
What is the format and location of soap/property using Soap4r in Rails 2.3.x?

I've been trying to figure out how to consume a SOAP service in Rails using certs, but currently my question is much more basic. In other tutorials I've seen a bunch of references to a property file called "soap/property" I just don't understand what that is (a standard text properties file?) and where it goes (/lib/soap/property?) An...

How can I get the "purpose" (Client Authentication Certificate) of a certificate in .NET?

I want to find all client authentication certificates from the X509Store(StoreLocation.CurrentUser) Is there anyway to do this? Even by getting all then filtering by a certain property to get all Client Authentication certificates? ...

Is it possible to understand whether a certificate in Windows cert store imported as "Enable Strong Private Key" protection?

Is it possible to understand whether a certificate in Windows cert store imported as "Enable Strong Private Key" protection in .NET? ...

Codesign verification failed in Xcode for iphone app distribution

Hi, I am trying to prepare my app for distribution to the app store and am getting the following warning in Xcode which is causing an error in ApplicationLoader. I know this is a common problem from searching but I have yet to find a proper solution? I went thru Apple's steps for distribution on the iOS provisioning portal and still get...

Generate SSL Certificate using keytool provide in jdk

Keystore files I have used in my web application expired last week. I generated it long time ago. So I started generating new certificate using keytool. I used this certificate to connect a transaction server and the web server. I wanted to use self signed certificate for this application. I generate it using following command to generat...

how can i generate a web service proxy behind https and client certificate request

I'm trying to generate a web service client with eclipse (I also tried with jdeveloper and netbeans). The WSDL is behind a https server with client certificate request. I can connect and generate the classes with this command: java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=testes.keystore -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=testes.keystore -Djavax.net.ssl.trust...

ASP.NET MVC 2 and request client certificate (Smart Card authentication)

I need to capture user's X.509 certificates from their cards and map to a user table for forms authentication in ASP.NET MVC. I have created an MVC (ver 2) project in VS 2008, configured to run as a virtual directory under the Default Web Site in the local IIS on Vista using the default template but added RequireHttpsAttribute to the Ac...

How can I digitally sign logs to ensure that they have not been modified?

In our application logs must be signed in order to prove that they have not been changed after they happened. This means that they must be signed using some sort of timestamp that links the signature with the time at which the log was written and signed. This way the log cannot be modified and signed again without changing that timesta...

Wait or revoking an iPhone expiring certificate?

In my iOS Provisioning Portal Current Development Certificates section, the certificate expiry date is Sep 30, 2010. Today is Sep 30, 2010. Should I wait for the certificate to expire and renew? Or should I revoke the existing one and create a new one certificate? Currently, the Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile has expired. No matter how man...

Check if file is signed

I saw that some websites when you upload the file know that I "signed" the file with a certain certificate. How can I go about checking the signature and who signed the file using something like java? ...

Restricting Certificate access from C# Code

The use case: I have a hosting platform (server) where multiple ASP.Net applications are hosted. I do not want to have application to have programmatic access to the certificates on the Server. Only the Components/libraries that are developed by the platform owners should be able to access those certificates. Is there any way in which...

Redirecting an "HTTPS" to "HTTP" on Microsoft IIS

I have a website thats currently being accessed on an "https" url but the certificate is expiring soon and we do not want SSL on this website anymore so just an "http" access is fine. How do I get the requests made to https url automatically redirect to the http url? This page might have been bookmarked by people and the bookmark will st...

What are the merits of JKS vs PKCS12 for code signing?

When buying a code-signing certificate, what are the merits of starting with a PKCS12 versus JKS certificate? Some vendors give instructions on starting with a JKS or PKCS12 certificate signing request. We'd like to have maximum flexibility in using a purchased cert, especially given the cost. For example, we may be signing more than ...

The best book to prepare for Windows 7 Certificates

Hi, I am not entirely sure if this is related to programming, however I plan to increase the knowledge capacity to OS realm of Windows 7 and get MS certificate for it. Let's not discuss if such certificate is important or not. However, can you please advise which book is the best to learn about Windows 7 as much as possible in a feasi...

Amazon widget and SSL

Hi, I'm trying to embed an Amazon "Recommended Product" widget into a website. We use SSL across all pages on the site. Unfortunately, the Amazon widget by default is embedded using a simple IFrame and although the source for the IFrame can be https://, the images and links within the IFrame are always http:// IFrame sample code <ifr...

Application failed codesign verification. What do I do?

XCode gives me this warning when I build the app for release. Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011) Do I need to delete all entries from my keychain and redo getting a certificate, provisioning profile, etc? I can build and debug on the...

Type of certificate in VPN configuration profile for iPhone

I have a question about the certificates that go with the VPN payload in a configuration profile. What kind of certificate should it be..user, device, ipsec, identity? I don't know much about VPN or Certification Authorities but I have a Microsoft CA server which I can use to generate a certificate that should go in the profile with VPN...

Evaluating server certificate

Hi, How can I detect a self signed certificate from a revoked or expired ones? I'm using NSURLConnection and implementing connection:didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: on delegate: - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge{ if ([challenge.protectionS...

The most significant certification in WPF?

Good afternoon. I want to give myself a goal to learn WPF. Tell a certificate that must pass to be sure that I know WPF. I'm interested in both free and paid certificates. ...

Configuring Tomcat to accept DOD CAC card certificates

I’m running an application on a stand-alone tomcat 6 server on a Windows box. I want it to be able to request and receive client certificates from DoD CAC cards. I have a client machine running IE that set up correctly to pass the certs from a CAC card, I know its correct because when I go to a CAC enabled site IE pops up a window as...