
How do I blur a CGImage, or UIImageView

I have a UIImageView with a .png inside it. I want to blur the image during runtime. How do I do that? ...

Why does a PNG image sometimes get blurry depending on its position in a view

Hi, I have noticed that when placing PNG images into a view using IB and/or animating those images to various positions around a view, the image can sometimes get a slight blur. In most cases I can remedy the blur by adding .5 of a pixel to the images position. [lbLiteButton.layer setPosition:CGPointMake(140.5,159.5)]; Sometimes I ...

jQuery figuring out if parent has lost 'focus'

I'm stuck on figuring out the logic to make a drop down menu keyboard accessible. The HTML is structured as such (extra class names used for clarity): <ul> <li class="primaryMenuItem"> <a href="">Link 1</a> <ul class="popUpMenu"> <li><a href="">Sub Link 1</a></li> <li><a href="">Sub Link 2</a...

How do I solve the UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentCenter blurry text problem.

If I set a UITextField to UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentCenter, the placeholdertext is kind of blurry. Any suggestion? Thanks for the help :) ...

modal popup extender as progress bar

Hi, I have a modal popup extender in which i have a progress bar. When i click a button ...this popup should be displayed to the user. I have done this though button.attributes.add().[ this is without postback] But ...popup extender can blur the base page only after the postback. Issue is currently i am able to see the progress bar......

jQuery focus/blur with Form problem...

I have a very small form where a user can enter their zip code into an input field and either hit enter, or click the submit button to submit their zip code to our database which returns search results to the page. Everything works fine using the Enter key. Things don't work so well when the user clicks on the Submit button... The rea...

jQuery: On form input focus, show div. hide div on blur (with a caveat)

Hi, I am able to make a hidden div show/hide when an input field is in focus/blur using the following code: $('#example').focus(function() { $('div.example').css('display','block'); }).blur(function() { $('div.example').fadeOut('medium'); }); The problem is I want div.example to continue to be visible when the user is i...

jQuery: Handle blurring of each field in a form

I've got a form and I need to post data to the server every time a field in the form is changed. How do I apply a function to each child element of the form on blur? ...

jquery onblur text

Hello <div id="servisesmenu"> <span class="services" title="Сервисы">Сервисы</span> </div> <div id="services_menu" class="hiddenmenu"> <div class="framemenu"> <div class="itemmenu"><a href="/flights_booking/" class="u" title="Покупка авиабилетов онлайн">Покупка авиабилетов онлайн</a></div> <div class="...

Inline-editing: onBlur prevents onClick from being triggered (jQuery)

Hello StackOverflow community! I'm currently working on my own jQuery plugin for inline-editing as those that already exist don't fit my needs. Anyway, I'd like to give the user the following (boolean) options concerning the way editing is supposed to work: submit_button reset_on_blur Let's say the user would like to have a submit ...

jQuery's blur() and selector problem

I'm trying to create a new div each time a text field contained in the last div loses focus, but a new div is added only when the text field in the first div loses focus (instead of the last)... Please I need help urgently. Thanks a lot. Here's my code: $(function() { $(':text:last').blur(function() { $('<div ...

Flash AS3 blur or liquify part of an image with mouse

Hi, I am very beginner in flash. I want to load an image, show a cursor over the image and on mousedown I want to blur that actual part of the image. (e.g you can blur your face on the image and then save the new image). I can delete parts of the image with white line, but I would like to blur it instead // LIVE JPEG ENCODER 0.3 /...

Hide list on blur

Hi, I have a list showing up when i click on button, the problem is that i want to hide the list whenever it loses focus i.e. user clicks anywhere on a page, but not on that list. How can i do this? Also, you can see how it should look at, where's list of profile settings (li.profileItem). (ul.del li ul by default is display:none...

iPhone Dev:Blurring of CALayers when rotated

Hello All, I have a CALayer with a png image as its content.When rotation is applied the layer looks blurry. I've searched for a cause for this problem and found out that the problem might be the half pixel problem, which makes the layer blurry if its frame.origin lays on fractions like 96.5, and they suggest to make the origin a whol...

Jquery image blur effect with in a div?

Consider i have three images and one bannerDiv.... On initial page load i should show the first image and after sometimeout say 300ms i must show the second image and vise versa.... I have to blur the first image and show second image .... Any suggestion how it can be done with jquery... <div Id="BannerDiv"> <img src="mylocation" alt="i...

ckeditor blur and dialog

I have a blur function attached to my ckeditor like so editor = CKEDITOR.instances.fck; editor.on("blur",function(e){ alert("hello"); }); you with me ? now when I click on the flash button the editor blurs and causes the alert to show. how to I stop that from happening and still get the alert to appear other times like when the...

Seeking a simultaneous fade and blur effect using JQuery or Javascript

Can anyone think of a way to simulate the fade/blur flash effect used in the following website: (image fades and blurs on hover, while text fades in simultaneously) using JQuery? I am looking to have this whole chain of effects happen on load or when the DOM is ready (instead of on hover). And by blur, I ...

Creating a semi-transparent blurred background WPF

Hi guys, I have a border, i want the background of this border to be partially transparent (opacity 0.8) but i do not want the image behind it to be well defined. The effect i am after is similar to the Windows Vista window border effect, where you can see that something is behind it but you cant tell what it is. A few clarifications:...

Is it possible to smooth a scaled TBitmap in Delphi?

I am using Stretched=True on a TImage with a 256x256 bitmap. This gets scaled down by 1,2,4 or 8. As expected, text on the bitmap gets more horrible the more I depart from '1'. I notice though that Windows 7 explorer renders a scaled down version of the bitmap 'softer' and more pleasing. Is it possible to 'blur' a TBitmap in this way? ...

How to keep submit button visible and executable upon textarea onblur

I have a <div id="comment_posting_holder"> tag that holds a form with two elements: a textarea box and a submit button. I want to have the div tag (containing the textarea and submit button) disappear if I click somewhere "OTHER" than the submit button. I have a start for the code below. So upon leaving focus from the textarea, I can ...