
How to localize bundle display name in iPhone app?

How can I localize bundle display name of an iPhone app? The name displayed in iPhone main screen under app icon. I wish a single binary bundle package which will be displayed multilingually. ...

getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent

Hi. I am trying to make some alarms after the user selects something with a time from a list and create a notification for it at the given time. My problem is that the "showname" that a putExtra on my Intent cant be received at the broadcast receiver. It always get null value. This is the way I do it for most of my intents but I think th...

Can you please explain onCreate and Bundles?

I have been looking it up and I just cant seem to wrap myself around the onCreate and Bundles. I understand that the onCreate is called when the program starts but its how the Bundles get passed around and how they are pertinent. Can anyone try to put this into plain english because I cant seem to find it well described. Thanks ...

external images needed by nib file

Hi, I have this nib file, with a large number of NSImageViews that use a large number of Images in my application bundle. I'm hoping to change the images displayed though while the application is running. What I want to do is to externalize these images into an application support folder so that when I want to modify them, I don't hav...

How to change the app name in OSX menubar in a pure-Python application bundle?

I am trying to create a pure-Python application bundle for a wxPython app. I created the .app directory with the files described in Apple docs, with an Info.plist file etc. The only difference between a "normal" app and this bundle is that the entry point (CFBundleExecutable) is a script which starts with the following line: #!/usr/bin/...

Settings.bundle Not Appearing on Application Updates

I have an app that does not currently use a Setting.bundle to display setting in the iPhone Settings app. I am releasing an update that does. On a fresh install, the settings are added to the Setting App as expected, but upon updating from the old install, the bundle is not added. Is there some sort of trick to get the Settings App to...

Is there such a thing as an "elisp bundle" for TextMate?

I started using Code Collector Pro to organise and save my Emacs codes, and this software requires TextMate bundles for syntax highlighting. They have a lisp bundle, but not an elisp bundle, at least not that I can see. I would think that the syntax highlighting would work under the lisp bundle, but for some reason it isn't happening. I...

Is it possible to create a Mono bundle that includes WPF libraries?

I know WPF libraries aren´t implemented by mono class library, however(as far as I know) the mono 2.6 runtime is fully compatible with the .NET 2.0/3.5 runtime, so if the WPF libraries only make PInvoke calls to windows api it is theoretically possible to run a wpf application on windows using the mono runtime. The reason for wanting ...

Resolve error while loading 'dexed' JAR on Android

Hi, I'm trying to make a bundle for Felix on Android which may take photos regularly. All the code compiles well and it can be resolved by Felix, but when I try to start it, I get an exception (java.lang.VerifyError) and this trace in logcat : I/dalvikvm( 738): Failed resolving Lbarcode/android/CameraHandler; interface 1 'Landroid/har...

Programmatically add Bundle Products in Magento, using the SKU / ID of Simple Items

I have some simple catalog products in Magento, so I have their SKUs & IDs. Now I want to create a Bundled product using the array elements "bundle_options" & "bundle_selections" of the Bundle Items, which are used by the Magento Admin coding in its Observer Class. Also in the Observer class, there are method calls of two functions "...

Why would webview's loadHTMLString not hit webViewDidStartLoad callback?

Background: I am developing a news reader type app native for the iPhone which displays many of the news articles as html in UIWebViews. My current goal is to have a css file in my project that can style html that is programmitically meshed up (article + comments, etc). I have done a bunch of little proof of concepts and I know that I ...

How to set Sku Type & Price Type of Bundle Product programmatically in Magento?

I have added a Bundled Product in Magento programmatically, using all the options / properties of the Simple Product & the use of the 3 methods specifically for Bundle Options:- setBundleOptionsData() setBundleSelectionsData() setCanSaveBundleSelections() The result is that the newly added Bundle Product shows just fine in the Admin ...

Java binary licensing

Can we include java JRE binaries (binaries itself, not installer) into our software distribution package? Can we do it for free? This software is proprietary closed-source secure client for russian gaming site (SaaS). It is commercial site, but client was created by community, without any support of site owners - so, we must use only fr...

OSGi equinox : Bundle stay always in the state "RESOLVED"

Hello, I've created one main bundle in wich one I've installed the equinox p2. Then I export it to obtain an executable. My executable works correctly. I've also created one other Bundle that interact witt the first one. In eclipse, if I create a product configuration with this 2 bundles and run the product, everything works. After tha...

How to create a browser plugin bundle on OS X

I have created a NPAPI browser plugin for Firefox on linux. I installed the plugin by copying the shared library into my user's profile plugin directory. I am able to build the shared library on OS X, but I am not familiar with how to create a plugin bundle that Firefox/Chrome/Safari can use. How can I create a plugin bundle that will...

MacRuby: load cocoa bundle

hi , I created a custom cocoa bundle. But when i try to load the bundle into MacRuby project,I get the following err dyld: Library not loaded: audio_streamer.bundle Referenced from: /Users/sgopinath/workspace002/UplayaDesktopRadio/build/Debug/UplayaDesktopRadio.app/Contents/MacOS/UplayaDesktopRadio Reason: image not found I created the...

Unable to have two versions of the same app on the one iphone

Hi there! I have two versions of my app. I'm trying to keep a copy of each on my iPhone for testing purposes. In my build settings, my bundle display name is ${PRODUCT_NAME} and I've given each version of my app a different product name (eg "v92" and "v10"). When I install each version to my iPhone, they both appear side by side with d...

how to add a uibarbuttonitem in settings bundle?

I would like to add a uibarbuttonitem in the settings bundle in my app. How to implement this? What's more, I want to implement the function dragging the items of settings bundle in my app to adjust the orders of the items. How to implement it? I find the 'General' of iphone settings bundle has such functions. Thanks for any help. ...

Android Bundle in properties

(I'm Coming from a C# background writing iPhone apps with MonoTouch) I have a simple app that needs to save button color. I have this code in a Settings class that is a singleton. Is this the way it 'should' be done? I usually like having a single Setting instance that is accessed around the app in my C# iPhone apps. private static ...

Return code from Mac app

I'm trying to create a Mac app, which should return an error code in some cases. This is an Intel bundle. (It's a Carbon C++ project, but this is probably irrelevant.) The standard way to do it in C++ would be to have the main function return the value, and that's what I do, so I think that part is correct. (I also tried explicitly calli...