
Sound sample recognition library/code

I don't want sound-to-text software. What I need is the following: I'll record multiple (say 50+) audio streams (recordings of radio stations) from that recordings, I'll mark interesting audio clips - their length ranges from 2 to 60 seconds - there will be few thousands of such audio clips library should be able to find other instanc...

Determine the length of an audio recording?

How do I determine the length of an audio recording I am recording programaticaly? My current solution is to just time the start/stop recording events on the User Interface (literally the time the user hits record, then hits stop recording.) Given a .aac audio file, is there some library call in Objective-C or Python to determine its l...

Change in pitch of voice

Hi, I am creating an iPhone application in which when I make a call to anyone I should be able to change the pitch of my call voice in real time. So for that which framework or any third party library should I use? Thanks, Sunil. ...

Embedding wav files in AS3 Flash/Flex project?

The Flash IDE is capable of embedding many types of uncompressed sound files, including wav, and offers optional compression when publishing. However, the [Embed] tag, only seems to allow embedding of mp3 files. Is it truly impossible to embed an uncompressed wav file, or am I missing some magic, undocumented mimeType? I was hoping for...

What are some good resources to learn about audio manipulation/engineering/programming?

what are some good resources to learn about audio manipulation/engineering/programming? ...

Voice Stress Analysis in Python

I'm interested in playing with this, anyone know of any code for this already existing? or what libraries would be useful to get started on something like this? ...

Ruby: play, pause, resume aac (audio) files

I need to play, pause and resume AAC (audio) files from a ruby console program (much like iTunes or any music player). After much searching, I've come across these libraries: mp3info metadata id3lib-ruby rvideo (uses ffmpeg) These seem to help me in getting track length and tags which i also need, but I need something to p...

Write wave files to memory in Java

I'm trying to figure out why my servlet code creates wave files with improper headers. I use: AudioSystem.write( new AudioInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(memoryBytes), new AudioFormat(22000, 16, 1, true,false), memoryBytes.length ), AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, servletOutputStream ); taking a byte array from memory contain...

How to play multi sound?

using Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback; public static void playNote (string pass) { Audio myAudio = new Audio(pass); myAudio.Play(); } and to play sound I press button playNote("PianoDo#.wav"); This is the way I play sounds in my piano. Butif i press a lot of buttons for 30 sec my app starts la...

getAudioInputStream can not convert [stereo, 4 bytes/frame] stream to [mono, 2 bytes/frame]

Hello. I am using javasound and have an AudioInputStream of format PCM_SIGNED 8000.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian Using AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(target_format, original_stream) produces an 'IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported Conversion' when the target_format is PCM_SIGNED 8000.0 Hz, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes...

Debug NAudio MP3 reading difference?

My code using NAudio to read one particular MP3 gets different results than several other commercial apps. Specifically: My NAudio-based code finds ~1.4 sec of silence at the beginning of this MP3 before "audible audio" (a drum pickup) starts, whereas other apps (Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, WavePad) show ~2.5 sec of silence before...

iPhone xcode - Best way to control audio from several view controllers

Hi, I am pretty new to iPhone programming. I have a navBar with three views. I need to control audio from all of the views. I only want one audio stream to play at a time. I was thinking that it would be smart to let my AppDelegate have an instance of my audioplaying class and let the three other views use that instance to control th...

Autoplay an Audio File on Mobile Safari

Hey guys, I've got a little system dashboard web app that I've written, replete with alarm notifications. I've had it working for quite some time on mobile safari, but recently wanted to add audio to the alarm notifications to allow me to easily know when there are alarms and I'm not looking directly at the display. The alarm notifica...

Howto play video with external audio in Silverlight?

Hi all, Is there any proper method to play synchronously video and external audio, other than simply having two MediaElement (one for video source and one for audio) started simultaneously? I need to play video with different soundtracks, but I belive that just two separated MediaElements will be out of sync at some point of time. Maybe...

Generate musical instrument sounds algorithmically

Is it possible to generate a musical instrument's sounds using only algorithms? or can it only be done via pre-recorded sound samples? ...

For the iPad or iPhone, how do you control the system Volume? For example, have a button that mutes all audio.

I would like to make a button in my iPad app (probably will be similar to iPhone apps) that when I push this button, all audio is muted, even when you exit the app. I don't see anyway that you can control the volume, although I'm sure other apps have that I have seen in the app store for the iPhone. I also read some places that doing t...

Getting data from a microphone in C#

I'm trying to record audio data from a microphone (or line-in), and then replay it again, using C#. Any suggestions on how I can achieve this? ...

How to create a wave STREAM out of raw audio samples in C#?

The title is actually the question! Thank you. ...

Speech recognition webservice that scores the accuracy of one audio clips vs. another?

Does such a thing exist? Building a Rails based web application where users can upload an audio file of them speaking that then needs to be compared to another audio file for the purposes of determining how similar to voices are. Ideally I'd like to simply get a response that gives me a score of how similar they are in terms of percent...

Initialization of AVAudioRecorder with aac

Hi everybody, I want to initialize a AVAudioRecorder with a aac file format, but it doesnt work... Whats wrong with the following code? soundFilePath = [soundFilePath stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"aac"]; NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:soundFilePath isDirectory:FALSE]; NSMutableDictionary *recordSetting = [[NSMutableDictionary...