
Getting the value and text from a selectbox in ColdFusion.

I have several values in a select box. Is it possible to get both the value and the text between the <option> tags when the form is submitted? <option value="413">Highland </option> <option value="414">Inverclyde </option> Alternatively I suppose I have to store the names in a table or array for retrieval but would be much easier if ...

Do you send automatic weekly reports about status of your server?

I am working on redoing a weekly report, I send, to anyone on our development team. The previous version just sent sql server based scheduled jobs status, backup status, and database size. But for this new version, will have more information from every part of our server. Coldfusion: Verify Main Datasource List Scheduled Tasks Serve...

Coldfusion - Passing variables to cfinclude

Hello, How can I pass a variable to a cfm page that I'm including from another page? Example: <cfset = "me"> <cfset a.age = 135> <cfinclude template="displayNameAndAgeFrom_A.cfm"> and displayNameAndAgeFrom_A.cfm is <cfoutput> #a.age#</cfoutput> Thanks! ...

Reading a Shapefile with ColdFusion

I am trying to read a binary file and parse the bytes I have the white paper spec on Shapefiles to know how to parse the file, however I cannot seem to find the correct functions in ColdFusion to handle reading bytes and deciding what to do with them. <cffile action="READBINARY" file="mypath/www/_Dev/tl_2009_25_place.shp" var...

Capture Dynamic Form Fields using Coldfusion

I'm currently working on a project and I just can't seem to get my head around a way to get this to work using Coldfusion on the backend, and I'm hoping to find an expert to help. I'm using the jQuery plugin relCopy to add "Ingredient" fields to my form. (I'd link, but it's only allowing one.) This is the beginning of several problems ...

What are the best practices to handling multi-step forms in Coldfusion?

I have a three step form where each step posts to it's own action; the action redirects to the next step. The data is stored in the session scope. I have a filter that prevents a user from accessing the form handlers through anything other than a post request. There's nothing to stop someone from manually typing in the address of a step...

mysql - getting the last 10 unique months

I want to get the last 10 unique months where there have been events, stored as event_date as a mysql date. I am using coldfusion so could group the result but can't get that working as I would like. This is what I have so far. SELECT MONTH(event_date) AS month, YEAR(event_date) AS year, event_date from events so ideally if there wer...

Coldfusion form not updating database

I have a form that updates on the same page is it on...this form worked last week and I have not touched the code AT ALL. What could have changed? :\ "It is not working.." as in...once the information is submitted, the information in the database is not updated. :\ NOTE: I KNOW I need to replace things with cfparam...don't worry about...

Using OpenMap API which class do I use to extract point data from the shapefile?

I am currently using Shapefile class and ColdFusion to go through the "records" of each shapefile. Each record has a bounding box and i am able to get this information but havent found a way to actually retrieve the points inside each record. Can someone shed some light on which classes to use and how to use them? This is the exact sa...

Uploading a file with cfhttp appends a newline (even on binary files)

Update: I've found a workaround. If I submit a dummy form field along with the file, it works. Is this a ColdFusion bug, or is there something in the HTTP spec that says forms must contain at least one non-file form field? Update 2: I'm convinced this is a ColdFusion cfhttp bug. This is based on Leigh's answer and the fact that I used t...

how to get value of cf in javascript

Hi I have the following code in cf and I want to alert out the values ...... ...... <cfelse> <cfset val = structFind(request.session.prefs, key)> <cfquery name="insertPref" datasource="database"> INSERT INTO `database`.`user` ( `cID`, `cl...

uploadify - no response from coldfusion

I have a problem, with uploadify. when using upload.php and echo "hello" I get a response. When changing to upload.cfm and hello I get nothing, no reponse. Any ideas what I can do to get a response from CF. upload.php <?php echo "hello"; ?> upload.cfm <cfoutput>hello</cfoutput> $(document).ready(function() { $('#newsImage'...

Quick regexp question for Railo

Hi, I guess the following line of code looks familiar to many... [^A-Za-z0-9] And what I'd like to do is to keep a block of "text", alphnumeric as stated above and plus punctuations and other special characters that sql for MS Access can handle, also, the special character of # sign would be replaced with ## (a double of it to escape a ...

Buliding up a coldfusion query problem with like

I am trying to build a dynamic sql statement with this line <cfset SQL = "SELECT url, MONTH(event_date) AS months, YEAR(event_date) AS year, event_date, title from events where title LIKE '%#form.event_name#%' "> <cfquery name="results" > #SQL# </cfquery> Seems there is a problem with the like clause. Any ideas? Do I need to escape t...

Detecting a file mimetype in coldfusion that's already uploaded on the server

I am attempting to detect the file type of a library of files on our webserver as we are implementing code that is designed to stream files to the browser securely. Previously, the files were being stored and presented to users via a direct href. I have attempted to do this 3 different ways, all on my local machine (which is NOT a simu...

CFHTTP Content-Length Header for post to Google Voice "API"

Greetings. I'm trying to send a quick sms through google voice using their existing API. I think the api is what's left from the Grand Central days. They don't have much documentation. Here's where I got my documentation: I can authenticate using cfhttp and get the correct resp...

Is there a publicly available piece of Coldfusion code that will reliably convert e-mail "source code" into plain text?

I'm modifying the Coldfusion-based interface for a listserv admin application to show snippits of recently-posted messages on a page. The messages are all stored in a SQL Server 2005 database on the listserv's mail server, and in theory it should be easy enough to query the recent ones and display them. However, the "message" column of t...

How to reorder struct columns?

Hey guys, I'm trying to display my results from a CFQuery in a specific order. The order is to be maintained in the database so that it can be manipulated, and there are an unknown number of columns per table. The final row in the table is "ColumnOrder": each column has a number to specify it's sort order, 0 means "don't display". I'm t...

Coldfusion Error Handling Problem

In my Application.cfc, I have an onError function that works great for all errors except when the page being called has a missing closing tag. The error being thrown is InvalidEndTagNestingConfigurationException. I would like to catch these types errors as well in the application. Why doesn't onError catch a missing closing tag error? ...

Coldfusion Regex question

Hi, I currently have a coldfusion regex that checks whether a string is alphanumeric or not. I would like to open that up a bit more to allow period and underscore characters. How would I modify this to allow that? <cfset isValid= true/> <cfif REFind("[^[:alnum:]]", arguments.stringToCheck, 1) GT 0> <cfset isValid= false /> </cfif> ...