
How to write back to a certain cell in google doc spreadsheet using python

So the problem is, i get some information from first column of the row (for example A2 ) from the spreadsheet, then i will do some checking with that information, after that i want to write back to the next column in the row the result, how do i do that? Is there a certain function to allow me to indicate the column behind, in front, abo...

Selected cell : Change background color

Hi, This is for the main browse menu. I have a View. Inside that is a UITableView. I am populating this UITableView with my browse menu items. (icon1 - menuitem1, icon2 - menuitem2, icon3 - menuitem3 and so on) Now the problem is: Some of the menuitems, upon clicking go to a static UI like Send Email form, FAQ screen etc., And some of ...

How do I programmatically add a button to a gridview and assign it to a specific code-behind function?

Hey! In runtime I'm creating a DataTable and using nested for-loops to populate the table. This table I later assign as DataSource to a gridview and on RowDataBound I assign the value of each cell. I want to know how I can give each cell a button and assign that button to a codebehind function. I'll have 12 buttons and each one will cont...

Excel formula to show linked cell ID

In an excel cell, I've placed a simple formula =C4 The cell typically displays the value of cell C4, but instead I want to see the linked cell ID instead, which in this case is "C4". Is there a formula to show me this? like: =SHOWCELL(C4) The reason I need this instead of simply typing the value of "C4" into the cell, is so Excel ...

excel blank (empty) cell

I need to return a value of "1" if a referneced cell is Empty. I can do it if the value is zero but how do i do it if it is empty? ...

flex builder datagrids formatting

is there a way to control the text positioning in the datagrid cells in Flex so that all text in subsequent columns align on the same rows? ...

Table view with custom cell (programmatically)

Hey guys, So far, I used to create custom nibs to make my cell as I wanted but this time, the height of a cell will change from one to another so that I can't create a fixed-size cell's nib. So I decided to create it programmatically ... Is the way below the good way to achieve it ? // Customize the appearance of table view cells. - ...

How to code Microsoft Excel "Shift Cells Up" feature in SQL

Take a simple table like below: Column Headings: || Agent's Name || Time Logged In || Center || Row 1: Andrew || 12:30 PM || Home Base Row 2: Jeff || 7:00 AM || Virtual Base Row 3: Ryan || 6:30 PM || Test Base Now lets say that a single cell is deleted so the table now looks like this: Column Headings: || Agent's Name || Time ...

How do I create rows with alternating colors for a UITableView on iPhone?

Hi all, i would to have alternate 2 colors of rows, like the first black, the second white, the third black, etc, etc... my approach is like a basic exercise of programming to calculate if a number is odd number or not: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSStr...

How to get a cell value in JQGrid?

How to get a cell value in JQGrid? If I use the following syntax – var ret = jQuery("#MyGrid").jqGrid('getRowData', id); ret = ret.ProductId; it returns the following HTML. 'input class="editable" name=" ProductId " id="0_ ProductId " style="width: 98%;" type="text"' I actually need the value of the cell. Thanks. Dev ...

Iwork Numbers Spreadsheet Referencing

I am new to Mac Numbers. I would like to know if there is a way that one spreadsheet file can reference the values from a completely different spreadsheet file. ...

Java Swing jtable cell editor doubles E numbers

Hi I an issue with editors in a JTable. I have a column which displays data as 26,687,489,800.00 ie: Double. When the user clicks the cell to edit the data it is displayed as -2.66874908E10. I want the data to be edited as it appears when it is displayed ie: 26,687,489,800.00 - without the E10 etc... Any help would be appreciated. M...

drag drop a cell value of a table in .net website

Hi I have a table. in runtime i need to move the data from one cell to another. i need to implement in .net website Please help me ASAP Regards, Sasi ...

Hiding cell Contains in MS Excel using SpreadSheetGear?

Hey any body know how to hide cell contains using spreadsheet gear. ...

remove image from tableViewCell created programatically

Hello, I would like to move an imageView contained on a cell and it works but creating a new image at new position keeping old image (then two are shown). How could I remove old one?? used code: UIImage *cellImage = [UIImage imageNamed:(@"%@", showIconName)]; UIImageView *imageViewToPutInCell = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:cellIma...

Using variables for colors in table cells

Using the variables extension, I want to change the background color of a cell in a table. So far I've done this: {{#vardefine:green|<span style="background:Green; color:White">text</span>}} The problem is that, when I add {{#var:green}} to the cell, only the text itself has a green background. Ideally, I want the whole cell to have a...

Replace empty cells with logical 0's before cell2mat in MATLAB

I've got a cell array of empty cells and ones that I want to convert to a logical array, where the empty cells are zeros. When I use cell2mat, the empty cells are ignored, and I end up with a matrix of solely 1's, with no reference to the previous index they held. Is there a way to perform this operation without using loops? Example cod...

Convert cell array of cells into cell array of strings in MATLAB

Using regexp with tokens on cell array of strings I've got cell array of cells. Here is simplified example: S = {'string 1';'string 2';'string 3'}; res = regexp(S,'(\d)','tokens') res = {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} {1x1 cell} res{2}{1} ans = '2' I know I have only one match per cell string in S. How I can convert this outp...

How would I go about highlighting an item in a JList?

I have a JList and I want to be able to highlight (change colour of text or something similar) the selected item. I know there are methods to set which item is selected but can I change the color of the text of that item etc? ...

Shrink a cell (in an absolutely-positioned ASP.NET table) to fit its contents?

My webpage currently looks like this: <asp:Table runat="server" style="position: absolute; left: 0%; top: 82%; right: 0%; bottom: 0%; width: 100%; height: 18%" CellPadding="0" CellSpacing="0" GridLines="Both"> <asp:TableRow> <asp:TableCell> Content1 </asp:TableCell> <asp:TableCell Width="...