
Coding in front of the client?

I was wondering what peoples opinions are (I have made this a community wiki) on coding in front of a client? I was in a meeting today with a client who was highlighting some bugs and requesting some changes and whilst other people where talking amongst themselves I decided to fix a couple of the bugs (Wording changes really). I showed...

Python httplib SSL client problems

Hello all, I have the following function: def soap(self, xml): """ Transport function """ slash = self.apiurl.find('/') addr = self.apiurl[:slash] path = self.apiurl[slash:] conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(addr) conn.putrequest("POST", path) conn.putheader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"") c...

ASP.NET System.IO.File.Open("C:\TEST.TXT", System.IO.FileMode.Open); ERROR FILE NOT FOUND? LOCAL:

Dumb question.. is this c# code intended to read local client files? System.IO.FileStream content = System.IO.File.Open("c:\test.txt", System.IO.FileMode.Open); It gives me error FILE NOT FOUND I'm running Windows 7 and IE 8. ...

how to apply jacorb client side timeout

Hi , I am using a jacorb client to connect to a server using jacorb. I have created a file named in the classpath. it only contains the following properties : jacorb.retries=3 jacorb.retry_interval=30000 jacorb.connection.client.pending_reply_timeout=30000 jacorb.connection.client.connect timeout=60000 i create or...

TCP protocol : Host goes temporarily unavailable

Say our client is sending the packets at a constant rate. Now, if server goes down temporarily there can be two situations (We are using the TCP protocol) 1) The packet won't be delivered to the server. Consequently, the other packets in the line have to wait for the server to respond. And the communication can be carried out from ther...

How to use Client Certificate Authentication in iOS App.

I don't have a lot experience about Client Certificate Authentication. Anybody can tell me how to use it in iOS app? Thanks :) ...

Silverlight Facebook client.

As my final project I wanted to do client for Facebook and twitter using the API's available. But there is not much tutorial or guidance available for me to start this project. And the other idea was to build a Game in Silverlight, which have more tutorials and info on it. I would prefer to do social media client,but if enough help is th...

Xcode - How to share the app in development with clients?

I'm developing an iphone app for a client. How can he see the work-in-progress of the app on his iphone and other different iphones? ...

How to implement custom client-side wcf caching

I need to implement custom caching of client proxy of wcf service. I've implemented the IOperationBehavior interface. On server-side we can set OperationDescription.Invoke property in ApplyDispatchBehavior method and implement IOperationInvoker interface to control operation execution. On client-side we can't do it. In client-side we ca...

How do I send multi-line output from Perl to /bin/mail?

I have a Perl script that prints multiple lines of output to screen. I need to capture those lines and either pipe them into a single piece of email ( /bin/mail ) or into a text file that I can send by /bin mail in another operation. Actually, I have already figured out the easy (dumb) way whereby I use a bash wrapper to do the mailing b...

Need async http client(NIO) which supports http/socks proxy

Hi! I seek some full featured async http client (using NIO, not thread per connection), that supports connections through all kinds of proxy(http/https/socks4/socks5). I need different proxy per connection, not one global proxy for all connections. so... what library i can use? P.S. sorry for my english ...

WCF REST Client Exception

I have the following WCF client code: string add = String.Format("http://localhost:{0}/ServiceRequestRest",accessPort); var cf = new ChannelFactory<IServiceRequestRest>(new WebHttpBinding(), add); cf.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior()); busService = cf.CreateChannel(); busService.DoMyStuff("hello",null); When I have "first ...

Orkut Opensocial c# Client library: Running Sample project Default.aspx, problem?

I am using the opensocial client library and test the sample default.aspx provided in the package. I am able to get through the application. When I looked through the log provided,it said Albums not accessible. I have ticked the permission box on the application profile. Does anyone here manage to play around the sample and have it wor...

How to log SOAP messages which are sent by Metro stack

I'm trying to log my messages which are sent using a Metro stack into console. Could not find any way. ...

General question about winsock's recv-function

Hi, I've got a general question about the recv-function of winsock. I write a programm with a client/server-architecture where the client sends a camera image to the server and the server sends another image back to the client. The client sends serveral images until the program is closed. And the server will responds every received imag...

PHP IMAP connecting to server TIMEOUT

Hi! I'm coding very simple email client app with PHP. On my local dev server everything works just fine, but when I move the very same script on production server I get the "Can't connect to,993: Connection timed out" response. I tried almost everything, searching the google for two days, but no solution found! Bot...

A better C++ HTTP client library

We are looking for a better C++ HTTP client library, and we're willing to pay for it. The product we want needs to be a statically linked, and to work on these platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7 OS X 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 We want it to do the following tasks really well: 1. Make HTTP GET and POST requests 2. Handle meta refresh and http re...

Resize image with jQuery

Hello, The scenario: I’m building a website, which will not Host the images in its own server. Instead it will reference images from other servers. Example: The website is hosted at, and the html of the images will be something like <img src=”” />. The images from the other servers will be...

Creating Client for WCF

In a scenario, when both client and WCF are being developed simultaneously, how do we provide the datacontracts and operationcontracts to the client? Apologies for not adding the details earlier. The WCF is created by another team and it is only designed. How do we start client development in this case? Do we need to wait till the WCF i...

ASP.NET MVC 2 and request client certificate (Smart Card authentication)

I need to capture user's X.509 certificates from their cards and map to a user table for forms authentication in ASP.NET MVC. I have created an MVC (ver 2) project in VS 2008, configured to run as a virtual directory under the Default Web Site in the local IIS on Vista using the default template but added RequireHttpsAttribute to the Ac...