
Bind Vs Lambda?

Hi, I have a question about which style is preferred: std::bind Vs lambda in C++0x. I know that they serve -somehow- different purposes but lets take an example of intersecting functionality. Using lambda: uniform_int<> distribution(1, 6); mt19937 engine; // lambda style auto dice = [&]() { return distribution(engine); }; Using bind...

Getting and setting form values client side with javascript, json and jquery

I am building out an ajax enabled UI using webforms in I really want this interaction to be extremely light. What I would like to do is make a call to get the data and then bind it to my form client side. Here is my working example. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

How bind socket to device in windows?

I have same network cards in computer. All cards has identical IP. I need to bind socket to specific card. In linux I can use flag SO_BINDTODEVICE. How I can do this in windows. P.S. This needed for UDP sockets. ...

Error in bind function (C simply server)

This is the code of my server: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <signal.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) //-----------------...

Bind Event to Custom Plugin Function in jQuery

How would I modify my plugin to allow to load with an event on the call? Right now the plugin is loading when the page loads and I want it to work with .blur() or whatever event I want to assign it instead. Any help would be appreciated: // The Plugin (function($) { $.fn.required = function() { return this.each(function() { ...

boost::bind with null function pointers

If the function pointer embedded in a boost::bind return object is NULL/nullptr/0, I need to take action other than calling it. How can I determine if the object contains a null function pointer? Addenda I don't believe I can use and compare boost::functions as the boost::bind return object is used with varying call signatures in a te...

Using .bind (mootools) with onClick event

I have the code (inside one object) onclick: this._addX.bind(this) and then inside another object onclick: this._addY.bind(this) Now, _addX() and _addY are nearly identical, except they both end up calling (on the click event) a function with different argument values, say _addX calls foo('x') and _addY calls foo('y'). So I tried: ...

Using a specific network interface for a socket in windows

Is there a reliable way in windows, apart from changing the routing table, to force a newly created socket to use a specific network interface (I understand that bind() to the interface's IP address does not guarantee this)? ...

Maintain reference to this in jQuery

I'm converting a bunch of hyperlinks to make simple GET requests using jQuery. I want to maintain the reference to this within the Ajax call, do i need to be using bind/live/something else? $(document).ready(function(){ $(".mylink").click(function(){ var url = $(this).attr('href'); $.get(url,function(data){ ...

WPF ListView show Image

Hi, I have a simple class that contains a string and an WPF Image control: public class User { public string Name { get; set; } public System.Windows.Controls.Image Image { get; set; } } Now I'm binding a list of instances of this class to a ListView. What I would like to do now is make ListView display the Image property. ...

Unable to load a UIView in a separate ViewController with an NSObject

Hi all, The app is a viewbased project type. I am using a NSObject in a View XIB(UIView Nib), assume this object to be the topbar of the app. MainController UIViewController loads the initial screen. it looks like this, UIViewController MainViewController Image i wanted to load a Top view(new one, call it X) Designed separately in t...

Python bind - allow multiple keys to be pressed simultaniously

I have a problem in Python. I'm using Tkinter and have four bind events, that listen to key presses on my form. My problem is, that these don't run asynchronously. So, for example I can press one button, and the events are recognized. But when I press and hold two keys at the same time, just one event gets fired. Is there an alternativ...

Passing SQL to an Oracle bind variable

Hi, I need to execute something like: select [very big SQL] where phone_number in(:SQL2) Is it possible to use bind variable for SQL2? I want to save the execution plan of the major SQL. Thanks. ...

Binding event to wxMenu instead of wxMenuItem

Im creating a dynamic MenuBar from xml file, and binding events to menu items using Connect(). Some menus does not have items inside, but needs to fire events. Is there a way to attach an event handler to a wxMenu using Connect()? *Im Using wxWidgets 2.8.8 & MS VC++ 6.0 ...

JQuery event model and preventing duplicate handlers

Once again I want to load a page which contains its own script into a div using $("divid").load(...). The problem I face is related to events. Let's say we trigger("monkey") from the parent page and on the loaded page we bind("monkey") and just do an alert("monkey bound"). If the same load method is called multiple times, the bind is ...

How do I re-bind a socket in MacOSX/Ubuntu? A second time

I have the following code: if ( ( m_mainSocket = ::socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ) ) < 0 ) { throw Exception( __FILE__, __LINE__ ) << "Unable to create socket"; } int on( 0 ); if ( setsockopt( m_mainSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof( on ) ) ) { throw Exception( __FILE__, __LINE__ ) << "Can't make server...

jQuery: Bind ajaxForm to a form on a page loaded via .load()

Hi, I'm using the ajaxForm plugin for jQuery to submit forms on my webapp. However, in one part of the app, I'm loading some content thathas a form on it via jQuery's .load() The problem lies in that I can't get ajaxForm to bind to the form loaded via ajax. I've tried this code to no avail: $('#viewRecordBtn').live('click', functio...

How can I pass MySQL functions as bind parameters in prepared statement?

I'm trying to do this: $sth = $dbi->prepare('INSERT INTO table VALUES (?, ?, ?)'); $sth->execute( $var1, $var2 || 'NOW()', $var3 ); without any luck. Any ideas? ...

bind this keyword for non-anonymous functions

Hi, Let say I have the following code $("p").bind("click", function(){ alert( $(this).text() ); }); When the user clicks a <p>, an alert show up. What's good here, is that I make use of the "this" keyword. Now I want to get rid of the anonymous function (using it multiple time per script); $("p").bind("click", myfunction()); myfun...

binding to member variables

The following example from boost bind does not work for me: #include <boost/bind.hpp> struct A { int data; }; int main() { A a; boost::bind(&A::data, _1)(a) = 1; } error: assignment of read-only location 'boost::bind [with A1 = boost::arg<1>, M = int, T = A](&A::data, (<unnamed>::_1, boost::arg<1>())).boost::_bi::bind_t<...