
Using CF9 ORM for listing pages: HQL or SQL?

I have an ORM mapping which has: magazine object with a many-to-one relationship to a genre and a one-to-many relationship to issues I have an admin page which displays a listing of basic magazine info, the magazines genre (looked up from the linked genre object) and the number of issues currently stored. It all works fine simply usin...

Add onclick event to webcharts3d chart?

I am using webcharts3d to create a gauge graph for my webpage. I want to add an onclick event to the chart- any idea how to do that? Here is my code: <cfsavecontent variable="chartStyle"> <!--- xml chart style ---> </cfsavecontent> <cfsavecontent variable="chartModel"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <XML type="default"> <COL>200...

Get Total CPU # via WMI or T-SQL

I don't want the list of all process, just a total percentage like you would see in windows taskmanager. I will be using this information via coldfusion, but i am having all kinds of problems just trying to find a total number of current cpu usage. I don't care if it comes from wmi or t-sql, i just want a total number for which i wil...

Forcing HTTPS using IIS and ISAPI Rewrite

Hello, I'm working to force HTTPS, and if the user is on HTTP, redirect the user. For some reason My rewrite rule works great on my prod env but not my dev, here it is: # Redirect HTTP to HTTPS# redirect all http requests to https RewriteCond %HTTPS (?!on).* RewriteCond Host: (.*) RewriteRule (.*) https\://$1$2 [I,RP] On Prod it w...

Help with Coldfusion 9

Just downloaded Coldfusion 9 developer for review purposes. I am at the administrator page and I think everything has worked fine. I want to do a simple "Hello World" example. One tutorial gave me a simple 6 line script to do this and it looks pretty simple and understandable. I went to notepad and created the following...

Error with Decrypt for "Could not perform unpadding: invalid pad byte.."

Using CF8 and MySQL 5.1, I am trying to encrypt() a password upon creation and then decrypt() at login. I can get the decrypt() to work fine on a test page but when I put it in a cfincluded page with cflogin I get the error "An error occurred while trying to encrypt or decrypt your input string: com.rsa.jsafe.crypto.dr: Could not perform...

CFGRID with CF 9.0.1

I have a CFgrid that was working fine in CF 9.0, but now we have upgraded to 9.0.1, nothing comes up form (form.#GridName#.#Column1Name#) after the form is submitted. I made up some test code (below) which i have tried on a 9.0.1 server, which comes up with empty string in the form, were as on a 9.0 it somes up with all the info for the ...

How to judge the work involved in migrating a website from ColdFusion to .NET

I am trying to judge the work involved in migrating our website from Coldfusion to .NET. At this stage all we want to do is create an exact replica so scope creep should hopefully be avoidable. Does anyone have any suggestions for judging the volume of work required? ...

Error importing in Delphi 2010 WSDL generated from ColdFusion

Hello -- I'm a novice with SOAP and WebServices. Trying -for testing purposes- to import in RAD Studio 2010 (Delphi Update 4) any very simple WSDL produced from ColdFusion 9 WebService, I received immediately error message "syndicate.cfc SoapBindind is not a valid component name" Details [50074F4C]{rtl140.bpl } Classes.TComponent.Se...

CFIF Stucture refuses to work. Always uses first statement

Hey guys, Sorry the above is a little vague it's rather hard to word. I've got a simple CFIF statement in my code to set datesup to be either "st", "nd", "rd" or "th" as appropriate.However, when the code is run, it just sets datesup to be "st" and nothing else. Code is below. #DATEFORMAT(date, "dddd")# the #DATEFORMAT(date, "dd...

How do I use Javascript in my Coldfusion page?

I have a coldfusion page and I am very newbie in coldfusion. What I need to do is to insert the alert in between to see what is the time. In php I could close the php tags and enter the javascript tag and alert out the value. How would I do that in coldfusion? I have this <cfset right_now=Now()> <cfscript> alert(#right_now#...

How do I enable gzip compression on a coldfusion at the directory level?

I'm supporting a legacy application on ColdFusion 7, and the pages are full of painful amounts of whitespace that I'd like to gzip away. I know I can: manually compress everything in an index type file (reference) enable it in the web.xml (which I don't have access to) But can I just throw the right < cfheader > or something akin to...

User input registration then geocoded into database

I've been having quite a bit of trouble with Google Maps API and a database driven map. In a previous question I had inquired about faster geocoding of addresses to a map and basically what I need to do is store Lat/Lng into the database and create a map from there, instead of geocoding while the map is loading. However, I'm unsure exac...

Railo: won't find default at

I'm having an issue with Railo 3.1.0 running under Apache on Windows Server 2003. When going to it defaults to index.cfm. When going to it doesn't find index.cfm. works fine. Anyone know where I can configure this? ...

parse url and title from string of multiple href tags in coldfusion

i need to parse the url and title from multiple href tags in a string regex... i need to get each url and title into a variable eg. <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1210713679" LAST_VISIT="1225055180" LAST_MODIFIED="1210713679">NJ Party Boat - Sea Devil of Point Pleasant Beach, NJ</A> <DT><A HREF="http://www....

How do I create an appropriate array of form elements with jQuery that can be used in a ColdFusion function?

I have a pretty standard contact form that uses a cfc for processing now. I want to use .post for users that have javascript turned on. I've created an array with jQuery of the form elements and I want to pass that to the same CFC (without modifying the CFC) but I'm not certain how to do it. Basically, I want to pass something called 'fo...

ColdFusion 9 - My thread is holding onto memory - how can I stop it?

Hi all I have a particular thread that I kick off when by CF9 application starts. It manages a queue and takes items from the queue to process them. If there are no items to take from the queue it will sleep(). This thread could live for weeks, processing and sleeping etc. The problem I am having is that the items I am taking from th...

how to migrate wordpress to mangoblog?

I'm now trying to migrate wordpress posts to mangoBlog 1.5. But, I can't find any options in MangoBlog Admin. ...

Google Maps infoWindow only loading last record on markers

I'm trying to load a google map with dynamic markers and dynamic infoWindows to go with them. Basically I've got the markers working. The infoWindows are clickable and closable, however they do not have the correct content. It seems that the content for every infoWindow is the last record that is found in the query loop. You will see wha...

In coldfusion how can I find the filesize of a linked file and use that as an alt attribute

I have a large list with icons linking to pdf and msword files. I'd like to get the filesize in kb of the linked file then use that as the alt attribute on the image. The generated code would look something like this. Description of file <a href="file1.pdf"><img src="pdficon.gif" alt="27.6 kb" /></a> <a href="file1.doc"><img src="wordi...