
Generate texture on image in C#

hi, I have a bitmap image of one color (say green). I want to generate textures on this image. The rendered image will be then saved. I have tried using convolution matrix but it is not generating any effect as the image is of single color. Any help or method would be appreciated. Thanks ...

Mouse cursor bitmap

Hi, i am trying to get bitmap from mouse cursor, but with next code, i just can't get colors. Please a little help... Thanks in advance :) CURSORINFO cursorInfo = { 0 }; cursorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(cursorInfo); if (GetCursorInfo(&cursorInfo)) { ICONINFO ii = {0}; int p = GetIconInfo(cursorInfo.hCursor, &ii); // get scree...

Android: adding a bitmap texture to a non rectangular item

I have a widget which looks like this: Every cone is a "touchable element". Now I want to put a bitmap texture above each cone. However, bitmap images are all rectangular, so a bitmap texture above one cone would interfere with the bitmap texture above another cone. I'm wondering what is the best solution to this approach. Should I j...

Android Button over Bitmap

I am a beginner android developer and I am trying to have a button display on top of the bitmaps I am outputting. Here is what I have: my activity sets this: setContentView(new FrameView(this)); FrameView is a class that extends View: public FrameView(Context context) { super(context); setFocusable(false); Inside FrameView I ...

biXPelsPerMeter to dpi?

Hello, I need to check some bitmap files and report its x and y dpis, but I don't know how to convert biXPelsPerMeter and biYPelsPerMeter to dpi. I'm using VC++ Are there any function for this? thanks! ...

Bitmap-analysis code works pre-2.2, not 2.2

I'm creating "maps" for a game I'm making, and it's working fine on <=Android 2.1, but 2.2 is causing problems. I'm not sure if this is a common method, so I'll explain what I'm doing. First, I draw the map which the user is going to see then I draw a map of identical size with nothing but white and pink (0xffFF006E). Anywhere I draw th...

LockBits image rotation method not working?

Hey all. I resorted to using LockBits for 2d bitmap image rotation after getting fed up with the slow performance and wacky behavior of both Get/Set Pixel, and RotateTransfom. So here is the code I've come up with, and by my reckoning, it should work perfectly. It doesn't. private static void InternalRotateImage(Bitmap originalBitmap, B...

Fonts of Old Computers in C Headers

I need to get the bitmap fonts of all computer systems (like that with BASIC, handhelds, etc.) as C data arrays or raw bitmap files. More fonts, the better. I would need a site with the files or a way to extract them from the memory of an emulator. I need much help, pleeeease! ;) I need the links of the sites with the fonts or lessons ...

Get Bitmap from an Uri [android]

please help me, how to get bitmap object from an Uri (i suppose i succeed to store it in /data/data/MYFOLDER/myimage.png or file///data/data/MYFOLDER/myimage.png i used both path) to use it in my application but i failed to get it, Someone have an idea how to accomplish this thanx, ...

c# drawing image to bigger bitmap

hi, I have create a bitmap. it's width 500px, and height 500px.. And i have an image. it's w : 300px, h:300px; i want to set image to bitmap 500px, 500px without space or black background. Could u help me pls. Ty. ...

how to load more then one image in Bitmap (Flex)

Hi there, i can't download more then one image from url function processXML(e:ResultEvent):void { myXML = e.result as XML; for (var i:Number=0;i<myXML.icon.length();i++)//amout of urls.Now there tree elements { loader.load( new URLRequest(myXML.image[i].imageURL.toString())); //get url ...

Android: how to change part of image limited with Path?

Hi, I had two images. Initial state - image1 is shown. What I need: at some point change part of image1 with equal part of image2. Or, in other words - cut part of image2 and place it on image1. Part need to be changed is triangle or quadrangle I tried to use Path to make a form, clipPath on canvas and then draw image2. This follows (d...

Text on image not appearing, in preview handler vs2005 .net2

hi i am trying to show image of my file in previwew pane i am able to display the image of my file but i am stuck in the part where i need write some text on the image before adding it to preview pane. // create an image object, using the filename we just retrieved String strImageFile = file.FullName.Substring(0, file.FullNa...

flash export won't include images imported into stage or library

Hello, I have a flash file (banner ad) that uses some jpgs that I imported onto the stage. When I publish the file... It won't include the images. If the images are in the same folder as the swf.. it will work. However, just the SWF on its own will not display the images. Any ideas? ...

How to serve up image from type System.Drawing.Bitmap (<img> tag?)

I am sending a bitmap to a View in ASP.NET MVC. I have a property in my ViewModel: public Bitmap TemplateImage { get; set; } In my View, I want to be able to render that Bitmap image but I can't figure out how to do it. ...

KOFAX Bitmap Files : How can I open them?

My C# application receives image files from KOFAX VRS TWAIN driver in TWSX_FILE mode, but neither my own .NET based application nor Windows default image viewer can open these files. However, Adobe Photoshop can open them without any problem. I tried FreeImage library and although it detects their dimensions correctly it renders black im...

How to load .bmp file into BitmapImage class Tkinter python

I'm unable to find any way to load .bmp file into Tkinter() so that I can use it in a canvas widget!Plz help me! from Tkinter import * from PIL import Image import ImageTk import tkFileDialog import tkMessageBox root=Tk() class lapp: def __init__(self,master): w=Canvas(root,width=300,height=300) w.pack() p=Image.ope...

CGContextDrawImage very slow on iPhone 4

I use CGBitmapContextRef for large alterable image. Than I draw one's parts in UIView.drawRect. That's work well on iPhone 3GS - 17FPS. But on iPhone 4 calling subj method is very slow - and total FPS is 1.5! profiler says that: on 3GS invokes CGSBlendBGRA8888toRGBA8888 which takes 23% of total time. on 4G same code invokes argb32_samp...

Android Bitmap is black

Hello, I'm trying to draw a map from a textfile onto a Bitmap, but the Bitmap is all black First i load a textfile that looks like this (shortened): 0000000000 (200 width) 0111111110 0111100010 0000111110 0000111000 0000000000 (120 height) Where "1" is ground and "0" is a wall, 1 should be white and 0 should be black. Code: public M...

Error loading Bitmap from MemoryStream

I'm trying to load images (pdfs and Word documents) from a memory stream so I can manipulate them before they get added to a pdf. Whenever I try and load a bitmap or a GIF I get one of the dreaded GDI+ errors. This call... System.Drawing.Bitmap myImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(docStream); Generates this error... Sys...