
How to store string matrix and write to a file?

I don't know if Matlab can do this, but I want to store some strings in a 4×3 matrix, each element in the matrix is a string. test_string_01 test_string_02 test_string_03 test_string_04 test_string_05 test_string_06 test_string_07 test_string_08 test_string_09 test_string_10 test_string_11 test_string_12 Then, I want to write ...

UITabbleView Sections /cellForRowAtIndexPath method

hello, i have a sectioned tableview in a detailviewcontroller where i load some data in the first section. this is my code: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdent...

Iphone UITableViewCell selection background

Hi, I'm developing custom tableViewCell for iphone, I used interface builder to design it and loaded in from code. It use custom background to show Cell Selection. It work ok expect form one small issue, there is a small rectangular area in left side dosen't show the custom image, but show default selection ( bule color ) in that area....


i am trying to set up an SMS gateway on my computer here's some code i found: AT OK AT+CMGF=1 OK AT+CMGL="ALL" +CMGL: 1,"REC READ","+85291234567",,"06/11/11,00:30:29+32" Hello, welcome to our SMS tutorial. +CMGL: 2,"REC READ","+85291234567",,"06/11/11,00:32:20+32" A simple demo of SMS text messaging. OK can this be done in windows? ...

CSS: question about "width" and "height" for cells.

Hi, i have this page. login: [email protected] password: m I've gave a width to "td.select_edad label" but it doesnt work.. I know it's deprecated, so what is your advice? Another question: why "height" (also deprecated) is working ok for the fields of the filter? Regards Javi ...

100% width table cell

Hello! I have this table layout. I want to align the whole content to the right. So i'm using one cell with width: 100%;. Usually everything looks good and nice. But there is something, which i don't understand. If the content in cell, which has colspan, becomes bigger than normal cell in this column (you can test this by clicking Click...

Next programming paradigm for CBE/GPU in the next years

Hi, in the last five years, there has been a rise in the use of GPU and CBE for parallelization of applications. Around 2005-2007 verything seemed to be programmed by hand, C, etc. Afterwards new unifying alternatives emerged like CUDA for GPU and lastly OpenCL. What do you think will be the programming paradigm for GPU/CBE in the for...

Dynamically setting alignment of cells of gridview

Hi, In my gridview i have 3 6 columns. by default i am setting dataGridViewCellStyle3.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; this.dgv_folderContents.RowsDefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle3; So all cell values are displayed with left align. But there are two column checkbox and image I wan...

Does anyone want to send text messages from PHP?

I made a PHP class that dramatically simplifies sending text messages with PHP. I know this isn't really a "help me out!" type question per se, but I would like to share the code because I have found it to be tremendously useful. You're free to do whatever you'd like with the code . You can even go around telling people you made it. Just...

Can jTable cell act as jList multiple row.

I want to show multipleline content in a cell like a monthly scheduler. Currently i am using jTextArea but the data is still too long. I was thinking to using jList, is there any sample jTable using jList as cell. Any other good practices or suggestion to display long data in one cell? ...

JTable with JList cell

Is there possible to make the JTable cell like JList behaviour ? I want to display few data in one cell for example "A", "B", "C". If using JTextArea I can't specify which data i was choosing. Example if I want data A mouse click and do certain action. ...

What does the "s" attribute signify in a cell tag in XLSX

In the XML of a worksheet in an XLSX file (Excel 2007) cell tags that have a "t" attribute equal to "s" are string types. The value tag inside the c needs to be looked up and converted via the sharedStrings document. But, some cells have s="237" and no t attribute at all. The value tag has an integer like 39448 which does not relate ...

javascript cell selection

Hi, I want to select a cell range in an HTML table and using Javascript to change the background color of the selected cells. Is there an event to get all ids of the selected cells? thx ... ...

Inserting row to end of table with UITableViewRowAnimationBottom doesn't animate.

I have a quick, probably basic question regarding UITableView in iOS. I'm trying to insert a row at the end of my table. It works with every animation except UITableViewRowAnimationBottom. If I specify this particular animation, the cell appears at the end of the table, rather than animating. My code is essentially as follows: - (void)...

UITableView with dynamic cell heights

Hello, just a quick question. Is there a SIMPLE way to dynamic set the cell height depending on the text that is contained in the cells? Scenario: grouped table view with two sections. sections one and two contain text from a database (with different lengths of text). I have looked into some tutorials and code snippets but nothing seems...

Java - How to remove JTable cell bgColor when hovering on another cell ?

I have created my own TableCellEditor for a JTable column to do some special stuff while editing the cells of this column. In that TableCellEditor i define a color when a cell in that column is hovered, like this : public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,boolean isSelected, int row, int column) { i...

MATLAB - concatenating items within a cell array

Hi, I have a cell array: X = {1x2} {1x2} X{1} = '' A X{1 2} = 10 113 I wish to concatenate the sub cells in such a way that Y = 10 113A Thanks, S :-) ...

How to use multi-customized UITableCell in just one UITableView

Dear all, I am developing an iphone application which have a complicated view is to display stocks information with 3 sections: - Extended quote which include a chart and stock info (id, price...) - Other quote info - News (headline) They are should be grouped and user can click on its header to expand or collapse the content. As I kn...

Resizing a cell's height and Witdth and loading an image in QTableWidget

Hi I want to make a 8*8 table with square cells ( a chess board ).Now I have the code to make the table but don't know how to resize the cells to be square shaped. I also want to put picturs of pieces into the cells. How should I do these? here is the code i have: #include <QtGui/QApplication> #include "mainwindow.h" #include <QHBoxL...

Clearing Cell Values Within HTML

In my HTML code, I've got a certain cell whose value should be cleared if a link button is pressed. I'd like to achieve this using jQuery and here's how I tried to do it but with no results: var $delActionDate = $('#delete_Event'); $delActionDate.live('click', function() { var myRow = $delActionDate.parent().parent...