
Best practice to share DAL between ASP.NET and Silverlight 2

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 e-commerce site that has an admin section. I want to swap out the ASP.NET-based admin section and rewrite it in Silverlight 2. Silverlight requires async calls, so I can't just call my existing DAL from a new SL2 app. What is the best practice for doing something like this? Should I create a WCF service and call...

Asynchronous SQLCommand and CCR

I have been playing with the demo code from this msdn article by Jeffrey Richter. I have added a new function to his ApmToCcrAdapters to handle the SqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader. Only it is closing the reader before I can read it. The following code is used to provide a FromIteratorHandler: private static IEnumerator<ITask> Asy...

Rebinding functions on dynamic content using jQuery and AJAX

I'm in the process of building a back-end admin panel for a site and I'm having an issue with the jQuery and AJAX code is use to build the page. On load, I bind actions to certain table fields allowing users to add or delete a colour or size. When they submit the form, I empty the table and use AJAX to generate a new one, then put the n...

.NET: How to talk to a form during BeginInvoke callback?

i have a long running function¹: public string FindPasswordFromHash(String hash) { ... } which is called like: private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PasswordTextBox.Text = FindPasswordFromHash(HashTextBox.Text); } Now i want to convert it into the asynchronous BeginInvoke/EndInvoke delegate pattern: priv...

Whats the best way to process an asynchronous queue continously in Java?

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to architect the final piece of my system. Currently I'm running a Tomcat server that has a servlet that responds to client requests. Each request in turn adds a processing message to an asynchronous queue (I'll probably be using JMS via Spring or more likely Amazon SQS). The sequence of events is...

What is a good method to handle line based network I/O streams?

Note: Let me appologize for the length of this question, i had to put a lot of information into it. I hope that doesn't cause too many people to simply skim it and make assumptions. Please read in its entirety. Thanks. I have a stream of data coming in over a socket. This data is line oriented. I am using the APM (Async Programmi...

Is there a way to pass a value TO GM_xmlhttprequest?

As indicated here: I have a script that is asynchronous. I would like to pass a value INTO this function so that when the onload function is called I can use it to display in the web page. The challenge I'm having is that this value will change e...

What happened to clockless computer chips?

Several years ago, the 'next big thing' was clockless computers. The idea behind it was that without a clock, the processors would run significantly faster. That was then, this is now and I can't find any info on how it's been coming along or if the idea was a bust... Anyone know? For reference...

.NET 3.5 - Calling a webservice asynchonously mulitple times from a WPF app

Hello everybody. Following on from my previous question [link text][1] , I have a new problem. I have a WPF application that will call a webservice. This web service will be called asynchronously by pushing the 'GO' button. The results may take 30 seconds or so to come back. The issue is that I want the users to be able to click the...

Detecting Blocked Threads

I have a theory regarding trouble shooting a Asynchronous Application (I'm using the CCR) and I wonder if someone can confirm my logic. If a CCR based multi-threaded application using the default number of threads (i.e. one per core) is slower than the same application with double the threads specified - does this means that threads are...

How to call a method async with some kind of priority?

I need to call a couple of methods asynchronously with different priorities. My first idea was to use the ThreadPool and change the priority of the Thread like this: static void Run() { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(SomeMethod)); } static void SomeMethod(object o) { Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Be...

Return value from function with an Ajax call

Can someone tell me how to return the value of status as the function's return value. function checkUser() { var request; var status = false; //create xmlhttprequest object here [called request] var stu_id = document.getElementById("stu_id").value; var dName = document.getElementById("dName").value; var fileNam...

Stopping an Async HttpWebRequest

I have an application that makes several concurrent requests to a web resource using HttpWebRequest asynchronously. Even though I've set the timeout property of my HttpWebRequest instance to say 5 seconds, sometimes when async calling BeginGetRequestStream, getting the stream can take much longer than that and is causing quote a mess for...

Asynchronous function call in Flex

Is it possible to call a function asynchronously in Flex? I want to parse a file at regular intervals without blocking the rest of the application, what is the recommended approach for this? ...

How do I create a class with asynchronous capabilities (similiar to SqlCommand or WebRequest)?

I've been reading a lot about asynchronous programming recently, as I need to create a multi-threaded application. Unfortunately I can't seem to bring my newly acquired knowledge together into one cohesive and useful unit! I'm hoping someone can give me some pointers on how to construct the following: I have a class that does a lot ...

Apache Camel for Asynchronous Calls

Does it make sense to use Apache Camel for Asynchronous requests? Or should I use simple MoM using a JMS server. There are no Enterprise Integration Patterns that I'll require. Any help would be useful. ...

How do I detect waiting asynchronous wcf calls?

I make calls to a WCF service from my silverlight application. I am doing this asynchronously and I am not blocking execution after making the async. call (that means, I am not using wait-join mechanism frm this page). I do not want the flow to get blocked. However, I would like to detect that the WCF call has gone into a wait state so ...

Asynchronous TCP Communication in .NET

Quick question here: is there any obvious benefit to use asynchronous communication with the NetworkStream class (generated by TcpClient), i.e. the BeginRead/BeginWrite methods rather than running a separate thread and using synchronous operations on that, i.e. Read/Write? My impression has been (it could easily be quite wrong) that the ...

How is an error reported from async socket connect?

I'm connecting a socket asynchronously (O_NONBLOCK + connect). POSIX standard specifies that after socket has been connected is should signal the event by making the file descriptor for the socket ready for writing. It doesn't seem to say anything about failures during async connect. When testing it on Linux, it seems that sometimes I'm...

Asynchronous operations performance

One of the features of asynchronous programming in .NET is saving threads during long running operation execution. The FileStream class can be setup to allow asynchronous operations, that allows running (e.g.) a copy operation without virtually using any threads. To my surprise, I found that running asynchronous stream copy performs not ...