
How to easily Bind any database VIEWS to a jtable with netbeans?

Netbeans can easily bind jtable with relational database tables(mysql,deby,etc).. How can i easily bind "Views" table to a jtable... If that is not possible, is there any easy way to join tables and display the result in JTable... Thank you so much. ... not working inside of a plugin

I am writing a plugin and need to live bind a click. The plugin works fine when I do a normal click bind, but not a live bind. I've boiled the plugin down to the basics: (function($) { $.fn.liveBindTest = function() { return this.each(function() { $(this).live('click', function(){ console.log('live click'); ...

Boost.Bind to access std::map elements in std::for_each

I've got a map that stores a simple struct with a key. The struct has two member functions, one is const the other not. I've managed calling the const function using std::for_each without any problems, but I've got some problems calling the non-const function. struct MyStruct { void someConstFunction() const; void someFunction(); };...

boost::bind & std::set::count compile error

Hi, Could anybody point me, please, what the difference is between making functor of set::insert and set::count in the below fragment? typedef std::set<std::string> s_type; typedef std::pair<s_type::iterator, bool>(s_type::*insert_fp)(const s_type::value_type&); typedef s_type::size_type(s_type::*count_fp)(const s_type::value_type&); ...

Boost::function error ambiguous overload for ‘operator[]’

The full error I'm getting is this: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator[]’ in ‘a[boost::_bi::storage4<A1, A2, A3, boost::arg<I> >::a4_ [with A1 = boost::_bi::value<MsgProxy*>, A2 = boost::arg<1>, A3 = boost::arg<2>, int I = 3]]’ It references line 116 of a class I have, which is the boost::bind call in this function: // Dis...

Understanding how to bind parameters and insert data in Adodb

I was told to use bind parameters so that I could insert text into my db that had quotes in it. But, I am pretty confused when it comes to how to do this, the commands seem confusing to me. So, if I had a php string, that contained html, how would I insert this into my DB using bind parameters? I wanted to INSERT it, how would I do th...

Internal compiler error and boost::bind

I'm testing a C++ class with a number of functions that all have basically the same form: ClassUnderTest t; DATATYPE data = { 0 }; try { t.SomeFunction( &data ); } catch( const SomeException& e ) { // log known error } catch( ... ) { // log unknown error } Since there's a lot of these, I thought I'd write a function to do...

jQuery: textbox keyup firing twice

hi, i'm having a textbox and assigned the following function (it's the only function assigned): txt.bind("keyup",function(event){ if(event.keyCode==13) { var nu = $("#debug").html(); nu+="<br>enter"; $("#debug").html(nu); } }); the strange thing is that it's actually firing twice, thus displaying "...

RMI binding interfaces to same registry from different classes.

I have a client that connects to an RMI registry over SSL, so as far as I know on the server side I have to use LocateRegistry.createRegistry(). However how would I get another Server to bind interfaces to the same registry, and have them being accessible even when the first server is closed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tha...

Bind to a property of a parent element in wpf

Hello all, 'I want to bind the Height property of the RichTextBox to the Height Property of the GridView`s Row. How can I do that? I do not know how to get the Row's Height as I can not access the Row in xaml what I would like to do. The Ancestor type should be GridViewHeaderRow , but I do not know its level... EDIT: <my:RadGridView ...

How can i hold reference in boost::shared_ptr using boost::bind without definition of explicit function?

I want to hold reference to object so it doesn't get deleted in bind function, but without using helper function. struct Int { int *_int; ~Int(){ delete _int; } }; void holdReference(boost::shared_ptr<Int>, int*) {} // helper boost::shared_ptr<int> fun() { boost::shared_ptr<Int> a ( new Int ); // I get 'a' from some pleas...

XAML: How do I append a percent symbol to a bound label value?

I have a label bound to the value of a slider. Content="{Binding Path=Value, ElementName=Slider}" How do I append a percentage symbol? The value of the slider is already formatted correctly, so when the value is '50', all I need is '50%'. Edit 0: I know how to do it in code behind but I was hoping to accomplish this in xaml without...

"Could not deduce template argument" error when using Winsock bind() call with Boost

I'm fairly new to C++, and I'm likely in over my head, but that's the way it goes. I'm working with a fairly large Win32 C++ project that uses Winsock for its network communications. I'm in the process of trying to convert a bunch of its thread management over to boost, but once I added the references to the boost libraries and what-no...

Using hover to swap images, I don't want to swap images if I'm on '.this_page'...

When I land on the page, another function (not shown, that works fine) sets the class of the appropriate nav to '.this_page' and then I roll over, and the images swap correctly, but when I hover and leave 'img.this_page' it swaps, the second time I do the hover. I don't want it 'img.this_page' to swap. I tried unbinding mouseout, but on ...

jQuery bind efficiency

I'm having issue with load speed using multiple jQuery binds on a couple thousands elements and inputs, is there a more efficient way of doing this? The site has the ability to switch between product lists via ajax calls, the page cannot refresh. Some lists have 10 items, some 100, some over 2000. The issue of speed arises when I st...

How to bind events in Jquery for an element created after document load?

Hi folks, I have a set of list items in unordered lists that I bind the anchors inside them to fire when clicked. The thing is: Some ul's are created (via ajax) when I click on some of the li's created in the first place, binded in the jQuery's document.ready. And I want this li's that are created dinamically to fire as well. Can I do t...

Java Fx Data bind not working with File Read

Hi I am using a very simple JavaFx client to upload files. I read the file in chunks of 1 MB (using Byte Buffer) and upload using multi part POST to a PHP script. I want to update the progress bar of my client to show progress after each chunk is uploaded. The calculations for upload progress look correct but the progress bar is not up...

How do i bind an image to a <asp:Image /> tag in Form View

First i have a getProfileImage.aspx which accepts a CusID and TN as query strings and display n image. So getProfileImage.aspx?CusID=10&TN=Y will show the image fine in the browser :) But... Now i am presented with a Form View and i want to bind the src of the image to get the image from the getProfileImage.aspx page... The following ...

Cakephp,DISTINCT Translated results

How can I get DISTINCT translated results. My scenario is the following: I have a model named Project. One of the fields is called location. Many projects share the same location. The Question is: How can I retrieve translated DISTINCT locations. It seems like normal find with DISTINCT location does not join i18n table thus return...

Cannot bind to IPv6 address

I am facing a strange problem on my Ubuntu Karmic system. When I call getaddrinfo() with AI_PASSIVE and AF_UNSPEC, for an empty host and the UDP 12000 port to get a bindable address, I only get back one IPv4 result ( for instance). If I change my call and specify AF_INET6 instead of AF_UNSPEC, then getaddrinfo() returns "N...