
How to bundle a gem in Rails? urgent

HELP!! I need to bundle a gem otherwise a published client's site will stay dead MacBook-Pros-MacBook-Pro:pn macbookpro$ sudo ruby script/generate sanitize Missing the Rails 2.3.5 gem. Please `gem install -v=2.3.5 rails`, update your RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb for the Rails version you do have installed, or ...

How do I get a bundle reference from inside of a plugin with carbon?

I'm writing a C++ plugin in Mac OS X using the Carbon framework (yeah, yeah, I know, Apple is deprecating Carbon, but at the moment I can't migrate this code to Cocoa). My plugin gets loaded by a master application, and I need to get a CFBundleRef reference to my plugin so that I can access it's resources. The problem is, when I call C...

Would it make sense to have a separate Scala library in Android market?

As far as I understand it is necessary for people using Scala for Android applications to bundle the Scala classes they used with their application. Considering this adds hundreds of kilobytes to each Scala app redundantly, would it be possible to build a Scala library which can be delivered over the market, so app writers can just depe...

Creating my own bundle in xCode, for iPhone application

Hello everyone! I am having some difficulty creating a bundle for my application, and placing files in the bundle. For example, Facebook has developed a bundle for iPhone applications using their framework. In the same way, I also want to create a bundle which can be reused for many applications. My questions are: what steps should ...

how to retrieve the image product in the list of sub-product ( select form ) of a bundle product

can i retrieve the thumbnail product in the list of sub-product ( select form ) of a bundle product ? how to change the query? thanks in advance ...

How to debug a bundle in XCode?

I wrote a nice little program. At some point, it is required to load a bundle with some additional functionality. I, too, am the author of the bundle, so I have the source code and Xcode-projects for both the main application and the bundle. Until now, I simply dragged the bundle into the resources-folder in the main application, which ...

How to serialize a Bundle?

I'd like to serialize a Bundle object, but can't seem to find a simple way of doing it. Using Parcel doesn't seem like an option, since I want to store the serialized data to file. Any ideas on ways to do this? The reason I want this is to save and restore the state of my activity, also when it's killed by the user. I already create a ...

How can I get Symbolic-Name of an Osgi bundle which is using one of my exported packages ?

Inside one of my implementation libraries I want to know from which user library request is coming from? Bundle A ClientCode -- > ServiceInterface Bundle B ClientCode -- > ServiceInterface Bundle C ServiceInterface ServiceImpl. And those interfaces are resolved by one of impl. bundles (Bundle C). Inside that bundle I want to kn...

How do I pass data from a BroadcastReceiver through to an Activity being started?

I've got an Android application which needs to be woken up sporadically throughout the day. To do this, I'm using the AlarmManager to set up a PendingIntent and have this trigger a BroadcastReceiver. This BroadcastReceiver then starts an Activity to bring the UI to the foreground. All of the above seems to work, in that the Activity la...

Why doesn't CPAN install dependencies for the modules in my bundle?

I'm creating a bundle to make it easy to install my app. I started here: http://search.cpan.org/dist/CPAN/lib/CPAN.pm#Bundles I have a package Bundle::MyApp which looks like this: package Bundle::MyApp; $VERSION = '0.01'; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bundle::MyApp - modules needed by my app =head1 SYNOPSIS cpan install Bundle::MyApp ...

Force a GNUstep "bundle" to be executable

Does anybody know how to get GNUstep-make to compile a bundle but make the resulting binary executable? ...

How to include 512X512 icon in my iphone app?

Apple HIG says I must include a 512x512 and a 29x29 icons along with the 57x57 icon. Now how do I "include" the large icons? I have Icon.png and Icon-Small.png files, but how do I include the 512x512 version of the icon? ...

How to thoroughly clean up a ruby on rails project?

Hi, I am very new to ruby on rails. I've installed a complicated ruby on rails project via github clone and bundle install, and I was making minor changes to it until it reaches a point whereby it is not stable anymore, sass was throwing strange exceptions, so did other ruby gems. For a rails project, is there a way to clean up the proje...

View osgi bundles' dependencies?

Hello all, I am looking for a tool in Eclipse that I can view graphically all osgi bundles' dependencies. Anyone has any ideas, please? Thanks ...

Xcode Unit Testing - Accessing Resources from the application's bundle?

I'm running into an issue and I wanted to confirm that I'm doing things the correct way. I can test simple things with my SenTestingKit tests, and that works okay. I've set up a Unit Test Bundle and set it as a dependency on the main application target. It successfully runs all tests whenever I press cmd+B. Here's where I'm running i...

Trouble using xib files in libraries

Hi there, I'm having some trouble working with libraries and included xib files. Let me explain my situation first. I've got a project that's running pretty good. Now I need a part of my project as a library for another customer who want's to use some of the functionality in his app. I've created a library with help of that highly recom...

Using Relative Paths to Load Resources in Cocoa/C++

I am currently working directly with Cocoa for the first time to built a screen saver. Now I came across a problem when trying to load resources from within the .saver bundle. I basically have a small C++ wrapper class to load .exr files using freeImage. This works as long as I use absoulte paths, but that's not very useful, is it? So, b...

How to create a bundle

Hi there, how do I create a bundle with resources like images and xibs to share it between apps? I saw that there's a way to do it when creating a new project, but there must be a way to do it based on a finished project, right? Thanks in advance –f ...

Why isn't my bundle getting passed?

I'm trying to pass a bundle of two values from a started class to my landnav app, but according to the debug nothing is getting passed, does anyone have any ideas why? package edu.elon.cs.mobile; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnC...

Should onSaveInstanceState save the "enabledness" of the views?

Hi there, I have a preferences activity where I can change the language and the theme of my application. From there I return to the previous activity via the Back key, and I want to recreate the activity. I've managed to do that by reinitializing the layout in onResume and also calling onRestoreInstanceState from there. All the views ...