
Java - Get child nodes as a string

Is it possible to get the child nodes under an xml element/node as a string in Java? Or do you have iterate through everything? Thanks, Andez ...

How to get the number of sub-page/child pages that exist in Wordpress?

Basically I am trying to show something like "Viewing PageNumber of TotalNumberOfPages" in each subpage for a specific parent page. So i am trying to figure out how to count the number of sub-pages/child pages that exist and display them on a subpage? ...

PHP simpleXML: load string as node returns blank? (simplexml_load_string)

I'm trying to add a child to an XML-node by loading a string as an xml-node, but for some reason it returns an empty value ... // Load xml $path = 'path/to/file.xml'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($path); // Select node $fields = $xml->sections->fields; // Create new child node $nodestring = '<option> <label>A label</label> ...

Parent's Enum in Java

In the code example below, I'm trying to test the value of an enum in the parent class. The error I get is "p.theEnum cannot be resolved or is not a field.", but it's the exact same code I use in the parent class to test the value (without the p. obviously). Where am I going wrong? :) public class theParent { protected static enum ...

jQuery: using .text() to retrieve only text not nested in child tags

Hi all, If I have html like this: <li id="listItem"> This is some text <span id="firstSpan">First span text</span> <span id="secondSpan">Second span text</span> </li> I'm trying to use .text() to retrieve just the string "This is some text", but if I were to say $('#listItem').text(), I get "This is some textFirst span te...

Removing dynamically created child nodes from a form with js / jQuery?

Hey all, The below post was hugely helpful for what I'm trying to do: This part works beautifully: var inp1 = document.createElement("input"); inp1.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); inp1.setAttribute("id", "item_number_" + current_item); ...

m2eclipse - child projects suddenly cant see each other...

Not a very good title, I'll try and explain. This has worked for months, then today for some unknown reason, eclipse cant resolve any of the imports from siblings (peer projects), when nothing has changed (really!). No eclipse or eclipse plugin updates, no source code changes, no config changes. I have a fairly standard project struct...

jQuery find does not seem to work

Hi I have a DocumentFragment stored in "selectedContents", and I am trying to find "span" elements in it, with the help of jQuery. It has two child nodes, where the first one is a text node, and the second one a span. When I try $(selectedContents.childNodes).find('span'), it returns an empty set! However, when I print the "$(selected...

overriding JQuery .click() function

Hi guys, i'm having a bit of a prblem with the jquery click function, below is part of the layout of my code: <td id="01" class="day-main-diary"> <div title="sdfsdf" class="diary-event ui-corner-all"> <span id="delete"></span> <div class="diary-event-title ui-corner-all"> sdfsdf </div> <di...

How to call a derived class method from a base class method within the constructor of base...

I am wondering if it is possible to call a derived class´ function from within a function called by the base constructor (shouldn´t it already be created when the code in the brackets are executed?) #pragma once class ClassA { public: ClassA(void); virtual ~ClassA(void); void Init(); protected: short m_a; short m_b; virtual voi...

Is it possible to inject a Windows Form application into another application as an MDI Child in VB.NET?

I am creating a program that interacts with another program and I would like to "inject" my program into this program as an MDI Child window. Is this even possible, and if so can it be done in VB.NET? What kind of pitfalls are associated with doing this? ...

How to select a node's first child name? XPath

Hello, I have an XML from which I have to select the name of the child of one of the nodes. I'm kind of a beginner in this, so I didn't find the Xpath expression to do it. I know the level of the node (example Name from /Employee/Department/) but Department has children nodes of unknown names. I have to select the first child of Departme...

jquery hide div if child div doesnt exist

Hi all, I was wondering how I could hide a div if the child div doesn't exist inside it. Each div will contain a h2 tag, but if the div doesn't include a div named "info" I'd like it to be hidden. Here's the structure: <div class="qaContainer"> (this div can stay as is, as it contains an "info" div) <h2>Testing Category 03</h2> <d...

Silverlight child window OverlayOpacity

I have child window and I want the overlay opactiy to be 0.1 I set this in the XAML. OverlayOpacity=".1" However when the modal is launched the background gets very dark for about a second and then goes the the overlayopacity setting I have coded in. Is their a way to make is go straight to the .1 opactiy without getting dark first. ...

Overlapped ReadFileEx on Child Process' Redirected STDOUT Never Fires

I have a long-running console-based application Sender that sends simple text to STDOUT using non-buffered output such as cout << "Message" << flush(). I want to create an MFC dialog-based application (named Receiver) that starts Sender and can read it's output. Receiver should also be able to detect when Sender has died, or be able to k...

disaply child category in single post (wordpresss)

hi i am trying to create a blog and a portfolio (both in one) wordpress theme im using categories for my posts (as many other blogs). i am using one category named portfolio, so that i can distinguish all my portfolio post from the blog posts. when use click on one of the portfolio post they go to a page, where they get some picture...

JQuery Selector Issue: How to select anything is a child of the current list item.

I'm sure that title is confusing. This is a Wordpress thing. So, I have a list of pages and the structure looks like this: <div id="menu"> <ul> <!--List of pages--> <li class="page-item page-id"> <a href="Page url"> Ham Man </a> <ul class="children"> <li class="page-item page-id"> <a href="...

Windows: Child Process with Redirected Input and Output

Hello, I'm trying to create a Child Process with Redirected Input and Output (as described here - For the people that don't want to bother reading the source code on that page, the author is using anonymous pipes to redirect the child's input and output. The parent proc...

Using SQL Report Builder 2.0 to group by Parents/Children

Hello, this is my first post, so I hope I get everything right... I am trying to generate a report that shows a summary of items held for each customer in our database. Our customers can have children companies, so I need the report to group on the parent company, then show the children and their sums, and then show the total for the P...

Python subprocess how to determine if child process hangs?

Hello, How do I know is there my child process got hang while operating? ...