
ASP file being caught by .NET isapi

I need to serve up a few .asp pages from within my ASP.NET site. This ASP.NET site has a handler that allows us to serve up pages out of the database instead of finding them on disk (where the .asp files are located). The problem appears to be that the .NET isapi (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_isapi.dll) is catchi...

receiving xml from another website's call to ServerXMLHTTP post in classic asp

I am writing both sides of an asp-webpage to asp-webpage conversation in which the originating webpage pushs information to the receiving webpage which then processes it and sends back a response. The originating webpage must use the code below to start the converstation... url = "\asp\receivingwebpage.asp" info...

What is MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP's default Content-Type?

In my previous question, I was accidentally sending token/value pairs with an text/xml content-type which resulted in nothing being sent. Tim C's insight into that problem was extremely helpful. Thanks again, Tim!Looking back at the original sending code, I now realize that the setting of the ServerXMLHTTP's content-type to text/xml wa...

adding .net code to a classic asp website, can't reference namespaces in .dll file

I have an existing fairly large classic asp website, with virtual directories configured to centralize certain resources. My problem is for some reason I can't access any of my namespaces and classes. I tried adding a reference to another project where I have classes in a namespace "DAL" and even though intellisense sees the classes and ...

How to determine if the default document was served in traditional ASP?

In a file called index.asp, which is set up in IIS as a default document for the directory, I'm trying to determine via .asp VBScript if the page was called as the default document versus directly by name, i.e. I'm trying to distinguish between these two cases server-side: http://someurl/ http://someurl/index.asp I know how to do this...

UTF-8 file appending in vbscript/classicasp - can it be done?

My current knowledge: If you are trying to write text files in vbscript / asp land you have two options. the Scripting.FileSystemObject the ADODB.Stream object Scripting.FileSystemObject does not support utf8. It will write in Ascii, or Unicode (and waste two bytes for most of your characters) ADODB.Stream does not support appendi...

Thread Sleep in Classic ASP?

I'm doing some revision on an old app that is written in classic ASP/VbScript. It has a feature to send out an e-mail to the members of the application, but because the member list is quite large, the server rejects new e-mails after the first hundred or so are sent. I've written some code to make it send out e-mails in burst of 20, bu...

Session not reinitialized after timeout?

I have this classic ASP site which has been working fine until we updated it. It was just a site-update, meaning .asp files which ran fine in our test enviroment, no service packs or patches. I can not reproduce the error at all on a test-site on the same server. The system it's running on is IIS6 on Server 2003. Somehow, it has now st...

ASP equivalent of Curl (not ASP.NET)

I need to "post" data to a url in the middle of a script. I haven't been able to find anything like curl for windows though, suggestions? For instance... User fills out form Form submits to process.asp (I want to make the curl request in here, it's for a 3rd party integration and then i'm also going to trigger an email) process.asp fi...

ASP.NET MVC reminds me of old Classic ASP spaghetti code...

I just went through some MVC tutorials after checking this site out for a while. Is it just me, or does MVC View pages brinig back HORRIBLE flashbacks of Classic ASP spaghetti code with all the jumping in and out of HTML and ASP.NET with yellow delimiters everywhere making it impossible to read? What ever happened to the importance of ...

How can I view differences in VS2008 before checking a file into SourceSafe?

We have an old Classic ASP application that we have been using Visual Studio 6 to maintain. This has worked fine, but we're ready to step out of the stone age and I'd like to see if I can use Visual Studio 2008 (SP1) to maintain the application. In the past, multiple developers could work on the application and it was under source cont...

Performance Testing for Classic ASP pages?

I would like to know how to do performance testing for the old asp pages. Any tools out there that you've used? ...

Outputting a GUID in VBScript ignores all text after it

I'm creating a GUID for use in a Classic ASP application, by using TypeLib. However, even a simple test such as writing the GUID out to the screen is giving me problems - it prints the GUID but ignores everything after it (e.g. HTML tags, additional words, anything). Here's the rudimentary code to test this: Set typeLib = Server.Creat...

IIS6 is not finding .asp files

Hoping someone can provide an answer with this, although it's not 100% programming related. All of a sudden my IIS6 install on Server 2003 will give me a "404 Not Found" error when I try to load any file ending in .asp. I can see the file there if I turn on directory browsing, but clicking on it immediately gives me a 404. Regular H...

Hex-Value in Visual Basic

Can someone just help me refresh my mind? How do you specify hex values in a Visual Basic 6 / VBScript Source? It's not 0xABCD as it is in C++, that's what I can remember... It was something similar... But what? ...

Is there a way to collapse functions and sub-routines for Classic ASP in Visual Studio 2008?

Is there a way to enabling collapsing of functions and sub-routines for Classic ASP in Visual Studio 2008? I'm able to manually go through and specify blocks of code as collapsable, but it would save me a lot of time if there was a way to automatically do this. Otherwise, is there another IDE or text editor that you can think of that s...

Request.Form sometimes returns the value of a checkbox, other times doesn't

Anyone know what's wrong with this? I have some Classic ASP code that checks for the value of a checkbox, like so: <!-- HTML page: page1.asp ---> <input id="useBilling" name="useBilling" value="Y" type="checkbox" /> And in my code page (let's call it page2.asp): ' code useBilling = Request.Form("useBilling") ' useBilling should be...

ASP to ASP.NET Helper Functions

I'm looking at converting a web site from classic ASP to ASP.NET. I'm thinking of doing an agile style approach and providing deliverables as quickly as possible and so am thinking of doing a line by line conversion and creating "bad" ASP.NET and have it all in the ASPX file for phase 1 and get that working. That, I figure, will be the f...

How to output an Excel *.xls file from classic ASP

I have a number of generated html tables that I need to output as an Excel file. The site is codded in classic ASP. Is this possible? Could it be done by somehow using the Open Office libraries? EDIT: Thus far, I have tried some of the suggestions, but it seems to fail. Ideally, I want the user to be able to click a link that will beg...

How can I create a PDF file in classic ASP?

Is there any way to generate PDF files from classic ASP? I have a bunch of user-entered data that needs to be turned into a PDF that the user can download. How can I do this? OpenOffice allows exporting documents to PDF, so could this somehow be leveraged? ...