
how to convert coldfusion into php.

Hi, This is my code and i want to convert it in php. pls. i need a help thanks. ...

ColdFusion: Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.

For the last few years we've been randomly seeing this message in the output logs when running scheduled tasks in ColdFusion: Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed. The code inside the task that is being called can vary, but in this case it's VERY simple code that does nothing but reset a counter in the database and then send me an ...

ColdFusion 8 Diffie-Helman Encryption

I am integrating with a 3rd party that requires I use the Diffie-Hellman encryption algorithm. The CF docs indicate that this is a supported algorithm. When I attempt to call Encrypt() with either "Diffie-Helman" or "DH" I get the error message: "The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is not supported by the Security Provider you have chosen." I...

Using xPath to find the value of a child node

I am using xPath to do some ETL work from a dictionary lookup file. I need to be able to look for the translation key and return the translated value. For example I need to be able to look for "prioremployment" and have it return "Prior Employment". This will return an array of all the translate nodes (I am using ColdFusion 9): XMLSea...

Prevent XSS attacks site-wide

I'm new to ColdFusion, so I'm not sure if there's an easy way to do this. I've been assigned to fix XSS vulnerabilities site-wide on this CF site. Unfortunately, there are tons of pages that are taking user input, and it would be near impossible to go in and modify them all. Is there a way (in CF or JS) to easily prevent XSS attacks acr...

What would you do without IoC frameworks in CF (aka ColdSpring, Lightwire, etc..?)

I've been doing ColdFusion for 2 years, and I've always used ColdSpring for injecting dependency. I want to try to see if I can survive without them. What're the alternatives? For singleton: onApplicationStart() and inject services to Application scope? For transient: Factory pattern? XXXFactory.createXXX()? or... XXXService.create...

How can I get ColdFusion methods to return numeric values as strings in JSON format?

ColdFusion 8 This is as simple pseudo-code as there can be: <cffunction name="badJSON" access="remote" output="true" returntype="string" returnformat="JSON"> <cfreturn "06762" /> </cffunction> Results in: 6762.0 It should result in: 06762 Is there a way to get JSON to not convert my value to numeric? I know I can use WDDX,...

is XmlFormat() always better than htmlEditFormat()?

Saw a comment today at: by Rick Osborne I've started moving my students from htmlEditFormat over to xmlFormat. As you said, it catches more characters, but it's also useful for pure XML and is faster to type. I ha...

ColdFusion & Lotus Notes Calendar integration

In an enterprise scenario where a ColdFusion application is used to register for a event, would it be possible to programmatically add an entry into the calendar of a person? Google has given me some partial idea's like connecting via JDBC/ iCalendar, etc... Any ideas & experiences are appreciated Thanks! ...

What is the safest way in ColdFusion to delete a folder and it's contents?

I am finishing creating a file upload utility for our site, and if the upload is an invalid format (per our specs not worth going over here) I would want to delete the folder the zip file was unzipped to, and all it's contents. So far I have used a method of creating a dynamic batch file like this: <!--- check if folder exists befo...

SQL & ColdFusion Encryption

Hi, I know how to encrypt data using ColdFusion using AES_128. I also know how to encrypt data using MSSQL AES_128. Does anyone know if it’s possible to encrypt data in ColdFusion using AES_128, then decrypt the string in MSSQL? I’ve played around with it a lot and can’t seem to figure it out. Thanks, Paul ...

what is the correct version of Eclipse for Coldfusion?

Hi Usually when one wants to create a new file in the Eclipse IDE , Java, Javascript, Colsdfusion PHP etc are provided as the options for the new files. I recently downloaded Eclipse for Coldfusion 8 and excecuted the file "software/dw/java/europa/" . Now when I want to create a New File "only JAVA " optio...

Using cfhttp to post data

On my site right now, I'm passing in data through a query string to a page. I'd like to change that so that the data is passed as a POST parameter. My previous statement looked like this: <cf_location url="mypage.cfm?id=123"> And I replaced it with: <cfhttp method="post" url="mypage.cfm"> <cfhttpparam name="theID" type="URL" val...

Dynamically loaded comboboxes in cfgrid (Flash) I am creating combobox grid cell renderers with Flash .as code for a ColdFusion routine that has 4 pages..I need two of these comboboxes - one each in two different cfgrids on seperate pages...I can create the cell renderer for one or the other of the comboboxes consistently..but need both to be available.. I finally figured out ...

CF DESEDE encrypt() Key Length Issue

I am trying to encrypt a string using ColdFusion encrypt() with a 3rd party provided key like this: encrypteded = encrypt('theString', 'FD52250E230D1CDFD5C2DF0D57E3E0FEFD52250E230D1CDF', 'DESEDE/CBC/NoPadding', 'BASE64', ToBase64('0')); I get: "The key specified is not a valid key for this encryption: Wrong key algorithm, expected...

How would I implement this regex in ColdFusion (or Java)?

I found this very handy regular expression on, but i'm at a loss as to how to implement it in my app. (?:(?:(?<Feet>\d+)[ ]*(?:'|ft)){0,1}[ ]*(?<Inches>\d*(?![/\w])){0,1}(?:[ ,\-]){0,1}(?<Fraction>(?<FracNum>\d*)\/(?<FracDem>\d*)){0,1}(?<Decimal>\.\d*){0,1}(?:\x22| in))|(?:(?<Feet>\d+)[ ]*(?:'|ft)[ ]*){1} I tested it out ...

CFHttp Retrycount wait

How does the retrycount attribute work in CFHttp? I want to know how long it waits to retry again when a process failure is reported? Does it depend on the timeout attribute? ...

What charset to use to store russian text into javascript files as an array

I am creating a coldfusion page, that takes language translation data stored in a table in my database, and makes static js files for each language pairing of english to _ etc... I am now starting to work on russian, I was able to get the other languages to work fine.. However, when it saves the file, all the text looks like question m...

Coldfusion 8: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at

I installed Coldfusion 8 trial version on my system (XP Professional sp3). I created an Folder in the “C:/Coldfusion8/wwwroot” called “buildProject” containing an Index.cfm and some other .cfm files. But I am unable to access the Neither my project files or CFIDE/Administrator I tried the following URLS http://localhost:8500/wwwr...

Can I have 'friendly' url's without a URL rewriter in IIS?

Without having a url rewriter such as ISAPI_Rewrite available, is it possible to achieve the following: I would like a user to browse to where /directory does not actually exist. IIS transfers the user to not-found.cfm. At this point I can serve index.cfm i.e. The u...