
Why doesnt Multi Args in constructor work under linux?

For my exception class i have a constructor that has multi arguments (...) which works fine under windows, how ever, under linux it compiles fine but refuses to link to it. Why does this not work under linux? here is an example: class gcException { public: gcException() { //code here } gcException(uint32 errId, ...

How to use #include directive correctly?

Is there any materials about how to use #include crorrectly? I didn't find any c/c++ text book that explain this usage in details. In formal project, I always get confused in dealing with it. Thanks for your help. ...

What's the equivalent of Windows' QueryPerformanceCounter on OSX?

I'm porting a library from Windows to *NIX (currently OSX), does anyone now what function can I use instead of Microsoft's QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency? ...

CListCtrl - how to enable multiple selection

Hi, I am creating a MFC application for Windows Mobile and don't know how to enable multiple selection for List Control (CListCtrl). In properties panel Single Selection is set to False but still can't select multiple items. Any idea? Thanks! ...

Port Mingw32 based code to msvc2008

We recently had a new requirement to use the phonon component of Qt, which on windows requires Visual Studio. I installed VS2008 and ran a compile. There are a stack of problems due to make not working anything like nmake. Since I need to maintain cross-platform I want to test which compiler is being used so that I can make changes as...

C++ 3D Model Animation libraries?

I have my own game engine using C++ and OpenGL, but I have models with individual pieces that can be moved, and Im not sure how to animate them without hardcoding it. Are there any libraries that would provide a solution via scripts or IK or some other animation technique without resorting to a game engine such as Ogre? ...

How do you create a COM DLL in Visual Studio 2008?

It's been ages since I've written a COM dll. I've made a couple of classes now, that inherit from some COM interfaces, but I want to test it out. I know I have to put a GUID somewhere and then register it with regsvr32, but what are the steps involved? Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention I'm using C++. ...

C++. Is it possible that a RNG gives different random variable in two different machines using the same seed?

Hi everybody, I have this long and complex source code that uses a RNG with a fix seed. This code is a simulator and the parameters of this simulator are the random values given by this RNG. When I execute the code in the same machine, no matter how many attempts I do the output is the same. But when I execute this code on two differe...

overloaded increment's return value

In his The C++ Programming Language Stroustrup gives the following example for inc/dec overloading: class Ptr_to_T { T* p; T* array ; int size; public: Ptr_to_T(T* p, T* v, int s); // bind to array v of size s, initial value p Ptr_to_T(T* p); // bind to single object, initial value p Ptr_to_T& operator++(); // prefix Ptr_to_T ope...

Garbage collection in C++?

What garbage collectors are there available for C++? Are you using any of them? With what results? ...

c++ xml data binding

There are several comparisons of the different java xml data binding tools online. I'd like to see this become a useful comparison between the different c++ tools for xml data binding. Which tool are you using for xml data binding in c++ ? CodeSynthesis and xmlbeanscxx are a couple of the available choices. I'd like everyone to add...

QCompleter and QLineEdit for multiple words

Hello, Is there any way to have the QCompleter to act like an autocomplete for multiple words? Someone has any ideia how to do it? Thanks ...

Availability of #include <map> with xlC on AIX 4.3

Is there a version of xlC/VACPP available for AIX 4.3, which does not choke when given following source: #include <map> int main(void) { return 0; } If yes, is it still available anywhere? ...

How to detect what CPU is being used during runtime ?

How can I detect which CPU is being used at runtime ? The c++ code needs to differentiate between AMD / Intel architectures ? Using gcc 4.2. thanks in advance, vivekian ...

Printing detailed debugging output easily?

I'm basically looking for a way to automate typing stuff like the following: cout << "a[" << x << "][" << y << "] =\t" << a[x][y] << endl; Something like: PRINTDBG(a[x][y]); Ideally this would also work for PRINTDBG(func(arg1, arg2)); and even PRINTDBG(if(condition) func(foo);); (which would print e.g. "if(false) func(5)"). ...

(C++) Need to figure out all points within a radius using reg. 2D windows coord. system

Sorry in advance, I'm struggling a bit with how to explain this... :) Essentially, I've got a typical windows coordinate system (the Top, Left is 0,0). If anybody's familiar with the haversine query, like in SQL, it can get all points in a radius based on latitude and longitude coordinates. I need something much simpler, but my math s...

How do I parse this correctly with spirit?

My situation: I'm new to Spirit, I have to use VC6 and am thus using Spirit 1.6.4. I have a line that looks like this: //The Description;DESCRIPTION;; I want to put the text DESCRIPTION in a string if the line starts with //The Description;. I have something that works but looks not that elegant to me: vector<char> vDescription; //...

Math Resources for C/C++ Programmers

My degree is in Electrical and Computer Engineering but i'm currently employed as a Software Engineer. I took all of the algebra, geometry and calculus classes that one would expect from someone with my degree however I must admit, I think I learned just enough to pass the test but never really saw a use for it and therefore never really...

Warnings and SunStudio C++ compiler

I talked my team into turning on compiler warnings again. Some how all warnings (-w) were disabled (don't ask...). Most of them are obvious but one of them is really annoying. I get it from my date and time classes which are used in lots of places. Story is really simple. Time is subclass of Date and both of them have their operators def...

Camera output, while performing functions, SLOW converting from linux to windows (C++)

I know this is probably general, please bear with me! We've got a program that uses a web camera and, based on what the camera is seeing, runs certain functions. The program runs excellently on MacOS and Linux, and it compiles and it does run on Windows, but a couple of the functions, (including one that iterates pixel by pixel, 640x480...