
How to force application Settings bundle get updated?

Application Settings.bundle contains a version number, which is automatically generated during build. From build log I can see that new value is written there, also when looking inside the file itself in MacOS X Finder I see correct updated value. Settings in iPhone simulator or in real iPhone shows me the old value. Removing applicatio...

Create simple cocoa application wrapper

I have an application I want to bundle (with some additional files) together inside a wrapper application. Literally the only thing I want to do is have the wrapper application launch a resource file (i.e. as if I'd typed: /path/to/Resources/Bundled.app/Contents/MacOS/executable into the terminal. Make sense? I thought this should b...

Bundler isn't loading gems

I have been having a problem with using Bundler and being able to access my gems without having to require them somewhere, as config.gem used to do that for me (as far as I know). In my Rails 3 app, I defined my Gemfile like so: clear_sources source "http://gemcutter.org" source "http://gems.github.com" bundle_path "vendor/bundler_gems"...

Magento Bundled Product Restrictions

We need to represent computer systems on our Magento site. We're going to use bundled products to represent these systems. We'd like certain computer systems to have various options available (for example, mainboard, RAM, CPU, etc.). However, we want to prevent our customers from configuring the system with incompatible parts (i.e. us...

How to make Cocoa document package type with it's extension hidden by default?

I'm making a Cocoa application which uses document package (bundle) as it's data. I specified an extension and Finder now recognizes the folder with the extension as a document well. But the folder's extension is still displaying, and I want to hide it by default (like application bundle) Is there an option to do this? ...

How to load resource bundle messages from DB

Can I load a resource bundle dynamically? Can I edit a resource bundle dynamically? It would be best if I can have such a logical resource bundle (i.e. located in context not as physical file). Related: How to load a resource bundle from a file resource? ...

Check if path is folder/bundle/alias in ObjC.

Hi, I come from the AppleScript land and there we use alias of (info for thePath) package folder of (info for thePath) folder of (info for thePath) to see if a path is either of the above. But I can't seem to find out how to do it in ObjC/Cocoa. I'm pretty sure it's quite easy but I fail to find any info about it. Thanks... ...

How to make full-screened MacOSX bundle killable?

Exposition: I am writing an GLFW app on MacOSX. The app is a Mac bundle. I want my app to run in fullscreen mode (easy, use GLFW_FULLSCREEN). Problem is .. my code is still buggy, and I do not know how to kill a full-screened app that infinite loops (i.e. if the exit(0); is not called in the program; I don't know how to force kill it)....

iPhone Referring to Resources in Seperate Directories

This question tells how one can create directories in your resources path. Once created, how does one reference these directories? I have created an html directory with a structure for my internal pages, now I want to load the index.html file from the html directory. Thus, I'll need the file path to it. I can just use: NSString *filen...

Multiple targets - multiple Settings.bundle files?

Hello. I am making a iPhone app that has two different targets. They use the same files, with some #ifdef here and there, and that works just fine. But now the project has stopped. Does anybody know how to have different Settings.bundles for both targets? Thank you! ...

Accessing Child.plist of Settings.bundle in iPhone application - How?

Hello ! Every one here. I am facing a problem in accessing Settings.bundle. Let me explain what exactly I am doing. Any kind of new Project Template from File ( Under iPhone OS ) - preferable View based. Now Right click on your project / Resources group. Select Add / New File Under iPhone Os - resource - Settings Bundle. Name it as ...

How to configure Maven to generate the correct named OSGi bundle

I'm using the maven-bundle-plugin to generate my bundles. One issue that bug me is that the finalName (jar file) does't conform with the actual bundle name. Internally the bundle plugin convert the version from Maven format to OSGi format (ex: 1.0-SNAPSHOOT => 1.0.0.SNAPSHOOT) How should the actual propper OSGi naming can be extracted...

Cucumber and WebRat in Selenium mode: Can't start mongrel_rails when using gem bundle

I'm using gem bundler (v.0.9.6) and Rails 2.3.5, rubygems 1.3.6 and ruby 1.8.7 (On Snow Leopard). My Gemfile looks like this: source :rubyforge source "http://gems.github.com" gem "rails", "2.3.5" gem "ruby-debug" gem "activemerchant", :require => 'active_merchant' gem "hpricot" gem "nokogiri" gem "state_machine" gem "fastercsv" gem "y...

Bundles and dylib lookups

My .app packages looks like this: MyApp.app/ Contents/ MacOS/ MyApp libA.dylib libB.dylib libC.dylib PlugIns/ PlugIn1.bundle/ ...bundle contents PlugIn2.bundle/ ...bundle contents Both PlugIn1.bundle and PlugIn2....

Saving a "project"-type document (containing sub-documents)

I'm trying to create a "project"-like document, in that it contains subdocuments in a specified directory. I'd like a brand new save of a document to set up that directory with appropriate subdirectories. I'd like a "Save As" to copy all those subdirectories and any files within them to the new location. But I'd like a "Save" to only upd...

How to use py2exe icon_resources in wxPython application?

I have a wxPython application I'm bundling into an exe using py2exe. I've defined an icon in the setup.py file using the following: setup( windows=[ { 'script': 'myapp.py', 'icon_resources': [(1, 'myicon.ico')] }, ], ) This works, but I'd like to be able to access that icon from my wxPy...

Nested multi value specifiers in iPhone app's Settings bundle

Hi, I am trying to add nested multi value specifiers to my app's Settings bundle (something like what is done in the "Region Format" section of the International settings in the Settings app). I have tried to use a PSMultiValueSpecifier for the first set of values (first screen, like the list of languages in "Region Format") and then s...

Is there a method to update all of my textmate bundles at once from the git repository?

I am trying to update all of my Textmate bundles to the most current version. Is there a way to do this without doing each bundle individually? If not how do I update an individual bundle? I don't know how to use svn so I would prefer to use the git repository. Thanks for helping a noob! :) ...

Easily writing Bundles in Cocoa

How can I write bundles in Cocoa without much "fuzz" around it? I just want to have a bundle with an Info.plist, a Contents Folder and that folder should contain a couple of files. ...

Why would an OS X bundle take about 30 seconds to open?

Hi, We wrote a simple OS X executable in objective c. It opens and runs very quickly when called. We then put that executable into a .app bundle. When calling "open" from the command line on that bundle, or double clicking the app from the finder the "open" call can take upwards of 30 seconds to return. This is especially confusing ...