions game?

A question about 20 questions games was asked here: However, if I'm understanding it correctly, the answers seem to assume that each question will go down a hierarchal branching tree. A binary tree should work if the game went like this: Is it an animal? Yes. Is it a mammal? Yes. Is it a feline? Yes. Because feline is an example...

What is the 'order' of a perceptron

A few simple marks for those who know the answer. I'm doing revision for exams at the moment and one of the past questions is: What is meant by the order of a perceptron? I can't find any information about this in my lecture notes, and even google seems at a loss. My guess is that the order is the number of layers in a neural net...

How to identify ideas and concepts in a given text

I'm working on a project at the moment where it would be really useful to be able to detect when a certain topic/idea is mentioned in a body of text. For instance, if the text contained: Maybe if you tell me a little more about who Mr Jones is, that would help. It would also be useful if I could have a description of his appearance, ...

Artificial intelligence in c sharp

Hello everyone, I would like to add an artificial intelligence technique in a c sharp project. The problem is that i don't know an artificial intelligence library that i can use. Could you please share your knowledge with me. ...

Automatic music rating based on listening habits

I've created a Winamp-like music player in Delphi. Not so complex, of course. Just a simple one. But now I would like to add a more complex feature: Songs in the library should be automatically rated based on the user's listening habits. This means: The application should "understand" if the user likes a song or not. And not only wheth...

Rush Hour - Solving the game

Rush Hour if you're not familiar with it, the game consists of a collection of cars of varying sizes, set either horizontally or vertically, on a NxM grid that has a single exit. Each car can move forward/backward in the directions it's set in, as long as another car is not blocking it. You can never change the direction of a car. There ...

Criteria of software program being intelligent

Just out of curiosity, assuming there exists a software life form. How would you detect him/her? What are your criteria of figuring out if something/someone is intelligent or not? It seems to me that it should be quite simple to create such software once you set the right target (not just following a naive "mimic human->pass Turing Test...

Neural Network problems

I am using an external library for Artificial Neural Networks in my project.. While testing the ANN, It gave me output of all NaN (not a number in C#) The ANN has 8 input , 5 hidden , 5 hidden , 2 output, and all activation layers are of Linear type , and it uses back-propagation, with learning rate 0.65 I used one testcase for train...

'Similarity' in Data Mining

In the field of Data Mining, is there a specific sub-discipline called 'Similarity'? If yes, what does it deal with. Any examples, links, references will be helpful. Also, being new to the field, I would like the community opinion on how closely related Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence are. Are they synonyms, is one the subset of...