
How to trace Coldfusion template execution in details ?

Hello, I have some 'spaghetti'-style code that is generously saused with Custom tags and Stored procedures calls. Templates include each other, custom tags nested and stored procedures are callind other stored procedures in their place. Problem is that one template call is hanging somewhere in between. I cannot get any error out and ca...

How do I compare the results of two queries, and find matches between the two?

EDIT: Changed the question to be more clear. EDIT 2: The intention here to create an "add to list" and "remove from list" when outputting a catalog (I don't want a user to be able to add an item more than once) First of all, I'm not sure if this should be done in Coldfusion or MySQL. I have a query of items that retrieves items in a ...

Include a ColdFusion report template in another ColdFusion report template

Is there a way to include/wrap PDF data generated from a ColdFusion template inside another ColdFusion template, or a cfdocument tag? I'm working with a system that has generates lots of different reports, some are generated from .CFR templates, others are created by cfdocument/cfdocumentitem tags with HTML inside. What I need to do is...

jquery in bound cfm

Hi, I have implemented this filter in a table There is also a button in the outputted table that calls a jquery ajax function on click, it just toggles the visibility of the news item. This worked fine until I abstracted the code from the main...

Single Sign-on - Using Coldfusion - ( External users and Intranet User )

Hello Everyone, Currently, I am working on Single sign-on project using Coldfusion 8 and SQL Server 2005. Current system allows internal and external users to log-in and authenticate against SQL Server 2005 database, however I need to change the process. Internal User: What I would like to do here, Use Active Directory to authenticat...

Dynamic Radio Button Group in Coldfusion

The user will input their Id number then the accounts tied to this Id number will be presented(radio buttons) . They could have 1 or even 10 accounts returned(radio buttons). I need to have them update their account to a Y, N. The account Id is what makes up the radio groups. Now I need to know who to loop through these radio buttons to ...

Invalidate session, how to use correctly?

When do you call getPageContext().getSession().invalidate()? I tried calling that at the logout page, then cflocation it back to the main page, and it throws exception. How to assign a new session right after? The documentation says: You cannot destroy the session and create a session on the same request, as creating a new se...

Wrong Application.cfc being referenced by test site in subdirectory of main site

Hello, I have a CF9 project set up with a multi-tiered directory structure. At the root level I have the live production site with its Application.cfc. It contains a number of variables that are bound to a 'debugMode' flag--so in the case of the production site, this flag is set to false. In a subdirectory of the production site, I ha...

CFScript switch statement throws error when passed a string?

Update: Thanks Ben, I decided to copy the URL to another structure and modify that one with StructUpdate(). Here's the code if anyone's interested (specific to my application, but you can edit the lines with comments to get a useful function). function rebuildURL(key, value) { var URLstring = ""; var VarCount = 0; var tmpURL = dupli...

scale PDF to single page

Is there a simple way to scale the pdf created by cfdocument or cfpdf to a single page using CF8? My output (a calendar) could possibly extend to page 2 depending on the number of events. I'd rather scale the calendar to fit it in one page. I assume I can create the pdf with cfdocument. Use cfpdf to check the page numbers and loop wh...

Strange syntax error in MySQL

Why does this give me an MySQL syntax error: <cfset arguments.where = "platformUrlId='#params.platformUrlId#'"> SELECT * FROM whatever WHERE #arguments.where# Order By #arguments.order# But this works perfectly well? <cfset arguments.where = "0=0"> SELECT * FROM whatever WHERE #arguments.where# Order By #arguments.order# It's not...

Application.cfm not run in Coldfusion app

I've got 2 coldfusion apps built with a similar layout. They were built about the same time. I've recently upgraded my local server to Coldfusion 9. They both work fine locally but when I visit them through my IP one doesn't run the application.cfm. The other does. They're both running on the same server. Any ideas? ...

Wildcard Tomcat url-mapping or filter-mapping

I'm using Railo 3.1 , Tomcat 6 , Apache 2.2. I'd like to create a servlet-mapping that recognizes any path. e.g. <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>CFMLServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/default/*.cfm/*</url-patter> </servlet-mapping> I know that this url-pattern is incorrect per the specification. Since this I'm using a conte...

GZip a string for output from Coldfusion results in "Content Encoding Error" in browsers

I am trying to GZip content in a variable to output to the browser. To start I am making this very simple and not worrying about browsers that do not support gzip. Also I have put this together from researching several methods that I could find on the web. Some of them from people that may be reading this question. <cfsavecontent var...

How do you clear the Response buffer in ColdFusion?

I'm looking for something like Response.Clear(). ...

What libraries are out there in Java/J2EE and .NET for Coldfusion?

I have always been doing web applications in coldfusion, and not long ago, I needed to generate bar codes for a particular web app, so I searched and one of the results was: In this solution, coldfusion utilizes Java's barbecue library to generate barcodes In coldfusi...

JDBC not seeing updated table structure

I am using Coldfusion 8 which is connecting to SQL Server 2008, the problem is I have updated a table adding a new column in SSMS, but the JDBC connection is still 'seeing' the table prior to the change. How can I essentially 'refresh' the JDBC connection? Would restarting the cf server work? ...

cfoutput over a PDF

What is the best way to cfoutput query results over a PDF? I need to be able to place the results, ie name, address, etc. over an existing PDF letter for print. ...

How do you know what OS to use in hosting Coldfusion Apps?

What factors play part in determining the OS to host? Or is it a matter of preference? Would factors like using SQL be a hindrance when hosting in Linux? Are there any real advantages of one over the other? E.g Performance, Scalability, Security Thanks ...

How to check if user is currently logged in Windows?

Using Coldfusion 8, how can I check whether window user is currently logged in? I know, I can use cgi.auth_user variable (domain\username ), however is it always reliable to use? if not, what other ways to check? ...