
Fixing cell height and define a flexible one in a Table

Hi guys! I have this problem on my website's layout, and it's basically preventing me from continue it, it's destroying everything. here goes the HTLM code: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="446" height="362"> <!-- MSTableType="layout" --> <tr> <td valign="top" colspan="2" height="110"> <p align="cente...

How do you specify table padding in CSS? ( table, not cell padding )

Hi, I have a table with a colored background and I need to specify the padding between the table and it's content, I.E. cells. The table tag doesn't seem to accept a padding value. Firebug shows the table and tbody's layout with padding 0 but doesn't accept any value entered for them, so I guess they just don't have the padding property....

BeginEdit of a specific Cell from code behind

Is possibile begin edit of a specific cell from code behind with DataGrid control (WPF Toolkit)? I have to enable the celledittemplate of first cell of selected row after a button action...how can I do? ...

Flex Datagrid Drag and Drop into Cell

Hi all, I am creating an application that will allow users to model configuration information by allowing them to Drag and Drop objects from a Flex Tree into a DataGrid. I know that both the Tree and DataGrid both support Drag and Drop quite well. My problem is that I want users to drop items from the Tree into a particular Datagrid ce...

jQuery: How to select the values from the table's column based on tables header only

Hello, I have a table with header ID. I need to select all the fields under this header. I don't have access to the source code and no classes are used in this table. Any idea on how to get this done? ...

Optimal way for partitioning a cell based shape into a minimal amount of rectangles

Assume a boolean array like: 1111 1111 1110 1111 1001 Now you need to find the way of arranging the least rectangles of any size to achieve this shape. So, for example, you'd find this: +-++ | |+ | | +-++ + + Where + is a corner of a rectangle and |, - borders of a rectangle. What I thought about doing is starting with the larges...

How to get a jqGrid cell value

How to get a jqGrid cell value when in-line editing (getcell and getRowData returns the cell content and not the actuall value of the input element). ...

Blank when NaN in jqGrid cells.

How to set blank instead of NaN in jqGrid cells ? Using formatter ? Is there an example? ...

How to screen capture screenshots or movies on the Linux framebuffer

How can the linux frame buffer, on Cell Linux, be captured to obtain either screen shots or movies? Is there a tool to do this for a running program, or must the program writing to, and presumably controlling, the frame buffer also handle capture and recording? ...

Programming the PS3 Controller for User Input

I need to begin programming the input for the PS3 controller. Right now I'm working on the cell simulator and have been debugging code on there for some time now. I'm ready to move on to the next step of development which would be to get input from the user, specifically from the ps3 controller, but I have no idea how to start this or wh...

Learning J2ME -- books, articles, tools, articles, tips?

We're building J2ME "data collection" applications for the Nokia S40 series of cellphones (and possibly Android platforms). I was wondering how other mobile developers learnt J2ME ? What were the roadblocks or bumps which slowed your progress ? What gotchas should I be watching for? Where did you learn the techniques for going beyond th...

Static images in drawRect or in reuse cell method?

Hi, I was testing adding a static image in an reused cell vs drawing it in the cell with drawrect method. I tested both methods and it seems drawing the image every time the cell gets in display is faster then adding the image to an reused cell. Anyone knows, how this is possible? i have two more static images, should i draw these in d...

Creating a fixed formatted cell in UITableview

Hi, I want to have a tableview create rows that look like this: value1 item1 container1 value10 item10 container10 value100 item100 container100 value2 item2 container2 What I am trying to show is that the first word (value) will have a set length of 12 and then the second word (item) will have ...

Table cell stretching

I have two columns in my table with equal width(50%, 50%). I am showing search results URL in them. For big urls the columns are stretching and destroying the layout. Any suggestion to the problem? Thanks & Regards, Subrat. ...

Background of cell in a DataGridView

I've been playing around with datagridviews for a bit and a question has came up. -> Doesn't changing a cells background work out of the CellFormatting event. I've tried this: private void dataGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender, dataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e) { if (dataGridView1.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name.Equals(dnsList...

in UITableView, can I have two sections with the cells of each section to be variable length?

and also, by doing that, does it align to the iPhone UI guidelines? ...

iPhone dev question help forming array

Hi guys I've spent this morning searching google for this, but I just can't get what I want how i want it. I am creating a custom table view cell, with different icons down the side, in a sectioned table view. My problem is that I am having trouble reading these images from an array. I can do it like below, but can someone please help m...

How to access silverlight3 DataGrid cell control

how to access silverlight3 DataGrid cell value programatically? I know that I can use DataContext to access the data, but I need to access control contained in a specific cell. If column template is like this: <data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Header text"> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.Ce...

GWT Spreadsheet Cell

I am trying to reproduce the behavior of a spreadsheet cell using GWT. I was able to make a Composite widget called "Cell" which is by default a "Label" widget. When a user clicks on this widget, it becomes a "TextBox" widget. On a blur event, the widget becomes a "Label" widget once again. My question concerns efficiency and rendering ...

cell phone hacking (as in engineering hack)

hi. my apologized right away if it is not really programming related question. I have a (crazy?) idea of using cellphone voice channel as remote control channel for RC models/drones. in principle if it is doable, it should increase the range a lot. Data data channels on most cell phone companies are more expensive than pure voice chan...