
How to base64 encode inside of javascript

I am trying to implement a simple script on a site that will return base64 encoded information from google's ajax API. This is what I am playing with so far: <html> <head> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>...

Get timestamp from base64Binary in PHP

A webservice returns a timestamp field in base64Binary format. It looks like this in SOAP response: <a:TimeStamp>AAAAAAMpI9Q=</a:TimeStamp> PHP __soapCall, however, b64_decode()s that and I get a binary string looking like ')#▒'. How do I get actual timestamp out of this? I tried to unpack('L') it but it gives me Array([1] => 0) as a ...

any base64 decoding algorithm in BASIC

I am programming a small micro controller in BASIC. Basically it received some BASE64 encoded data and I need to decode it at my end using BASIC. I was wondering if there is any way to do that? ...

Android code to convert base64 string to bitmap

Hi stackoverflow team i have a problem in converting base64 string to bitmap in android. I am using the camera to fetch the image and i am convert the image to base64 string to post to the server. I want to show that image in the imageview so how can i show the image in the ImageView after fetching the image from the camera. please help ...

Base64 encoding and decoding in oracle

How can I do Base64 encode/decode a value in Oracle? ...

Shorter Alternative to base64 for PHP?

Hi all, I'm writing myself a script which basically lets me send a load of data in a single get request. I'm using base64 to encode it, but its pretty damn long and I'm concerned the URL may get too big. Does anyone know an alternative, shorter method of doing this? It needs to be decodable when received in a get request, so md5/sha1 a...

What's the right way to base64 Encoding in Cococa?

I'm enconding this data with this line: NSString *authString = [[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", email, password] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] base64Encoding]; for a basic HTTP Authentication It works quite perfect but i'm getting this warning: warning: 'NSData' may not respond to '-base64Encoding' is there ...

Problem in Base64 encoding and decoding in C#

Hi, I have a problem here in encoding and decoding of a pdf or docx file.Please find the code below. string FileName = @"C:\Tips.docx"; FileStream inFile = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); binarydata = new byte[inFile.Length]; string Base64String = System.Convert.ToBase64String(binarydata,0,binarydata.L...

how can i decode this base64 code?

im sorry if this is a stupid question but i was curious, i have this code that translates into my name im wondering what hash function its using, i thought it was md5 this is my name: saleh and this is the code 9LjZ6QoOB1A%253d pleaaase help ...

Base64 encode and image in Adobe Air

Hi there I am writing an adobe air app in html/javascript and I am trying to base64 encode an image so I can add it to and XML RPC request. I have tried many methods and nothing seems to work. I see that actionscript has a Base64Encoder class that look like it would work, is there any way to utilize this in javascript? Thanks, Jordan...

Flash Of Unstyled Content (FOUC) in Firefox 3.5+

We've reached the end of our tether here trying to overcome a nasty and intermittent FOUC in Firefox 3.5.x+ for a new release we're working on. We've tried: Disabling Javascript in FF Using Quirks mode rendering by removing the DOCTYPE Moving from @import for additional CSS to <link> Switching concatenation on and off Removing CSS fil...

how to encode a audio file to base64?

i need the code for the same in java.thanks in advance. ...

Base64 Encode File Using NSData Chunks

Update 4 Per Greg's suggestion I've created one pair of image/text that shows the output from a 37k image to base64 encoded, using 100k chunks. Since the file is only 37k it's safe to say the loop only iterated once, so nothing was appended. The other pair shows the output from the same 37k image to base64 encoded, using 10k chunks. Sinc...

Is utf-8 safe for the http?

Hi, if I have utf-8 encoded data, is it safe to send them in a HTTP body? The thing is that utf-8 data could include control characters including the null character (binary zero), which are not allowed by http RFC of course. So what to do with such data? Encode them with base64? On the other side the data, which I have in utf-8 is XML ...

decode base64 string as UTF-8

Hi all! I am using the base64 implementation at the bottom of this post. If I use following code: NSLog(@"decoded:%@",[[[NSString alloc] initWithData:[Base64 decode:@"8fEmIzEyNDA3OyYjMTI0MTE7"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]); I get decoded:(null) However, if I use: NSLog(@"decoded 1:%@",[[[NSString alloc] initWithDat...

How to display base64 encoded image in HTML if it is located in a separated file?

I have base64 encoded image. If I put it right into html it works: <img src="data:image/png;base64,..."/> But when I put all that base64 content into a separated file, it doesn't: <img src="image.base64.txt"/> I tried changing extension to .png, but it doesn't help. Any ideas? ...

Download file in base64 efficiently

I have to download an arbitrarily large file in base64 in a device with limited RAM memory in Java. How do I download a file in base64 efficiently? Is it possible to get sequential chunks of base64 and write them to the output as binary data? A code or pseudo-code example would be much appreciated. Note: I can't use external framework...

How can I base64-encode unicode strings in JavaScript and Python?

I need an encript arithmetic, which encript text to text. the input text could be unicode, and the output should be a-z A-Z 0-9 - . (64 char max) and it could be decrypt to unicode again. it should implement in javascript and python. If there is already some library could do this, great, if there is not, could you tell me. Let me ta...

Base64 Encoding safe for filenames?

Is Base64 encoding safe to use for filenames on windows and linux systems? From my research I have found replacing all "/" characters of the output string with "-" or "_" should resolve any issues. Can anyone provide more details on this? Currently in Java I am using the following peice of code: MessageDigest md5Digest = MessageDi...

Is there a limit on the amout of data while using image src as base64 strings?

I am trying to use base64 data string for images and for some weird reason some of the images are not getting rendered on IE8 or IE7 (I don't care about IE6), however they work fine on IE9 and FF (I tested on FF 3.5.0 and above). Is there any limit on the amount of data supported by IE as base64 data strings? ...