
getting a stack overflow in clojure function.

guidance appreciated :) (defn length [xs] (if ,(not= xs nil) (println (+ 1 (length (rest xs)))) (println 0))) ...

How can I use Scheme/Lisp/Clojure for Matrix/LP problems?

I need to perform numerical analysis like that supported by MatLab or NumPy. Is there a good library that is supported by Scheme/Lisp/Clojure(Java)? I don't want to leave my round braces. Thanks a lot. ...

In Clojure, when should I use a vector over a list, and the other way around?

I read that Vectors are not seqs, but Lists are. I'm not sure what the rationale is for using one over the other. It seems that vectors are used the most, but is there a reason for that? Any answers are appreciated, thanks! ...

How do you debug Clojure in NetBeans IDE?

I have a main function but NetBeans needs a main class in order for stepping. How do you guys debug Clojure in NetBeans? ...

how do I create a large vector in clojure

How do i allocate a vector with 1042 empty indexes? Will the storage for it be lazily allocated? like this (def a (array-creation-function 1042)) (def b (assoc a 1041 42)) (b 1041) --> 42 ...

how do i get rid of duplicate clojure test-is unit tests on the REPL

I have a little script (use :reload-all 'com.example.package1 'com.example.package2 'com.example.package3 'com.example.testlib) (run-tests 'com.example.package1 'com.example.package2 'com.example.package3) that I use to quickly reload everything and fire off the unit tests. trouble is that each time (deftest ... ) is evalua...

How do you refer to a Java Class in the same Package from a Clojure?

I am starting Clojure development in Eclipse I have a new package called "apackage" under src. In it I have and Test.clj. How do I call the constructor of the JavaClass from the clojure file? I tried (def a (new apackage.JavaClass)) but I am getting a ClassNotFoundException. What am I doing wrong? ...

What is the difference between procedure and #'procedure in Lisp/Clojure?

What is the difference between the evaluation of double and #'double in Clojure/Lisp? 1:2 user=> double #<core$double__4077 clojure.core$double__4077@1acd47> 1:3 user=> #'double #'clojure.core/double ...

What is the rationale behind using def and defn instead of just define?

In Scheme, we just had define for all the definition, why does Clojure and Lisp use different keywords for different declarations? ...

How do I make Compojure listen to a single IP

Hi, I have started a Compojure (Jetty) server with: (defonce *server* (run-server {:host "localhost" :port 8080} "/*" (servlet routes))) but netstat still shows that it is listening on, i.e. all IPs. What is the correct parameter to pass to run-server to make it listen on a single IP? ...

How do I require and provide clojure files?

I have a set of functions saved in .clj. How do I Provide selected set of functions and then import these functions in my other file? ...

Which Function is the best in terms of Stack Usage Efficiency and Time.

I wrote 3 functions that count the number of times an-element appears in a-list. I tried various inputs and profiled it but I still dont know which function is the best in terms of stack usage efficiency and time efficiency. Please Help me out. ;; Using an accumulator (defn count-instances1 [a-list an-element] (letfn [(cou...

How do I use Zip in Clojure?

I am very very new to clojure. The zip utility looks interesting but I cant seem to use it. I tried ;; ZIP (:use "zip") (def data '[[a * b] + [c * d]]) (def dz (zip/vector-zip data)) But I am getting java.lang.Exception: No such namespace: zip How do yo use external libraries? ...

Continuations in Clojure.

I read somewhere where rich hickey said: "I think continuations might be neat in theory, but not in practice" I am not familiar with clojure. 1. Does clojure have continuations? 2. If no, dont you need continuations? I have seen a lot of good examples especially from this guy. What is the alternative? 3. If yes, is there a docu...

Why doesnt Clojure execute this function at all?

I have a function called show which shows a dialog with the message. I need to map this function to all the items in alist. But Clojure doesnt show me any messages. What am I doing wrong? (defn show[message] (. javax.swing.JOptionPane (showMessageDialog nil message))) (defn action[] (map show '(HELLO Sweet love))) ...

How do I perform Type Conversion in Clojure?

How do I convert Symbol to String ,Integer to Float and other similar type conversion in Clojure? ...

How do I write/perform a type operations in Clojure?

I am having a hard time writing type checks in Clojure. Pleas help me. How do I write/perform 'char?' in Clojure? How do I write/perform 'atom?' in Clojure? How do I know what type an item is in Clojure? Can I write (type? an-item)? ...

In Clojure is an empty list a sequence of infinite nulls ?

I am learning the concept of sequence and nil in Clojure. This was the result of a small experimentation. 1:6 user=> (first '()) nil 1:7 user=> (rest '()) () 1:8 user=> (first (rest '())) nil Does this mean that '() is actually a sequence of nils? ...

What are some of the usage of Meta Data in Clojure?

How have you used the meta data information in your Clojure Program? I saw one example from Programming Clojure (defn shout [#^{:tag String} message] (.toUpperCase message)) ;; Clojure casts message to String and then calls the method. What are some of the usage? This form of programming is completely new to me. Thanks. ...

Is List-Comprehension any better than List-Abstractions?

Why do people prefer list comprehensions like (for [x '(1 2 3)] (* 2 x)) instead of (map #(* %1 2) '(1 2 3))? Are there benefits to this kind of programming? 1. Is it more readable? 2. Is it faster in some cases? 3. Is it better for certain kinds of operations and data structures? ...