
Programatically use RGBa values in fillStyle in <canvas> ?

Hi, Posting for the first time here, so if I'm breaking any rules or guidlines here then please let me know gently and I'll keep it in mind for next time... Im learning programming in <canvas>, and I wanted to do a simple thing in it. I wanted to set the RGBa value of the rectangle I was drawing using some variable. for example, var...

WPF Draggable Panel Class

I'm trying to write a panel class from this two resources: The panel class will have two attached properties "X" and "Y" and if any element gives x and y to be zero then it wil...

HTML5 Large canvas

I've noticed that when dynamically creating a large canvas (6400x6400) that quite alot of the time nothing will be drawn on it, and when setting the canvas to a small size it works 100% of the time, however as I don't know any better, I have no other choice than to try and get the large canvas working correctly. thisObj.oMapCanvas ...

How scroll a canvas up? (Writing chat in Flex)

I'm writing a chat client using Flex. The basis for the chat window is a canvas. I've got that showing, but how do I make it scroll up? I want to clip the window so only the last 15 lines are shown. This doesn't appear to be working (nothing moves): <mx:Canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="3000" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" vertic...

current transform being applied by canvas

How can I determine the current transform that's being applied by an html5 canvas. It seems that it only supports two methods for dealing with transforms "transform", "setTransform" but I can't seem to discover the results of applying the transforms. Short of tracking them all myself and duplicating the the matrix mathematics that it m...

How to get exact position of a Canvas (Java)

In my code, I use mouse coordinates to interact with the program. From there, something must be drawn at the mouse's location. However, the getX()/getY() methods for the Canvas return the values of the window holding the Canvas, but when I go to draw, (0,0) is located slightly to the right and below (past the bars) the top left of the wi...

Resizable Canvas (JQuery UI)

ANY DOM element can be made resizable according to this page: However, it seems that this doesn't work for the CANVAS element. Possible? ...

Android draw with blur

Hi, I need do draw on Android's Canvas using Blur effect, it is a very simple feature, I need to draw a circular area, which is blurred (the foreground) and the background transparent, I can do everything with manipulating the colour alpha to do it with custom transparency but I need it to be blurred instead of transparent.. any ideas...

TranslatePoint within a Canvas

I have a scroll viewer in my application that contains a canvas, in which I have a tree custom-drawn tree structure. I'm trying to get the position of a particular node element in the canvas relative to the scroll viewer (so I can scroll to it), but my attempts aren't working. I've tried using marker.TranslatePoint(new Point(0, 0), scro...

Trying to display text content of <a> in <canvas> without any visual difference

Hi all, Let's say that I got the following code in a page: elit ac <a href="http://www.ducksanddos/bh.php" id='link'>Hello world!</a> nunc And that I want to make the <a> contain a <canvas> element which will display the exact same text and will look exactly like the <a> looked before the change, resulting code: elit ac <a href="htt...

Scroll to WPF elements outside boundary

I'm editing a WPF Window object in Visual Studio and have a canvas element that stretches outside the boundary of the Window. Visual Studio only gives a zoom in/out feature, but I can't scroll left or right, even though my canvas inside the Window stretches way off the right of the screen. How can I scroll out all that way? Thanks, Dave...

scaling logo in html5 <canvas>

Having trouble scaling with . It seems to make sense to code up a drawing in canvas to a fixed size (ie 800x600) then scale it for specific locations - but sizing occurs in 4 places: 1) in the context definition (ie ctx.width = 800 2) with ctx.scale; 3) in html with but this doesn't appear right - it seems to want the scale to be pro...

What is the fastest way to move a rectangular (pixel) region inside a HTML5 canvas element

I want to implement vertical scrolling of the contents of a HTML5 canvas element. I don't want to render the whole content again. Instead I would like to move the whole content down/up and only render the area, which has been scrolled into view. I experimented with the getImageData and putImageData functions but in my tests they are alm...

WPF Centering Elements On Canvas Via Code

I found this resource Centering On Canvas. But the problem is I cannot use the same thing via C# because the canvas left and top values are returning zero and throwing an exception.Not always will I place elements on canvas via xaml, so how can I use C# to implement this. Please help. <Canvas.Left> <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResou...

How Canvas benefited Bespin

I wasn't sure what Canvas did or how it it's useful, so I googled and found this: number 1 says "By far the best implementation of canvas so far is Mozillas Bespin a web code editor which uses canvas to create it’s slick interface, without canvas Bespin would not be as...

Waving text on canvas

How could I make waving text on a canvas element similar to what is found on this page? ...

Scrolling a Canvas smoothly in Android

I'm new to Android. I am drawing bitmaps, lines and shapes onto a Canvas inside the OnDraw(Canvas canvas) method of my view. I am looking for help on how to implement smooth scrolling in response to a drag by the user. I have searched but not found any tutorials to help me with this. The reference for Canvas seems to say that if a Canv...

Problems using HTML Canvas & Greasemonkey not able to drawImage() on 2D context

In my Greasemonkey script, when I obtain a handle on an HTMLImageElement I want to use with an HTML Canvas, I get the following error in Firefox's Error Console (I assume it's because it's enclosed in an XPCNativeWrapper): Error: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D...

Android: How to detect when a scroll has ended

I am using the onScroll method of GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener to scroll a large bitmap on a canvas. When the scroll has ended I want to redraw the bitmap in case the user wants to scroll further ... off the edge of the bitmap, but I can't see how to detect when the scroll has ended (the user has lifted his finger from the scr...

Canvas fillText performance, is it my code or a problem with WebKit?

I'm implementing some basic animations in canvas, when I came across an interesting issue. It appears that Firefox is rendering my text much more smoothly when animated, then the Chrome or WebKit nightlies. Is this a problem with my code or is there a performance issue with fillText in Webkit/Chrome? edit I forgot to mention in my actu...