
How to embed a audio songs in joomla?

i installed a plugin 1pixelout-player ,then how to embed a audio in article so it can work. Any embed code for audio. ...

jQuery Audio Player

I was given 2 MP3 files, one that is 4.5Mb and one that is 5.6Mb. I was instructed to have them play on a website i am managing. I have found a nice, clean looking CSS based jQuery audio player. My question is, is this the right solution for files that big? I am not sure if the player preloads the file, or streams it ? (if that is th...

How to play multiple audio sources simultaneously in Silverlight

I want to play simultaneous multiply audio sources in Silverlight. So I've created a prototype in Silverlight 4 that should play a two mp3 files containing the same ticks sound with an intervall 1 second. So these files must be sounded as one sound if they will be played together with any whole second offsets (0 and 1, 0 and 2, 1 and 1 s...

Is pitch and speed the same thing in audio programming context?

Pitch means "perceived frequency". Nice. But when I make pitch very low in OpenAL, sound plays a lot of times longer. If I make it very high, sound plays very short but with high frequency. For me, logically the consequence of making slower or faster. Or is pitch != speed? ...

Read Song Title/Artist from a live audio stream with Silverlight 4?

I have a SL4 project that is successfully streaming a great sounding WMA audio stream from a remote location. All of the MediaElement actions are straight forward. What I want to do is read the attributes that are passed as text along with the Audio stream. For instance the encoder of the stream embeds the title of the stream, the tit...

JMF Output Stream

Does anyone have a simple example of how to take a local file and (unicast) stream it with Java JMF? Examples from others seem scarce. ...

How to assemble a WAV file?

After having successfully received and extracted audio samples from Ethernet UDP packets at the PC, I need to assemble them to a WAV file, in C#. Any example code? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! ...

programmatically get BPM of a wave or MP3 from .Net

I have a project with a requirement to get the BPM of a wave or MP3 file programmatically using .Net (VB.Net or C#). Does anyone know of a binary or library for this or have a code snippet to steer me in the right direction? ...

synchronizing audio over a network

I'm in startup of designing a client/server audio system which can stream audio arbitrarily over a network. One central server pumps out an audio stream and x number of clients receives the audio data and plays it. So far no magic needed and I have even got this scenario to work with VLC media player out of the box. However, the tricky ...

Android Mediaplayer: setDataSource issue for downloaded media file

I have an application that will record and play audio files. Some of the audio files are downloaded using simple standard http downloads using httpclient. It worked like a charm for a long time. Now all of a sudden I cannot play the files I download. It fails with this stack. I store the files on the SDCard and I experience the problem b...

Seeking through a streamed MP3 file with HTML5 <audio> tag

Hopefully someone can help me out with this. I'm playing around with a node.js server that streams audio to a client, and I want to create an HTML5 player. Right now, I'm streaming the code from node using chunked encoding, and if you go directly to the URL, it works great. What I'd like to do is embed this using the HTML5 <audio> tag,...

NAudio demos not working anymore

I just tried to run the NAudio demos and I'm getting a weird error: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or a ssembly 'NAudio, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one o f its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect form at. File name: 'NAudio, Version=, Culture=ne...

what is the best and easiest api for audio noise reduction

my application is voice recognition. and im using Sphinx and configured it with my application and working fine. i do need to find a proper API for noise reduction so that i can avoid distrotion in the wav file. my application is implemented using by java. can someone suggest me some good api's that i can use for my application ...

How to visualize sound?

When music is playing how can i draw a wave? ...

Play Apple's .caf audio file on a webserver?

Play Apple's .caf audio file on a webserver? I have .caf audio files (Apple's open audio format) stored on my webserver and want to play them from a web browser on any O/S. ...

Sound/Silence in a wav file.

Hi, I am searching for a utility/code that could detect and let me know if my 1 minute wav file contains sound or not ? Other way, if it could detect the duration of the silence(if exists) at any position in the wav file, that would also server the purpose. Does SOX support any command for that ? I tried with Java, but didnt found anyt...

blackberry implement audio player

Hi, I am developing an application which let users to hear songs online. And I used Blackberry Player and Manager APIs. My application works fine and I can play songs. Now I wan't to add more controls to it. As an example I want pause, play songs. Mute the sound, Control the volume. Display the progress of the play back. Display the cur...

Pre-load audio files at the client-side for later use

I'm building an online test which implements audio (mp3) using the native audio player (i.e. non Flash-based). The test shows one question at a time and loads each subsequent question asynchronously. Some questions have an accompanying audio file, others don't, and the audio files can be several MB in size. So what I'm hoping to do is...

NAudio playback wont stop successfully

Hi When using NAudio to playback an mp3 [in the console], I cant figure out how to stop the playback. When I call waveout.Stop() the code just stops running and waveout.Dispose() never gets called. Is it something to do with the function callback? I dont know how to fix that if it is. static string MP3 = @"song.mp3"; s...

Looping music with intro in XNA using SoundEffect

I have two sound files: Sound A is an 18 second intro designed to be played once Sound B is a 1 minute looping track I'd like to play Sound A once, then once Sound A is done, immediately play Sound B and keep looping Sound B until I tell it to stop. This is supposed to be looping town music in an RPG. I've tried doing this in code u...