
C# post to ASP and return response in the browser

I have a small quick and dirty app that needs to post data to asp form. I'm not a developer by trade so please don't hammer me. I have an array thats returned with two values: static public string[] get_status(string local_fname) { var dts_doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); dts_doc.Load(local_fname); //Pull the val...

what language do i use to write a webpage in to automatically update from a database of sorts?

Hey Guys and Gals, I have what I consider a bit of a tricky question. I am currently working on quite a large spread sheet (266 rows aith 70 coloumns and its only going to get bigger) that is a database of sorts and I want to remove it from Excel and put it on to an intranet page. I am currently writing it in a combination of HTML and ...

VBScript Converting XML Data to an ADODB RecordSet

I have a situation in which I need to dump XML into an ADODB Recordset in VBScript. My XML is in the form below. What I would like to do in my code is convert the XML into a recordset with AddressObject rows. The code below I tried but keep running into one DomDocument error after another. Can anyone please help me with a solution for th...

How to create intel sample applications using ASP .net

Hi , where should I get the sample applications of Intel mobile( Smart phone) applications. Can u provide Links for those sample applications using ASP.Net ...

ASP - Biometric Authentication

Cheers, We started implementing biometrics authentication in our web system and came to a doubt. We're going to use a third-party solution for performing it which is going to be called via a web service. There are going to be four kinds of authentication: Regular one: username/password Challenge Fingerprint Cellphone All users will...

Classic ASP RegExp small change

Hi, I have some regular expression code that grabs the data between the title tags on a page: <% Function UrlExists(sURL) Dim objXMLHTTP Dim thePage Dim strPTitle Dim blnReturnVal Dim objRegExp Dim strTitleResponse 'Create object Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXM...

asp communication with flex

i was developed one .net application. It contains flash animation in one of the asp pages. And i need to write action script code for playing and pausing that swf file. I am using flex builder3. However how can i execute the asp application from flex builder? How can i load asp page into mxml file? Any idea? ...

asp .net mvc ajax submit

Hi, I am facing a problem that's driving my crazy for sometime. I have an asp .net mvc page(.ascx). This view has a form which can be ajax submitted to a controller action. I have an ajax submit button that posts the form. In the view I have some if conditions as follows If(Model.SampleID.HasValue) { alert('sample created');...

What causes an HTTP 405 “invalid method (HTTP verb)” error when POSTing a form (using CPSHOST.DLL) on IIS 7.5

I'm in the process of migrating a series of classic ASP web pages from a Windows 2000 server to a Windows 2008 R2 server. One of the pages uses CPSHOST.DLL (in the Scripts folder) to upload a file to the server. The page in question uses a POST method on the form, but consistently returns a "Method Not Allowed" response when the page r...

What does the "Cannot change the ActiveConnection property of a Recordset object which has a Command object as its source" error mean?

I've gotten the "Cannot change the ActiveConnection property of a Recordset object which has a Command object as its source" error in my classic asp page a couple of times, usually after I've just changed a stored procedure. In the past, uninstalling and reinstalling the COM+ applications and a reset of IIS has seemed to fix this proble...

Exposed .NET Object as COM - What happens with web.config

I have a .NET project that access the .config file (web.config typically) to get configuration information. If I access this .NET project from a classic ASP application how does it handle reading data from the web.config or app.config? Can it? FYI - Using System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration ...

.NET COM Interop - Passing objects between components exposed as COM Interop

I have 2 .NET assemblies that I am exposing to COM via COM Interop. 1st one is a .NET Logger component The 2nd component has a method where you pass in a Logger object. This all works fine in .NET When I expose both as COM Interop I am doing the following in classic ASP with COM. Creating an instance of Logger via COM (Interop) Crea...

Classic ASP Bottlenecks

I have 2 websites connecting to the same instance of MSSQL via classic ASP. Both websites are similar in nature and run similar queries. One website chokes up every once in a while, while the other website is fine. This leads me to believe MSSQL is not the problem, otherwise I would think the bottleneck would occur in both websites simu...

Reliability of ASP Session Timeout warning

I'm looking to warn the user when his or her session times out (I'm having weird timeout problems) and I found the following code: <% advanceWarning = 2 jsTimeout = (session.timeout - advanceWarning) * 60000 %> <script> window.setTimeout("alert('Session is about to expire');",<%=jsTimeout%>); </script> Is this reliable? ...

asp classic setting session in session_onstart

I have the following excerpt from my global.asa that should set the session timeout to 900 minutes: Sub Session_OnStart Session.Timeout=900 End Sub The sessions, I suspect based on user responses, aren't lasting 900 minutes. It would make more sense if the values are in seconds. Is there an IIS (Windows 2000 server) setting I can...

Retrieve image from oracle blob field in asp vb

This is my script to load the image from the database: <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#include file="db_connection.asp"--> <% Response.Expires = 0 Response.Buffer = TRUE Response.Clear Dim sql Dim rs Dim userID,str Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") str = "SELECT b.itemimg_image FROM sct_item_image b where b.item_id...

what is the difference between asp injection and sql injection on an asp page

Basically i am looking for the difference between asp injection and sql injection on a asp webpage and what are the different types of asp injection other than sql injection ...

Set server wide enviroment/server variable on IIS 7.5

As a unified way for our applications to detect downtime and server maintenance we'd like to know if there is a way to set a variable that can be set per application pool (or server) and read by PHP and ASP.NET. I know that it's possible to set FastCGI environment variables, but those aren't read by ASP. Any ideas? ...

displaying validationSummary message in div element in mvc 2.0

I am doing validations in registration page.My requirement is if ValidationSummary error message is generated i,e,ValidationSummary is become true then i have to display that ValidationSummary message in that div element.If error is not generated then that div element is not visible. So i have to check whether Validationummary is true t...

progressbar for classic asp upload page?

I have a upload page done with classic asp and I want a progressbar. Could be with jquery, ajax? Does anyone know where I can find a solution, thanks. ...