
SQL Audit Log Running Totals

I have a table with an audit log: BugId Timestamp Status 1 2010-06-24 10:00:00 open 2 2010-06-24 11:00:00 open 1 2010-06-25 12:00:00 closed 2 2010-06-26 13:00:00 closed I want a running total of open and closed bugs like: Timestamp # Status 2...

how to Implement Audit DB using new SQL 2008 Audit features?

SQL 2008 has audit feature.I need to use that but I dont know how.what are the step and requirement for using audit feature. ...

Does SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition trial version supports clustering and auditing?

I am going to download SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition trial version, my doubt is does this trial version fully functional or some limited functionalities? Does it supports Audit and Clustering features? ...

How to implement Auditing/versioning of Table Modifications on PostgreSQL

hi all, We're implementing a New system using Java/Spring/Hibernate on PostgreSQL. This system needs to make a copy of Every Record as soon as a modification/deletion is done on the record(s) in the Tables(s). Later, the Audit Table(s) will be queried by Reports to display the data to the users. I was planning to implement this auditin...

Easy way to save basic auditing data on domain objects?

My application uses large trees of domain objects and for most of these objects I'd like to persist some basic information (updatedby, modified time, etc.). I have already added these properties & columns to my application. I was about to code the setting of these values in all the various constructors, etc. when it occurred to me tha...

Which is better multiple filtered traces or one trace on SQL Server 2000?

I have a requirement to identify Active databases on a SQL Server 2000 cluster. There are 295 databases but the field has been narrowed to 60 databases that we are unsure if they are still in use. I intend to use SQL Trace [sp_trace_create] and the Audit Login event to identify which databases are still in use. My question is should I...

Best way to audit concurrenthashmap

I use concurrenthashmap to store my data.And I wanna audit, pass over a part of my map according to a timer.I mean, a timer will tell me to start audit and I will pass over a part of the map and then I will stop auditing until the timer's next poke, when timer pokes me again I will start audit where I stopped last time. But, I'm not sure...

Audit Table DB Design : Does creating Audit Tables for Join Tables make sense

we are creating separate audit tables for those entity tables which need auditing using triggers on PostgreSQL 8.4. <Family> <Contact> <Family_Contact> <Address> We have some join tables. Eg : Family_Contact is a join table. Family has 1 or more than 1 contacts. Each contact has an Address. So, we have the following Table structure....

SQL audit recommendation

I am working on creating audit policy for SQL server tables for my application. I need to track all the insertion/updation/and deletion operations on the tables so that this can be used for the audit reports. I am planning to create audit table with the same structure for each table and define triggers on the main table to populate the a...

Need an abstract trigger in MySQL 5.1 to update an audit log

I need a way to check for and pass entries into an audit log for any entries in a table that have been changed. It needs to be abstracted away from the table structure. For example: CREATE TRIGGER table1_update BEFORE UPDATE ON table1 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE i_column_name varchar(32); DECLARE done INT; DECLARE cursor1 CUR...

Iterate through IPersistentCollection items

I am listening to audit events in NHibernate, specifically to OnPostUpdateCollection(PostCollectionUpdateEvent @event) I want to iterate through the @event.Collection elements. The @event.Collection is an IPersistenCollection wich does not implements IEnumerable. There is the Entries method that returns an IEnumerable, but it requires...

Best practices in logging the station that did something

I've seen too many incidents of someone having a password they shouldn't have. Thus I want to log the station from where the command came as well as who was logged in at the time. What is the best way to log the machine identity? I was thinking the MAC address except there can be multiple such addresses on a machine. IP won't work be...

Enabling SPAudit automatically for new files in list.

Hi... I'm working with the Audit framework in MOSS 2007, and I've programatically enabled Auditing for 2 specific lists in a bunch of sites in a site collection(meaning the sites all have their own two lists). I've only enabled the update mask, as I only want to know when something's been changed or added. However, I'm only able to log...

Disregarding updates on non-checked-in entries in a sharepoint list (SPAudit)

Hey guys. Okay, this is a little hard to explain, as the title might suggest. I have an event receiver on ItemUpdated and ItemCheckedIn, which both writes custom SPAuditEntries. When CheckedIn occurs though - it comes with two update entries as well (one for added file, and one for a simple update to the list item I suspect). I'd love...

Audit information on a relation table with NHibernate

I am using NHibernate on a project. The database is required to have creation date and creator user fields on relation tables but I do not want to map the relations to domains. My db design is like: school (id, name, credate, creuser) student (id, name, credate, creuser) school_student(id, school_id, student_id, credate, creuser) For ...

need to create database for research studies

Hello! I would like to create a system for storing and updating the following pieces of information relating to clinical research studies: research study guidelines agreements study status principal investigator research coordinator billing instructions reporting methods. interesting research/teaching cases The information needs to be...

Get Oracle PL/SQl variable property by name (reflection in PL/SQL)

Hi, I need to do some auditing on updating a row. So I have a function that receives a parameter of type some_table%ROWTYPE, containing the new values to be saved for that row. I also need to save some info in a history table regarding what column values where changed. I was thinking of getting the column names for some_table from all_...

Alternative solutions for Hibernate.Envers

Hi, i'm planning a historization for my java webapp (spring, hibernate). By googling I found Hibernate.Envers, which seems to be the perfect solution for me. Are there any comparable solutions? Thanks a lot! Jean ...

Which tools and methodologies are you using for logging and auditing on SOA Ecosystems?

I'm not clear about this and I would like to hear from you about tools and methodologies that you're using for logging and auditing within SOA Ecosystem? Which directions can I go? I believe in the following strategy: UI applications should log user actions: this source is about all about administration issues with clear human message...

Postgres SQL for joining parent-child audit tables

We're using a "1 audit table for each monitored Table"; However, in our case emp(PARENT) table has a child table emp_address which also needs to be monitored, so we have emp_audit and emp_address_audit tables. postgres audit SQL : how to join PARENT and CHILD tables for reporting purposes. /* Employee table */ create table emp ( ...