
Building using CMake-GUI

I am trying to build Marble on Windows (XP) and have been extremely unsuccessful. Following the instructions written here. I am wanting to build it as QT only. Configuration of the build tree fails. I am using the cmake-gui since I have never tried to compile using cmake it's possible it could be something in there. I found a similar i...

Cmake suddenly can't find my source files anymore...

To make a long story short: To add insult to injury, CMake actually ran fine several times. I was wrestling with a compiler error when CMake suddenly didn't feel like working anymore. For reference, here's the whole CMakeLists.txt file: set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) Find_Package ( SDL REQUIRED ) Find_Package ( SDL_image REQUIRED...

cmake and visual studio

Hello, gcc 4.4.2 / Visual Studio C++ 2008 I have been using cmake on linux, without any problems. Now I have ported by application to run on windows. I generated the solution files using cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008 ../src" However, I know that cmake only creates a Makefile that is used by the compiler to build your application. ...

Compile OpenCV 2.0 in MinGW and Codeblocks (win)

Hi all, it's a long time since I try to compile OpenCV2.0 in Windows successfully but this has never happened.. (I can compile successfully in Linux) First I installed MinGW with g++, GDB and Code::Blocks.. than I installed CMake and OpenCV2.0 (editing a "cxoperations.hpp" line to #if GNUC >= 4 || MINGW32) I make OpenCV from source "Op...

cmake command syntax question

I require the syntax of a CMAKE macro that generates .cc and .h files from a tool like lex/yacc. Could someone please show me the syntax for the following contrived example: say I have a file that depends on and x.h, the two files mentioned are generated by tool z_tool from file x.z. What would the syntax for this be ? Fo...

undefined reference linker error

Hi, I've stuck myself in a c++ project under linux ,for which I get an undefined reference when I try to create an object of a class that I just wrote.I believe this is an linker error caused by the fact that somewhere , somehow I should tell the linker to take into account the new class. I looked at the project properties and at the r...

eclipse & cmake cdt4: lost in translation

I have an out-of-source build setup with cmake and I am trying to generate an Eclipse project. I have one source folder and a seperate build folder for eclipse, the two folders are siblings. When I generate an Eclipse project the source folder does not end up as part of the eclipse project. Is there any way to annotate the directory so...

sudo port install cmake trouble (for MGTwitterEngine)

I am following This Tutorial on installing MGTwitterEngine on my MAC osx 10.6.2. I am stuck on this step: sudo port install cmake it gives me the following error: dlopen(/opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/pextlib1.0/Pextlib.dylib, 10): no suitable image found. Did find: /opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/pextlib1.0/Pextlib.dylib: no matchi...

CMake: add static library to shared lib

I would like to create shared library with cmake, but also I need to link it to third party static libraries. For example if it should include my own file1.o, file2.o, then statically linked and then be written down to disk as .so file which dynamically linked to Is it even possible? ...

Adding compiled libraries and include files to a CMake Project?

What is the best method to include a prebuilt library to a cmake project? I want to include FreeType into the project I am working on and the file structure is like this: Build MacOS Make/ XCode/ Windows VisualStudio/ Source libs MacOS libfreetype Windows freetype.dll ...

cmake, gcc, cuda and -m32 wtf

Hi all I figured out that CUDA does not work in 64bit mode on my mac (or couldn't get it running so far). Therefore I decided to compile everything for 32bit. I use cmake 2.8 and added the following options add_definitions(-Wall -m32) set(CUDA_64_BIT_DEVICE_CODE OFF) set(CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS -m32) However when it tries to link...

Debugging/Running executables in cmake/Visual Studio project

We are moving from hand-managed Visual Studio projects to cross platform cmake. We used to open a solutions file, select a project as "Startup Target" and push Ctrl+F5 or F5 debug or run. Now cmake has this install concept. It requires me to run the install target. But the install project doesn't have any executables set so it can not ...

Creating Windows Desktop Icon in CMake + CPack + NSIS

I'm using NSIS package generator in CMake 2.8.1 to distribute a Qt application. Everything is working fine... except the use of CPACK_CREATE_DESKTOP_LINKS to create a desktop link to the application. I've looked through the CMake source (including it's own "bootstrap" installation definition for windows), and as far as I can tell I'm do...

CMake: Making a Visual Studio project for Windows Mobile

Hi, so far, my night has been extremely frustrating, trying to learn CMake. However, I'm slowly getting there. There are a couple of things bugging me though: 1) Additional Library Directories I can either have this: CMake: link_directories ("../../YoghurtGum/bin") Output: AdditionalLibraryDirectories="..\..\YoghurtGum\bin\$(OutDir),...

CMake and BLAS for a C program

I'm trying to use CMake to build a program relying on blas, I'm detecting blas using : include (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindBLAS.cmake) The problem is, FindBLAS require a fortran compiler and complain with -- Looking for BLAS... - NOT found (Fortran not enabled) As blas is already installed on my machine (ATLAS Blas), and gfortran is...

Using Cmake with GNU Make: How can I see the exact commands?

I use Cmake with GNU Make and would like to see all commands exactly (for example how the compiler is executed, all the flags etc) GNU make has --debug, but it does not seem to be that helpful are there any other options? Does Cmake provide additional flags in the generated Makefile for debugging purpose? ...

CUDA 3.0 and cmake and emulation mode

I'm trying to use CUDA with cmake (v 2.8) on my Mac (OSX 10.6). So far it works fine, I created a small sample just to try it out (see below). However when I switch on emulation mode, it cannot invoke the CUDA kernel anymore and I get the following error message: Cuda error: kernel invocation: invalid device function . I also tried to ...

How do I make build rules in cmake to preprocess lazy C++ .lzz files that generate .h and .cpp files?

What I'd like to do is write just Lazy C++ .lzz files and then have lzz run before a build to generate .cpp and .h files that will be built into the final application, sort of like how moc works with Qt. Is there any way to do this? ...

Makefile to CMakeLists.txt

I have some problems converting the attached Makefile to an equivalent CMakeLists.txt . The build process goes like that : Generate src/lexer.cpp given src/lexer.l.cpp with flex. Generate src/parser.cpp given src/parser.y.cpp with bison. Compile almost anything inside src/ into a .so library. Recompile them with different flags to gen...

Is there a cmake function to update .pot files ?

I am migrating a project from autotools to cmake. I have a question about gettext support. There is an existing FindGettext.cmake modules that provides a nice function : GETTEXT_CREATE_TRANSLATIONS(foo.pot ALL fr.po de.po) where you provide a pot file and translated po fil ; the function takes care of turning the po files into gmo ...