
Python KMeans Orange Framework

I am planning to use orange for kmeans clustering. I have gone through the tutorials, but I still have a couple of questions which I would like to ask: I am dealing with clustering on vectors of high dimension. 1) Is there a cosine distance implemented? 2) I do not want to give zeros to empty values. I tried not having any zeros in empt...

How can I host many identical java web applications?

Hello, I have a problem. I need to host many (tens, hundreds) of small identical JAVA web applications that have different loads during one time. I want to use Glassfish V3. Do I need to use a load balancer and clusters or something else? Advise where can I find information about similar problems and their solutions... Best regards, Al...

Bidimensional Hashmaps in Java (and in general)

Hello, which is the best way to write a bidimensional hashmap efficiently in Java? Just to give an example of what I'm talking about: I'm developing some algorithms related to collective intelligence, these algorithms works by calculating correlation between pairs of elements.. Without caching these values, since they are calculated on...

In java - Grouping similar values

Hi All, First of all,thanks for reading my question. I used TF/IDF then on those values, I calculated cosine similarity to see how many documents are more similar. You can see the following matrix. Column names are like doc1, doc2, doc3 and rows names are same like doc1, doc2, doc3 etc. With the help of following matrix, I can see that...

Apache Camel with ActiveMQ clustering

I'm trying to determine my options for clustering my ServiceMix 3.3.1/Camel 2.1/AMQ 5.3 application. I'm performing high volume message processing and I need to cluster for high availability and horizontal scalability. Here is basically what my application does...HTTP->QUEUE->PROCESS->DATABASE->TOPIC from("jetty:

Google Maps Cluster Not Working With Ym4r_gm

I am attempting to get a Google Maps cluster working with ym4r_gm for Rails. I know the general code works because every point is being displayed on the map. The problem is that every point is being displayed on the map. I only have like 350 points (right now) so its not too bad without clustering, but I would like to have it working ...

Java distributed objects with locality?

I am evaluating various Java object distribution libraries (Terracotta, JCS, JBoss, Hazelcast ...) for an application server and I'm having trouble understanding their behavior on various axes. My requirements for distributed objects are not many -- they boil down to one-to-one and one-to-many messaging. There's more, but for the rest w...

Which data clustering algorithm is appropriate to detect an unknown number of clusters in a time series of events?

Here's my scenario. Consider a set of events that happen at various places and times - as an example, consider someone high above recording the lightning strikes in a city during a storm. For my purpose, lightnings are instantaneous and can only hit certain locations (such as high buildings). Also imagine each lightning strike has a uniq...

How do I manually create a dendrogram (or "hclust") object ? (in R)

I have a dendrogram given to me as images. Since it is not very large, I can construct it "by hand" into an R object. So my question is how do I manually create a dendrogram (or "hclust") object, when all I have is the dendrogram image ? I see that there is a function called "as.dendrogram" But I wasn't able to find an example on how t...

What method do you use for selecting the optimum number of clusters in k-means and EM?

Many algorithms for clustering are available. A popular algorithm is the K-means where, based on a given number of clusters, the algorithm iterates to find best clusters for the objects. What method do you use to determine the number of clusters in the data in k-means clustering? Does any package available in R contain the V-fold cros...

iSCSI / MPIO disks sticks together after targets xcopy deployment

We have the following infrastructure: WUDSS 2003 R2 provides iSCSI targets which are consumed by a Server 2008 R2 cluster and forwarded as pass-through disks to Hyper-V guests. We do not use VHDs for Hyper-V and, until recently, we have used no MPIO for iSCSI. For OS deployment, we have chosen the following scenario: We have pre-confi...

Advise/Code samples on how to make an application "Cluster Aware"

Hi All, I've browsed the web for resources regarding how to make an application/web application "Cluster Aware" using the Failover Cluster API. I found a lot of technical articles but none written from the programmer perspective. Does someone have any good links or can provide me with code samples or some other input on how to make an a...

How Do I Get The Resource DLL Code Samples In The Windows SDKs To Compile And Run?

I am currently trying to build a Resource DLL on on Windows Server 2003 and 2008. I am currently working with the Resource DLL code samples supplied with the Windows SDKs, and I can't get them to work. On Windows Server 2008 I succeeded compiling the Windows 7 SDK ClipBook Server sample, but couldn't get it to properly work in the clust...

Programmatic property setting for maps in Hazelcast?

Is there a way to programmatically set the "time to live" property (or in fact, any property) for a distributed map in Hazelcast? I want to avoid having to change the Hazelcast config XML for this. I am using Hazelcast version 1.7.1 ...

Biztalk Cluster Servers

Hi, we used to have 1 biztalk 2006R2 32bit server. We recently upgraded it to Enterprise. But because our traffic size we didn't have enough power and memory with only one. So we also recently installed a second biztalk server, a 2006R2 64-bit, and we put them in a shared cluster. Since then a problem arose, actually two but I'm guessin...

whats is the difference between "k means" and "fuzzy c means" objective functions?

I am trying to see if the performance of both can be compared based on the objective functions they work on? ...

How to set up a virtual host in WebLogic ?

Is it possible to set a virtual host in WebLogic only ? In my development machine, I have a WebLogic instance with two servers, listening to ports 7002 and 7003; the deployed application contains EJBs and MDBs. I want to point a Java client outside of the container to a single url, which I know will be served by the cluster, instead of...

benchmark/profiling maximum users can support on web application

any easy to use utility/tool/profiler/benchmark that able to test what is the maximum users a web application able to support by analyzing session size , cpu speed, memory size..etc and 'PREDICT' when server is overpacked/overloaded? ...

How would a job scheduler like quartz work when you have multiple servers?

When you have multiple servers all running the same web application, how would you make sure multiple jobs don't get fired off (the same job)? Would you have to use the database to monitor if the job was already run? ...

agglomerative clustering java

Is there any java file that I can use to perform "agglomerative clustering" Result should provide me every level nodes id help................. ...