
DB2 Child Table Not Working - Create Table

I have a bit of a task before me. (DB2 Database) I need to create a table that will be a child table (is that what it is called in SQL?) I need it so that it has a foreign key constraint with my other table, so when the parent table is modified (record deleted) the child table also loses that record. Once I have the table, I also need t...

Why can't I SELECT a parent field that doesn't have a child?

(rest_branches) is the table of restaurants. (phone_numbers) is another table which contains the restaurants phone_numbers, and it has a field called (branch_id) which references the restaurant id. When I try: SELECT * FROM rest_branches NATURAL JOIN phone_numbers I only get the restaurants which have a phone_number. What should I ...

How do I fork a maximum of 5 child processes of the parent at any one time?

I have the following code, which I'm trying to only allow a maximum of 5 children to run at a time, but I can't figure out how to decrement the child count when a child exits. struct { char *s1; char *s2; } s[] = { {"one", "oneB"}, {"two", "twoB"}, {"three", "thr4eeB"}, {"asdf", "3th43reeB"}, {"asdfasdf", "thr33eeB"}, ...

Maintaining Mouse Control in Embedded swfs (i.e. parent / child ) Flash cs4 AS3

Hello to all, I have an issue that is driving me nuts. I have an AS3 application that performs a calculation based upon user's input to determine a result. The purpose is to predict the results of a horse's coat color based on the genetics. The results are given in a 3d model swfs that are loaded into the "shell's" UILoader Component and...

PHP Classes: parent/child communication

Hi all, I'm having some trouble extending Classes in PHP. Have been Googling for a while. $a = new A(); $a->one(); $a->two(); // something like this, or... class A { public $test1; public function one() { echo "this is A-one"; $this->two(); $parent->two(); $parent->B->two(); // do i do something...

Python modify an xml file

I have this xml model. link text So I have to add some node (see the text commented) to this file. How I can do it? I have writed this partial code but it doesn't work: xmldoc=minidom.parse(directory) child = xmldoc.createElement("map") for node in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("Environment"): node.appendChild(child) Thanks in ad...

Silverlight data binding to parent user control's properties with using MVVM in both controls

Hello! I have two UserControls ("UserControlParentView" and "UserControlChildView") with MVVM pattern implemented in both controls. Parent control is a container for Child control and child control's property should be updated by data binding from Parent control in order to show/hide some check box inside Child control. Parent Control ...

Can i override an abstract method written in a parent class, with a different name in a child class?

abstract class SettingSaver { public abstract void add(string Name, string Value); public abstract void remove(string SettingName); } class XMLSettings : SettingSaver { public override void add(string Name, string Value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } ...

Getting data from child controls loaded programmatically

I've created 2 controls to manipulate a data object: 1 for viewing and another for editing. On one page I load the "view" UserControl and pass data to it this way: ViewControl control = (ViewControl)LoadControl("ViewControl.ascx"); control.dataToView = dataObject; this.container.Controls.Add(control); That's all fine and inside the c...

XPath to convert child elements to single line list

I need XPath code to take child elements (one or more) and put them on a single line, separated by commas. So if I have the following XML: <Authors> <Author>Bob Smith</Author> <Author>Mary Jones</Author> <Author>Sam Doe</Author> </Authors> I want the following output: Bob Smith, Mary Jones, Sam Doe It needs to be smart enou...

Using a class initiated in one method in another method

I have a C# WPF app that every time the user opens a new file, the contents are displayed in a datagrid. public partial class MainWindow : Window { public TabControl tc = new TabControl(); public MainWindow() { InitializeComponents(); } private FromFile_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ...

[Python]Xml add a node from another xml document

Hi, I have two xml file: 1)model.xml 2)projectionParametersTemplate.xml I want to extract from 1) Algorithm Node with his child and put it in 2) I have wrote this code but it doesn't function. from xml.dom.minidom import Document from xml.dom import minidom xmlmodel=minidom.parse("/home/michele/Scrivania/d/model.xml") xmltempla...

Read from unix pipe when there's no one to write to it. (C++)

If I spawn a child and pass him a pipe, the child writes to the output of the pipe(to the parent) and after that the child dies. Can the parent read from the pipe what the child had written before it died? Thanks. (ps: I'm talking about C++) ...

how to specify which child class this object belong to after retrieving from a hashmap?

hi everyone, i have a parent class called Course, and two child class PostgradCourse and UndergradCourse. i have a hashmap HashMap courses; i store all the postgradCourse and undergradCourse objects in the hashmap. i want to retrieve an undergradCourse object from the hashmap using the key. Course course = courses.get(courseCode); t...

How to get child container reference in View Model

Hello, I´m trying to share a Data Service (Entity Manager) wrapped in a Repository from a ViewModel (called 'AVM') in Module A to a ViewModel (called 'BVM') in Module B, and I can't get this working. We use PRISM/Unity 2.0 This is my scenario: A user may open multiple Customer screens (composite view as mini shell) each with another ...

Silverlight: Binding a child grid of a grid to a child property (list) of a child propety of an object bound to the parent grid

Hi all, I am using Telerik's Silverlight grid control (RadGridView) to display a table of data (List of companies) and every row can be further expanded to show list of employees working for the company as below: +Company 1 +Company 2 -Company 3 Employee 1 Employee 2 ... I have the following classes to work with: Company ...

Have master page label display last edit date of child page being displayed

i'm building an site with master pages. When visitors views a page, I'd like to show the date and time the child page was last updated. I'd also like to do this all at the master page level so no code for getting this information needs to be added to each child page. Is this possible? what would be the best way to do it? Thank...

how to select a div within a list in jquery

I'm following a tutorial for a menu bar and I'm having trouble adapting it to use qTip because I cant seem to be able to find a way to select a particular element. <div class="leftside"> <!-- all things in floating left side --> <ul id="social"> <li><a class="rss" href="#"></a> <!-- icon --> ...

SQL query root parent child records

Hi, We have nested folders with parent-child relationship. We use MySQL MyISAM DB. The data is stored in the DB in the following manner. Every time a child folder is created in the nested structure, the previous parentID is added. I want to get the RootFolderID of a folder which is added in the hierarchy as tabulated below. FoldID Par...

display several items in one row of a listview in android

I don't now if this title is very clear, but I would like to understand how this is possible : And how we can have 2 elements on the same row of the listview, and handle different clicks, as the listview deals with handling the click on a child. Thanks for anyone who could point me in the right direction. ...