
Why is my cloned dataset blank?

I'm using TClientDataset.CloneCursor to implement different views of the same data. I have a master dataset, and several clones, each of which contains a different subset of the master dataset's fields. But when I try to display data from the clones, they come up empty. The master dataset is populated with data correctly, and the clon...

Quick Java question: Cloning and subtracting sets - does this work?

private HashMap<DataObject, HashSet> AllDataObjects; ... /** Returns all DataObject elements that are NOT in the specified set. */ private DataObject[] invert( HashSet<DataObject> set ) { HashSet<DataObject> keys = (HashSet) AllDataObjects.keySet(); keys = (HashSet) keys.clone(); keys.removeAll( set ); return (DataObj...

Clone a file input element in Javascript

I have a file input element that needs to be cloned after the user has browsed and selected a file to upload. I started by using obj.cloneNode() and everything worked fine, that is until I tried using it in IE. I've since tried using jQuery's clone method as follows: var tmp = jQuery('#categoryImageFileInput_'+id).clone(); var clone =...

Copy an object in Java

I have an object that I need to copy in Java. I need to create a copy and run some tests on it without changing the original object itself. I assumed that I needed to use the clone() method, but this is protected. Having done some research on the net, I can see that this can be overrided with a public method in my class, but I cannot fi...

Convert an existing type into an anonymous type and add a new property

Hi, Is it possible to take an existing type and create an anonymous type from it with additional properties? For Example (in VB) Public Class Person Public Name As String Public Age As Integer End Class Dim p As New Person With {.Name = "James", .Age = 100} Dim n = New With {.ShoeSize = 10} What I want is the second object (n) ...

How to Clone a whole grid of Controls?

I have the following code and basically what i am not able to figure out is how to clone the whole grid and make a blank copy of them side by side.... for a clear understanding this is something to do with hospital application and the grid is related to a pregnancy so when said 'ADD CHILD' button a whole new grid should be created during...

Setting a password for Git cloning?

I want to put a password to my repository so that the password is asked, when cloning from my repository. ...

What is native implementation in Java

If we look at the Java Object class then we can find some of the methods like public native int hashCode(), protected native Object clone(), so my question is what are these natives and how do these methods work? ...

C# Generic Copy Constructor

I have an interface, and two classes that implements the interface. The classes have generic types. I would like to clone from an instance of one class to the other. interface IFoo { // stuff } class Foo<T> : IFoo { // foo stuff // ifoo implementation } class Bar<T> : IFoo { // bar stuff // ifoo implementation } ...

Cloning object in Flex ? Canvas Degrafa ? help

Hello guys, I have a Canvas i would like to clone. This canvas hold a Degrafa Surface with several Geometry shapes. I tried the naive approach of return ObjectUtil.copy(graph_area) as Canvas; TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@63b1b51 to com.degrafa.geometry.Geometry. TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coe...

Cloning a Non-Standard Svn Repository with Git-Svn

I'm relatively new to Git, but I've found it so easy to work with at home that I'd like to use it at work where our projects are stored in Svn repositories. Unfortunately, the repositories are slightly non-standard and I'm having trouble getting them cloned. Sure, they all have trunk, branches/ and tags/, but branches/ and tags/ have sub...

How to clone an object in VB6

I am trying to automatically clone an object without having to instantiate a new one and manually copy every single variable. I remember back in the day (when I did VB6 everyday) I came up with a method of cloning objects using the PropertyBag, which was pretty cool. But I've lost the code and don't remember how to do it anymore. Doe...

How to clone an FrameworkElementFactory object and its links?

Hello, I would like to ask you some help in creating a code the is able to clone a FrameworkElementFactory object created at runtime with the code. Dim cellTemplateFactory As New FrameworkElementFactory(GetType(NumericTextBox)) cellTemplateFactory.SetValue(NumericTextBox.TypeCodeProperty, Type.GetTypeCode(GetType(Byte))) Dim b As New ...

clone node on drag

i want to be able to create a copy of the element that i want to drag. im using the standard ui draggable and droppable. i know about the helper clone option. but that does not create a copy. the dragged item gets reverted back to the original position. ...

Tools to clone a RHEL or FreeBSD box like SuperDuper does on Mac?

I maintain a couple of boxes that run Mac OS X Server. One of the great things about it is that I can use SuperDuper! to clone volumes. For example, I can take a snapshot of the entire boot volume before I apply software updates, and if something goes horribly wrong I can roll back to the snapshot. Or I can clone to an external drive and...

Does cloning provide a performance improvement over constructors/factory methods?

I'm maintaing an older Java code base (jvm 1.4) that seems to use cloning as an alternative to object instantiation, I'm guessing as a performance optimization. Here's a contrived example: public class Foo { private SomeObject obj; // SomeObject implements Cloneable public Foo() { obj = new SomeObject(); obj.setField1("abc")...

Deep clone utility recomendation

Is there any utility for deep cloning for java collections: Arrays Lists Maps NOTE: prefer some solution without usage of serialization, but with use of Object.clone() method. I can be sure that my custom object will implement clone() method and will use only java-standard classes that are cloneable... ...

Java: Rationale of the Cloneable interface

Why wasn't the .clone() method specified in the java.lang.Cloneable interface ? ...

Java: how to clone ArrayList but also clone its items?

Hello, How can I clone Array List but also clone its items in Java 1.5? For example I have: ArrayList<Dog> dogs = getDogs(); ArrayList<Dog> clonedList = ....something to do with dogs.... And I would expect that objects in clonedList are not the same as in dogs list. Thanks for any answer! ...

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

Hi, "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" exception is thrown at .Clone() operation in .net. I'm using framework 2.0. Any ideas what the reason could be. Thanks in advance. ravi ...