
How can I track multiple svn branches in git

There are so many ways to skin a cat, can anyone improve on this? ...

Git: Fetching latest commit on a branch

I'm struggling to understand something about GIT. We've got a repository with a number of branches in it. I can fetch a local copy of one of those branches (git checkout -b ...), make some changes, then push them back. If I fail to tag the end of the branch, however, how do other users get the head of the branch? WHen they use git check...

CVS/SVN best practices for branching and tagging

hi i'm going to be responsible for deciding how tagging branching is going to happen in our CVS/SVN repo. Is there any literature that will help me understand the best way to work with CVS? either branching/tagging, etc? thanks ...

Git branches with completely different content

Since Git has the ability to keep track (and keep it clean) of branches with completely different content from each other, in the same repository, some projects (like Git itself) have started to make use of it. Git, for instance, uses one branch for the code itself, while keeping its documentation in a separate branch. Same repo, just d...

How to realise a deployment branch in Git

I'm using git for a PHP project, I think it's really handy. There is one thing that would be great if I get it to work. I have created a branch, meant for deployment. It has some differences, like different configuration files and documentation. I can't just ignore them, because then they will stay in both branches, while i would like ...

Automated Builds on Branches for TFS

In TFS, you are able to create automated builds and create branches (well, hopefully. ;) ) I have the following structure: ->Trunk ->Branches -> Branch A If you create an automated build, you are able to create a trigger for the build. In my case I want to create a build for Branch A so that when a checkin occurs Branch A is built...

How to handle branching when you're planning on doing a rewrite in the future?

My development team is moving to branching soon - we've been cursed with SourceSafe and we're moving to Team Foundation Server - and I'm curious about something. Traditionally when we do major revisions to our product, to the point where not even the folder structure or the filenames stay the same, we do a new root folder in source cont...

Orphaned Branches in TFS

We have a trunk in TFS that everyone works off until we have a need to branch. Our last project was a large feature that required a branch. Now that the development has been completed and the changes have been merged back into the trunk. What should happen to the development branch? Should I delete it? Mark it as read-only somehow? Wha...

Which is the correct branch instruction for branch if less than.

I wrote an answer yesterday to this: and I was trying really hard to remember my 6502 assembly, and I couldn't for the life of me remember how to branch if less than... :1 lda $C010 cmp #$80 bcc :1 ; branch if less than? I forget how to do that....

Is it more efficient to branch or multiply?

I am trying to optimize a small, highly used function which uses the high bits in an unsigned short int to indicate the values of an array to sum together. At first I was using the obvious approach shown below. Please note that loop unrolling is not explicitly shown as it should be done by the compiler. int total = 0; for(unsigned short...

How to diff changed form file - ( .Designer InitializeComponent )

Using Suversion and WinDiff its no problem to branch / merge class-projects and web-projects. The only kind of project I can never merge are winform projects. The InitializeComponent method is always scrambled after only little changes. Is there any good way to enable diff / merge for .Designer - files? EDIT: I used a 3 way diff lik...

Is a TFS branch a physical or logical snapshot?

When code is branched in TFS using the branch method, is the code physically or logically branched? By logical, I mean is it just a changeset (changed deltas) or are all of the files copied? ...

Do you create a label/tag for a specific release/path or a branch?

Hi, If you have a version 1.0 of a product, or say 1.1 or even a patch, do you create a tag/label or a branch? ...

Is there anything like branch/jump table in Java?

Hi all, does Java have something similar to a branch or jump table? A branch or jump table table is, according to wikipedia, "a term used to describe an efficient method of transferring program control (branching) to another part of a program (or a different program that may have been dynamically loaded) using a table of branch instruct...

Git: how to merge my local, working changes into another branch

How can I do this in git: My current branch is branch1 and I have made some local changes. However I now realize that I actually meant to be applying these changes to branch2. Is there a way to apply/merge these changes so that they become local changes on branch2 without committing them on branch1? ...

How do I identify what branches exist in CVS?

I have a legacy CVS repository which shall be migrated to Perforce. For each module, I need to identify what branches exist in that module. I just want a list of branch names, no tags. It must be a command line tool, for scripting reasons. For example (assuming there is a script): $ ./ module1...

Tips for manual merge of diverged code

I am fairly used to using svn for branching and merging, normally this works fine. However one component was worked on in two branches and basically took the component in different directions, so automatic merge won't work and using beyond compare shows the files as mostly different. I have tried to stitch together some of the files, bu...

Best branching strategy when doing continuous integration?

What is the best branching strategy to use when you want to do continuous integration? Release Branching - Unstable Trunk: or Feature Branching - Stable Trunk: Does it make sense to use both of these strategies together? As in, you branch for each release but you also branch for large features? Does one of these strategies mesh ...

Sorting out a Git mess

I've just inherited a project which was maintained using Git. At one point, the code was deployed onto 3 separate systems and each system maintained their own decentralised Git respository. Each of the 3 systems extended the original base system in 3 different directions. None of the 3 systems have been synchronised against each other. ...

SVN branching and merging in a rapidly changing feature environment with a high-turnover

Hi, I hope this makes sense and apologies if this has been covered before. The situation: We do regular releases to a production environment. At least once every two weeks, but quite often there can be up to three releases in a week. We have a focussed team of 3xSE's, 2xWD, 3xQA and a Technical Manager/Lead (me). The team fluctuates de...