
Cleaner way to deep copy an AutoGenerated WebService Class

I am currently using Serialization in order to make deep copies of some autogenerated webservice class. Is a cleaner way to do this? The classes are autogenerated, so I don't want to touch them. More detail: My current, code (which works fine) is this: using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream()) //Copy IR { IFormatter IF = new Bin...

Git, Can't clone repo on windows

Hi, I'm trying to use git on windows to clone a remote repository. I can clone it on my mac fine but on windows I get a problem. WHen using git bash to clone, I get a message saying the server's host key is not cached in the registry. It asks me to preess y or n to trust the host. THe problem is that if I press y or n nothing happens....

What is wrong with this clone()?

I have written this clone method for when the parent of the Employee class is abstract and the clone() method in the parent class is abstract.I wanted to copy the primitive data type of the Employee's object with this code instead of copying each primitive data type individually, but this code has problem with the line that I call clone(...

What can I do for the clone() method???

if I have a code which has the clone() method but as I know that the duplicate code is bad here(in that application Application),what should I do??? the clone() method is in the bankOfAmerica which implements IAccount(IAccount has the clone() method header!)One person has override the clone() method in the bankOfAmerica class an...

How to mmap the stack for the clone() system call on linux?

The clone() system call on Linux takes a parameter pointing to the stack for the new created thread to use. The obvious way to do this is to simply malloc some space and pass that, but then you have to be sure you've malloc'd as much stack space as that thread will ever use (hard to predict). I remembered that when using pthreads I didn...

clone() vs copy constructor vs factory method??

I did a quick google on implementing clone() in Java and found: It has the following comment: copy constructors and static factory methods provide an alternative to clone, and are much easier to implement. All I want to do is make a deep copy. Implementing clone() seems to m...

Why is the clone() method protected in java.lang.Object?

What is the specific reason that clone() is defined as protected in java.lang.Object? ...

Copy class from one element to another

Say for example I have a body with the class "test" and I want to take that class and add it to another div, how can I do this with jQuery? Thanks Edit: Something like this? $("body.test").clone().attr("class").prependTo("div"); ...

Cloning JavaScript Objects. Again :(

I know it is really annoying to read this topic again. Before you start diggin into the code, one solution could be that I don't get prototypes and objects in JavaScript. But at this point i think, i do. The problem is: How to clone an JavaScript Class (created with prototypes), so that the “cloned” Class remains untouched when extendin...

In Java, what is a shallow copy?

java.util.Calendar.clone() returns "...a new Calendar with the same properties" and returns "a shallow copy of this Calendar". This does not appear to be a shallow copy as answered here on SO. That question is tagged language-agnostic, Java does not seem to follow the language agnostic definition. As I step through the code I notice t...

Hudson git clone error

I have created free-style software project in Hudson. I want to clone a public Git repository: git:// Build fails with error message: Started by user anonymous Checkout:workspace / C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.hudson\jobs\watir\workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@1a1f370 Last Build : #4 Checko...

jQuery cloneTo instead of appendTo?

Hi. I am trying to use jquery appendTo in order to copy an element into another container. The object is indeed appended but, it is removed from the source. Is there a way I can append the element while leaving the source element where it is? call it copy call it clone call it whatever you feel like. Here is my current code: jQuery(do...

Clone object is not droppable

I'm trying to clone a droppable object using Jquery but the cloned object is not droppable. $(document).ready(function(){ $("input[value='Add']").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $("div.field:last").clone().insertAfter("div.field:last"); }); $(".field").droppable(); HTML <div class="field"> Last Name<input type="text" value=...

jquery clone problem

Hi All, Can anyone tell me how can i clone an element and then change its id. Can anyone provide me with some sample code. i want to generate a clone with a different id the code given below. $("#Normal_Tag1_div").draggable({ helper:'clone', revert: 'invalid' }); ...

jquery clone id

Hi all , can anyone tell me how can i make an element draggable by cloning it and at the same time changing its id so that i access the cloned element and apply changes over it. I have an application of post its . i want to drag the tag over an area and access that clone element. ...

jquery clone drag

Hi all, i m having a problem in appending a tag over an area. I am tring to append the clone of #Normal_Tag1_div to #droppable after changing the id. I also want to make that clone draggable over #droppable only . How can i do that?? $('#Normal_Tag1_div').draggable({helper:'clone'}); $('#droppable').droppable({ dro...

how can i git clone git://foo.git AGAIN?

I did git clone git://foo.git cd foo ...edit files.. now I want to start fresh. I don't care about any changes I already made, but I don't want to clone the whole giant foo.git again, just lose all my changes. how can i git clone git://foo.git a second time, without getting fatal: destination path 'foo' already exists and is not ...

.Net Deep cloning - what is the best way to do that?

Hi Guys, I need to perform deep cloning on my complex object model. What do you think is the best way to do that in .Net? I thought about serializing / Deserializing no need to mention that memberwiseClone is not good enough. thanks a lot, Adi Barda ...

Does Scala AnyRef.clone perform a shallow or deep copy?

In Scala, does AnyRef.clone perform a shallow or deep copy? ...

What is the easiest way to deeply clone (copy) a mutable Scala object?

What is the easiest way to deeply clone (copy) a mutable Scala object? ...