
Find out users browser and operating system

Is there a way in ASP.Net to find out the browser and operating system of the user? Thanks Jamie ...

find nearest named anchor to an element on a web page in javascript

I'd like to be able to right-click on an element on a web page and get the URL of the nearest anchor. For example, say I'm looking at online docs, and I see a paragraph saying something surprising, then I'd like to be able to right-click on that, choose "copy URL of nearest anchor", then go to my IDE and be able to paste a URL like "htt...

is there a browser object/class for g++?

I am looking for a browser class that can be created in a terminal program in g++ that will create a page in memory and execute client JavaScript. environment is Linux, server is h ubuntu 10.04 there is no GUI installed, program would be an occasional cron script. is there such an animal? edit: removed vbscript ...

Does an HTTP Status code of 0 have any meaning?

It appears that when you make an XhrHttpRequest from a script in a browser, if the browser is set to work offline or if the network cable is pulled out, the request completes with an error and with status = 0. 0 is not listed among permissible HTTP status codes. What does a status code of 0 mean? Does it mean the same thing across all...

Browser Specific HTML Tags and Attributes

There are tons HTML tags, values, and attribute/value pairs that are vendor specific and as a result are either not well-known or are poorly documented. For instance: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> If the browser is IE the page will either be rendered in chrome frame or the latest IE rendering engine. ...

Android Development: File Browser For Reading/Saving Files

Does anyone know any good tutorials for this please? Or could anyone run me through some basic code for making this? Please & thank you, Alex. ...

Free app to test local websites in IE 6/7/8 ?

Does anyone know a windows app that lets you test a site in different versions of IE ? ...

Why do browsers show ugly errors for untrusted SSL certificates?

When faced by an untrusted certificate, every single browser I know displays a blaring error like this: Why is that? This strongly discourages web developers to use an awesome technology like SSL out of fears that users will find the website extremely shady. Ilegitimate (ie: phishing) sites do fine on HTTP, so that can't be a concer...

iPhone Browser Live Testing

I'm using win7. and i have website which i want to test it with iPhone browser environment. which it's use most flash (jISFR). this is the website i talking for, may you can see menu navigation is using flash jSIFR, which it's seems not work in iPhone, and want to fix it. of course i need iphone Testing ...

How to see what the browser sends

I need to see exactly what the browser sends to a form, for debugging purposes. I have the "tamper data" addon for Mozilla, but it doesn't show me what I am looking for. What I need is a text file with all that the browser sends, it should look like this: Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x --AaB03x Content-Disposi...

how to hide broweser address bar using javascript on client side using java script in onload function of body

how to hide broweser address bar using javascript on client side using java script in onload function of body ...

Cookie Behavior

If cookies are disabled in a browser, can we create a non persistent cookie which will get destroyed when the browser is closed? ...

How to Hide/Encrypt Javascript(which is visible to client in his/her browser)

Possible Duplicates: hide javascript from showing up in browser How can I obfuscate JavaScript? How to Hide/Encrypt Javascript(which is visible to client in his/her browser) ...

What is a MIME type?

Hi Guys; I have been reading about how to build plug-ins and this "MIME type" keeps getting discussed in it, i have tried to look into and know that its Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) but no suitable explanation of how it relates to browser plug-ins as in what i need to know about it for building plug-ins is provided, plea...

How can I position a modal box out of the browser in HTML ?

I want to position a modal box (position: absolute) out of browser, but I can't get it work. It would be cool to position modal box on secondary monitor (if user has one, of course). Hey, this one keeps me frustrating :/ ...

Javascript: Alert user without using an alert box.

I'm trying to find an elegant way to inform a user that s/he is about to be logged out and I know that most browsers will give you some indication that a hidden tab has an alert box open. I would like to duplicate this functionality without actually showing an alert box. I have thought about forcing the tab/window to gain focus, but tha...

html code doesn't run in the browser, and only display the code

hi, in order to find the server spec. i've created a file in the root dir in my website called spec.htm and entered this content as i was offered by another user: <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> @ServerInfo.GetHtml() </body> </html> but i only get a copy of the code in my browser and it doesn...

Can I use Python to develop extensions for all major browsers?

Can I use Python to develop extensions for all major browsers? If not then what languages will I need to know to develop extensions for: Chrome Firefox Safari IE Opera ...

How to find window restore in Javascript

Hi, How to find the window state using javascript.Consider our application need to alert('restor') when browser unmaximize and also need to alert('maximized') when restore or maximize the browser.Can anybody please help me. ...

Is the Android Browser capable of performing an xsl transform?

I have an xml file I wish to transform using an xsl-document, but I can't seem to make it work on even the latest available Android versions. I tried adding an tag to the xml, but that didn't work in either the native browser or in Dolphin Browser. Is there a way to script the transform to happen client-side, or is the only option to ...