
How do I copy built artifact to a directory on remote Windows server in maven deploy phase?

Hello, could someone provide working example (full maven plugin configuration) how to copy built jar file to a specific server(s) at the time of deploy phase? I have tried to look at wagon plugin, but it is hugely undocumented and I was not able to set it up. The build produces standard jar that is being deployed to Nexus, but I need t...

DLL Building Question

I have my sources split up in several directories, so for each directory I get back a DLL. Is it possible to create a DLL from several other DLL's ? EDIT: I'm using C++ with Windows CE Platform Builder 6.0 ( it's not managed ) ...

How can i build a visual studio solution using xbuild (from Mono)?

I recently downloaded Mono 2 for my new MacBook. I'm trying to figure out how to compile Visual Studio solutions with xbuild, which is included in Mono. Any ideas? ...

What is the correct build system to use with Mono and multiple projects with dependencies, excluding MonoDevelop?

In a prior question, I asked about using xbuild to compile a solution file, only to be told it doesn't work for that. NAnt seems a little out of date. What other options are there? I need something that supports dependencies across multiple projects. ...

Ant build that finds applications and iterates across them.

I use Ant to build Delphi applications (called from CruiseControl). I want ant to recursively search through a directory tree looking for files *.dpr and when found call either a second build.xml, or preferable a macro or target, passing each of the found file names as a 'parameter'. I have found that I can use subant to find build.xml...

What's the best way to build variants of the same C/C++ application.

I have three closely related applications that are build from the same source code - let's say APP_A, APP_B, and APP_C. APP_C is a superset of APP_B which in turn is a superset of APP_A. So far I've been using a preprocessor define to specify the application being built, which has worked like this. // File: app_defines.h #define APP_A ...

How to get a build date for an ASP.NET application?

Jeff wrote about getting a file version/datestamp a while back. Visual studio doesn't increment builds unless you close/reopen the solution, so grabbing the timestamp seems to be the best way to verify what build you are using. I ported the solution to C# // from protected D...

Dependencies and references - What exactly should I reference?

I am wondering what to include when building my project. I have a library I need to reference for my project to build but that library has 10 dependencies itself. Should I reference those dependencies as well or should I copy them to the output directory using a post build event? What is the best practice? I find it confusing to includ...

What should I do while I'm waiting for the build / the tests / the database migrations to run?

As best-behaved as I try to be about keeping my unit tests disconnected from the database, etc. etc, it still seems inevitable that my day will be interrupted by small regular enforced breaks while I wait for my machine to do something boring. I personally find swordfighting makes me lose my train of thought. I'm often 'in the zone' w...

What is the equivalent of the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK for the .NET Framework 3.5?

On our build server, we've installed the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK in order to kick off MSBuild and run our builds. Now we are upgrading to the .NET Framework 3.5. We do not want to install the complete Visual Studio, but we cannot find a .NET Framework 3.5 SDK on the internet either? The question: What do we need ot download and install t...

How do I get projects to place their build output into the same directory with Scons?

Background I'm trying out Scons by setting up a basic C++ sample project that has two sub-projects: Prj1 is an EXE that depends on Prj2 Prj2 is a DLL that exports some functions The problem I'm running into is that the library builds its .obj, .pdb, .lib, .dll, etc. files in the same directory as it's SConscript file while the EXE ...

How to create an alias for a build target with a relative path in Scons?

Background I'm trying out Scons by setting up a basic C++ sample project that has two sub-projects: Prj1 is an EXE that depends on Prj2 Prj2 is a DLL that exports some functions You can see the directory structure and the contents of my SConstruct and SConscript files here Problem The problem I'm running into is that in order to b...

CruiseControl.NET Build Label & SourceGear Vault Practice Related Question

I use SourceGear Vault and applyLabel="true" for a project so when it builds it will create a label in SourceGear Vault for the corresponding project.My questions are I have a nightly builds so what if i don't have any changes made to that project for that day then how do I define my settings.... <sourcecontrol type="vault" autoGetSou...

Language Agnostic Build Management System

Several times in my career, I have worked in a software group that determined that a) We needed a build/test system b) We should write our own c) We can have a developer spend a week, get it done and they shouldn't have to touch it again Every time, this has resulted in a system that only seems to work for the person that wrote it and ...

Eclipse 3.4 ant task hangs

When I launch ant script from Eclipse 3.4.x it print output to console until certain stage. After that it often hangs (wait forever). Last lines that I see at the screen (console) - partial output from my obfuscator. Under Eclipse 3.3.2 everything works fine (the same project, workspace, settings, JVM etc.). Does anybody have the same ...

Build solution for C++

I'd like to setup a build server for unmanaged C++ code developed in Visual Studio 2005. The build server should be able to do the following: Monitor a Subversion repository for code changes and schedule a build Checkout code from Subversion and run unit tests Provide some sort of report on build success and changes from previous build...

Pre-existing tool for validating file names and formats

We have to validate large amounts of resource files for naming conventions and format integrity, etc. Is there a framework/tool available to make this easier? Build tools like Ant/Phing spring to mind but I wonder if there's something more focused to this kind of testing. Ideally it would cache results based on modification-time and g...

Complex builds in Visual Studio

I have a few things that I cannot find a good way to perform in Visual Studio: Pre-build step invokes a code generator that generates some source files which are later compiled. This can be solved to a limited extent by adding blank files to the project (which are later replaced with real generated files), but it does not work if I don...

How does Copy-local work?

I am wondering what copy-local=true for references exactly does. Does it copy the referenced assembly along with all of its dependencies to the output directory? My scenario is the following: I have a custom log wrapper that utilizes log4net. I build a release assembly of MyLogWrapper.dll with log4net.dll reference set to copy-local tru...

What set of build sounds do you use?

Applications like CCTray allow one to specify a sound clip to indicate that a build is successful or that a build failed. I'm interested to hear what set of sounds different teams are using. Here are two sets that we use: Homer Simpson: "d'oh" for a build failure, "woohoo!" for success Mario bros: power down sound for a build failure,...