
Formatting UITableView Cells in iphone

Hi All, I am developing an iphone app. In the image below I want the first name to be in plain font and the last name to be bold.. How can I do that?? please suggest me..Please check this image Another ques..Now I think the reverse way but the problem here is the first line and second line you see are part of the same string. I want th...

navigaton problem

Hi, i would like to check, usually for navigation base app. we load the nib files for navigated views at viewDidLoad right? than the nib file will be the place where we define the class. so what happen if there is no nib file? and if i have a custom table cell, with no nib file for table view, but a individual cell nib file only, how c...

Read whole text file into matlab variable at once

I would like to read a (fairly big) log file into a matlab string cell in one step. I have used the usual: s={}; fid = fopen('test.txt'); tline = fgetl(fid); while ischar(tline) s=[s;tline]; tline = fgetl(fid); end but this is just slow. I have found that fid = fopen('test.txt'); x=fread(fid,'*char'); is way faster, but i ge...

HTML - Enable Scrolling within a Tables Cell

lets say i have a table cell with fixed width and height.... and i have data that exceeds the cell's fixed dimensions... <td width="500" height="300">lots of data that exceeds the dimensions</td> can i enable scrolling of this data within a cell.... if not than what is the solution.. i only have that 500 x 300 space ...

Best way to vectorize C code by hand

Hi, I want to vectorize by hand some C code, in order to it speedup. For that purpose (SPE on the Cell processor or CBE) I want to use SIMD math. The code originally uses some physical vector calculations (speed, acceleration, etc), so in some parts of the code there is a lot of operations like; ax=a*vx+b*rx; ay=a*vy+b*ry; az=d*vz+b*rz...

UITableViewCell separator not showing up.

I made a custom UITableViewCell in IB, but for some reason, despite the single line option for separator being selected, there are no separator lines on my table. Has this happened to any of you before? What gives? Thanks! ...

how to get control in a gridview cells with javascript....

how can i access the controls in a gridview cells in which i use for inline edit? In the gridview, there would be two controls in a cell, which is a label and a textbox. When user navigate around the gridview, next cell would turns textbox become visible and label become invisible. How can i enhance the code below. I'm not familiar with ...

When is it appropriate to use a cell array vs. a struct in Matlab?

If I want to store some strings or matrices of different sizes in a single variable, I can think of two options: I could make a struct array and have one of the fields hold the data, structArray(structIndex).structField or I could use a cell array, cellArray{cellIndex} but is there a general rule-of-thumb of when to use which data ...

resize UITableView cell based on the given text

I have a UITableView A, in which there is a cell (in a standalone section) that, once selected, another UITableView B will be brought up where user can input/edit text content. After done with UITableView B, the text content will be used to update the cell's content in UITableView A. The cell section in UITableView A was coded to allow ...

[WinForms] ListView - how to change space between text and cell boundry?

Hi, I've got listView in DetailView and I need to minimize columns width, so all data can fill in specific screen resolution (my client really want to avoid scroll bar). When I set width under specific value, it cut my text in spite of that there is still space for value in that cell. I guessed that there's is property to set it properly...

what type of event is control-click in gwt

What is the event type for the control click in a table cell in a GWT application? I want to basically change the color of the background when the user does this action. This part of my code basically just looks like: public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { Element td = getEventTargetCell(event); if (td == null) ret...

Have Elements at both top and bottom of <td>

I'm having trouble getting a td to have some text at its top and an image button on its bottom. Here is code similar what I have now: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html> <head></head> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <td valign="top" styl...

problem selecting jqGrid cell on rowSelect and sending them to server

When I am using rowSelect and sending the values of column 1 and 2 its not sending the value selected for second rowSelect ...instead only sending all the value of column 1 but not column 2 . ... my approach: jQuery("#viewt").click( function(){ var grid = jQuery("#inventoryInq"); var ids =grid.jqGrid('getGridParam','selarrrow...

How do I change HTML table cell color on click

Hi, I'm trying to change the background color of an HTML table cell when the user clicks on the cell. Any ideas on how to do this? I have access to the JS Prototype library, so any suggestions for Prototype or straight Javascript would be welcome. Thanks! ...

How To Reload data from URL ???Only Can Load data in viewdidload ???

OK,First this program can load plist from URL by this code,and I put this in - (void)viewdidLoad{ NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.envolab.com/envotouch/ios_status_req_test.php"] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0]; NSU...

cell.imageView is working on Simulator but not on Device.

Table view cell imageView is working on the simulator but not on the device.. Some things I have checked. I have not changed anything in the code. Image is added to the project and in same folder. I have one more cell image which is working fine. Thank you in advance. ...

EXCEL - dropdown and fill cells

Good night. I'm having some troubles to get what i need done. I have some cells in a sheet that needs to be filled every day, manually. I have also a dropdown with all the months, and another one with the days. Is it possible to save data in specific cells for the selected dropdown values? Something like for each day mantain differe...

iPhone : Plain table issue. Cell background image not appearing

Hi there I have a some code that changes the background image of a cell which works perfectly in a grouped table view. However, does not in a plain table. Does anyone know why these behave differently? All I want to do is add a background image to a table cell (plain) This works perfectly on a grouped table view. Do I need a custom...

Interaction with a cell renderer in JTable

Is there any way to get a cell renderer to respond to mouse events, such as mouseovers? ...

Return height between navBar and keyboard

Hi, I have got a tableViewController with one section and one cell. How can I get the height between the navBar and the keyboard without any toolbar above it? I tried this code: self.view.bounds.size.height but I get the height of the entire view down the navBar... I'd like to get this size to assign it to the cell and to the textView in...