
Setting an individual DataGridView Cell

Hi, In a DataGridView, it is possible to set an individual DataGridViewCell like this: dataGridView.Item(columnIndex, rowIndex) = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell. However, is the new DataGridViewCell is set before his owning column become visible, it seems that the individual cell will be replaced (or marked?) by the column default cell. ...

datagridview cell edit error

On a Windows form I have an unbound datagridview with 1 user-editable column. A user clicked into one of those cells, changed his mind and closed the form using the "x". Then he tried to bring up the form again. The following error came up: "System.InvalidOperationException: Operation did not succeed because the program cannot commit or...

How to determine whether a spread-sheet cell contains a date, or a real number?

When a cell in a spreadsheet contains a simple date (mm/dd/yyyy) the poi API flags the cell-type as 'numeric'. This is probably because spreadsheets ( IMO ) historically recognize only strings and real numbers. It is possible to hard-code the cell-index, and use it conditionally to call 'getDateCellValue'. But this feels like a hack. ...

How do concatenation and indexing differ for cells and arrays in MATLAB?

I am a little confused about the usage of cells and arrays in MATLAB and would like some clarification on a few points. Here are my observations: An array can dynamically adjust its own memory to allow for a dynamic number of elements, while cells seem to not act in the same way: a=[]; a=[a 1]; b={}; b={b 1}; Several elements can be ...

how do i set a value to a range using a function from module in excel vba?

hello all, i want to do a simple function in a module in excel vba, so i can use it as a custom function in excel. (i use excel 2003, or 2007 , it's doesnt matter) i create a function(!) in a new workbook and it's looks like this: Function a() Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value = 4 end function but when i try to use it on the sheet1 it...

How to underline the text in the cell in iphone

Hi, I am new to iphone development. I have created grouped table and display the contents in the cell. Now i want to display underlined the text in the cell (similar hyperlink) based on my requirements. How can i achieve this. I did some research but i cant get any idea, please help me out. Thanks. ...

How do I handle dojo datagrid cell updates so I can post them back automatically to the server?

I am using dojo datagrid to display my data. When the end user edit the cell values it should be updated in the server using ajax calls(when the focus goes out of the cell). Else, I should have a Edit & update/cancel buttons for each row to handle the same feature. But I don know how to place edit & update buttons inside the grid and ...

How do I select a single cell in a WPF datagrid?

When I click a cell in a WPF datagrid, the whole row is selected, and when I press Ctrl + C to copy the content, the whole row i copied... How do I select and copy the content of a single cell? ...

iphone Odd Problem when using a custom cell

Please note where I have the NSLOG. All it is displaying in the log is the first three items in the nameSection. After some testing, I discovered it is displaying how many keys there are because if I add a key to the plist, it will log a fourth item in log. nameSection should be an array of the strings that make up the key array in the ...

in wpf datagrid can I update a cell value in a row as i type in another cell in another row?

in a wpf datagrid, if we have 2 rows. and each have 2 columns ... in the following format A, B, C, D are text columns row1: A B row2: C D when ever i type value in A, I want to change value in D and continue typing in A Thank you in advance for your ideas ...

How to check whether the cell has a subview or not in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I have a view called barView which is added as the subview to the cell, if want to check for the condition like this if(cell has a subview barview) { do something....... }else { do something...... } How can i check like this, please help me out.Thanks. ...

How can I store a list of rows in a spreadsheet cell?

Is there a good method of storing a list of rows in a cell and then detecting whether a certain row is in that list? The method I have seems a bit over the top. I label each row with a prime number, then store the list of rows as the product of each prime, missing out the rows I don't want in my list. Detecting whether a given row is...

UITableViewCell prevent deletion

Hi, I am looking for a way of preventing the deleting of one of my cells. (no delete button should appear next to the cell when the table view is in editing mode) How can this be made possible? Thanks :) ...

Drupal 6 / Views2 Grid style: whole cells link to nodes

On my Drupal site, I have made a Users page using the Views module, which is simply a nicely styled grid (HTML table) of users. I'm displaying a few fields for each one, and both the name and the profile picture have been set to link to the user node. What is the best way to change it so that the whole cell (HTML td) links to the user n...

IPhone UITableView Flexible CellHeight

Hello, i have a Problem getting the right height for my tablecell with a given string. Okay, here i am: I have a custom Tablecell with 3 Labels (3 Lines), the labels are autoresizing (Because of changing orientation) on viewWillAppear i load my data (i have to do it here, dont ask) and redraw the tableview but before i could know ho...

Merge Cell in Excel

How to merge cells using Cell and not Range in vb.net I'll try this code but it doesn't work excelSheet.Cells(1, 10).Merge() Can anyone help me.. ...

silverlight 4/datagrid/change the highlighted cell in highlighted row

Hello, I have a silverlight datagrid which have as DataContext a list of SuiviCaBo(personnal object). I also have a chart with columnSeries. My goal is when I click on a bar inside the chart, the line of the datagrid that match the information is highlighted and the right column is selected. I succeeded in hightling the row by using th...

excel original toolbar buttons event in c#

i want to get excel format cell buttons event in c# add-in to do additional actions after user's click. generally i want catch excel actions when a cell's property is changed like cell's background color or border. i found sheetchange and cellchange events that trigger just for changes of cells content, not cells properties like backgrou...

Dynamically resize a UIImage width within a UITableView Cell in Xcode

I am using the code below to put together my UITableView. The Cell height allows the first three rows to show in the table without scrolling. Everything is fine with those first three rows. But as soon as I scroll down past the original first three rows, the image in the myImage inherits the width of cells in the first three rows and doe...

Find column that contains a given value in MySQL

Hello all I have a table in a MySQL database. I am given a value that occurs as a cell value in that table but I do not know which cell is it i.e. the row and column of that cell. What is the most efficient way to find the column to which that value belongs? Thanks in advance. Example: Column_1 | Column_2 | Column_3 1 | 2 ...